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Too hot to crochet

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Ugghhh! it's 10 at night, and it is 84 degrees outside and our central air conditioning does not work.:( I would really really like to sit and catch up on my crochet projects, but it is just too hot.

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It's 11:45 and 88 degrees...ugh.


We just got in from tracking down some of the homeless guys we check on...you could cut the humidity with a knife. Our a/c is on as little as possible...had to give up on the afghan I was working on.


Work on little things...only way to get past this heat.

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It was so hot yesterday, I didn't even finish my errands. Then we had a lot of rain last night, so that seemed to have cooled things just a bit. But I'm sure it will just bring the humidity up to unbearable.



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I really feel for you guys with no air. I have to have it, so when it goes, I have to call for repair. (asthmatic).

When it gets hot and humid here, I switch to thread. It is lighter and I can work on small projects. Even my hands don't seem to sweat as much.

They just gave the dew point here, at 7 AM it was 77 that means anything over 70 means when you step out, you will sweat. Well DUH:rolleyes

Try and stay cool everyone.:hook

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I put down my afghan and am working on a dress for Arden from Crochet Garden in thread. Little stitches don't go as fast, but at :hugleast I am getting something accomplished!

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It has been horribly muggy up here, too, this summer. Nothing like you are getting on the east coast...only up to low 90's, with dew points forever getting into the 70's (which they label as oppressive and even occasional put out heat advisories on. At that point, you may perspire, but it won't do you any good! it's like walking into a sauna) I'm so glad our little window-rattler cools off the living area to something reasonable.

And yes, I survive the heat also, with little projects, and/or threadies. Afghans are for cold weather crocheting! :P


Stay cool, and I hope your a/c gets better soon! :yes

ETA: sometimes you just have to get a dishpan size tub and fill it with cold water and ice-cubes...putting your feet in that will make a world of difference.


also, and maybe this is for another thread...if you can find those water-crystals you can make a gel type neck cooler. here's one link http://tipnut.com/neck-coolers/

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They just gave the dew point here, at 7 AM it was 77 that means anything over 70 means when you step out, you will sweat. Well DUH:rolleyes


Try and stay cool everyone.:hook

Ha ha Tampa Doll! So true. We were in Fl 3 years ago in July and no sooner did you step out the door you were sweating. A friend of mine lives in Atlantic Beach FL and went without a/c for a few days because it broke down.

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I am feeling very blessed right now. While it is very hot and humid here in Nashville, TN, I am very comfortable. In the past we have relied on two wall air conditioners to cool our house. One small unit in the back bedroom, which is our bedroom, and a larger wall unit in the wall underneath our picture window in the dining area of our living room/dining room. This larger unit also cools the kitchen (although I have a small fan sitting on top of my counter microwave), the little hallway outside of the bathroom, the bathroom, and one bedroom. The other bedroom (we have 3) is next to our bedroom (in fact you have to walk thru this bedroom to get to our bedroom) is cooled mostly by the wall unit in our bedroom. We also have ceiling fans in each room except the bathroom and kitchen. In the past when the humidity was real high these wall units along with the ceiling fans would keep things tolerable in the house. But about four weeks ago we had our furnace replaced because the old one had been destroyed by the flooding we had in our basement. At that time we added central air. That very first day with central air the unit ran and ran. Now that it has the humidity out of the house it stays very comfortable in the house and doesn't run as often. We still use our ceiling fans which means we can keep the central air set on a higher temperature and it still feels cool. But that doesn't mean I am crocheting any large items like an afghan (which I have one I need to finish). No, I am working on dishcloths. Thanks for the tips on keeping cool though. Who knows when they may come in handy. Or everyone could do one of the goofy things I have done in the past to help keep cool. Play Christmas music. Don't laugh. :rofl It really works. Stay cool everyone!!!

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I have actually been working on afghans. My husband is a consultant and usually works out of his home office which is upstairs. Our air conditioning is so bad that to keep it bearable in his office we have to keep it turned down to 70 degrees. (I'll be so glad to move from this rental back to my own home!) Even so, I usually sit in front of a fan as I crochet (I'm at that age...).

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yea it was 80 sum here in ga.. but with the humidity it felt in the 90's at 10 last night...

I think i'd go crzy without our Central air!!!..


80 something last night.... today it was 97 with a heat index of over 100! And it was AWFUL. And super super humid. I tried to work outside poolside at a friend's daughter's birthday party I went to earlier, but I just had to move it indoors into the A/C. My skin felt like it was cooking.

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My kids hate it this summer. I'm trying to finish up the baby's blanket for her first birthday tomorrow and the day started out great. Bella Boo gave me a great big smile when she woke up instead of her usual "Mem! Up! Mem! Up Mem! Up! Mem! Up! Mem!" and it was cool enough to sew in all those pesky ends and she wasn't yanking on the blanket every five minutes. Then it got hotter so I started hogging the fans so I could finish it. Then the kids started complaining so I've put it away since 3 this afternoon and waiting for it to cool down again.


Hugs and Cookies

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This summer has been a scorcher. Last week I was visiting a friend in Hemet, CA. No A/C in their house and it was in the 90s! I was finishing a spiderman rr for another friend in CA and it was not an experience I care to repeat. Guess I should have been motivated a little sooner to finish it before I left my nicely air conditioned house in Kentucky!

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Our heat index has been 110 or better the past 2 weeks but my man has to have it chilly in our apt. so I can crochet pretty much whatever I want to. If I sit and read or watch a movie I end up covering up with a blankie.. yes he keeps it that chilly in here. I am thankful that our utlilties are included in the rent!!

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Oh I hear ya. I'm in Arizona, where we've been having hot and humid weather. It finally broke last night and rained! But that's rare for here.

The high today is 107 I think ugh!

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