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I admit it -- I am a Pattern Junkie!

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I had told myself -- no more pattern books, pamphlets or downloads. I don't think I could possibly live long enough to crochet all of the ones I have bought already -- not to mention the hundreds of free patterns I have saved on my computer or printed out and put in binders.


But today, the call was too great. I crossed the line and hit that dangerous "BUY"" button for two new crochet books. Actually "new" is a misnomer, bother were older books no longer available in stores. I can usually resist new patterns, but when I find one that I love that I know is out of print, it gnaws at me until I can make it mine. I guess I am worried the last surviving pattern will be snatched up and I will never get to crochet the afghan, sweater, scarf, shawl, or whatever else it might be. Afghans are my particular downfall. If I were to crochet all of the afghan patterns I have now, I could blanket the country!


Today's fall was triggered by finding an unnamed crochet pattern book on ebay that included what I found to be called the "chapeaux afghan." I love those little hats! I won't buy from ebay when they don't list the book name, so after a little investigation, I found the pattern was in two different collections, Favorite Throws and Table Toppers to Crochet and the Big Book of Scrap Crochet Afghans. Both included some other wonderful patterns. I tried to weigh the merits of each but just could not decide. Both went into my cart and should be on their way to me soon. There went my resolve and the moritorium on buying any more crochet books seems to be lifted. I would be ashamed of myself if I weren't so excited about the impending arrival of these two books!


Anyone else a pattern junkie like me? Sometimes I just like to look through them the way some people probably look through books of paintings or sculpture.

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Anyone else a pattern junkie like me? Sometimes I just like to look through them the way some people probably look through books of paintings or sculpture.


I'm a full fledged addict. I check all the big pattern websites daily, multiple times. A lot of designers know me pretty well and see me coming! :lol



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Oh definitely. I am always buying new books, leaflets, printing up patterns from online, etc I finally managed to alphabetize all my crochet and a few knitting books and then put my leaflets in topic order. I do the same thing, sometimes I just look through them too, just for relaxation. And poof, I find something I want to do, out of the blue.


I had to alphabetize them since I have so many (think it is up to over 250 books alone, not including magazines, leaflets and pamphlets) and I could never remember what I had, so when I am ordering online, I just turn around, go to the bookcase and make sure I don't have it. Actually I did the same thing with my other craft books and even my cookbooks, those are by author first, then the others are in order.


My name is LI Roe and I am a patternoholic.


LI Roe

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I am so guilty, guilty, guilty of the same thing. Just as TurtleLvr said, I too am addicted. I know I will never live long enough to make ALL the patterns I "hoarded" over the years, but I cannot get rid of them or I'll just die! The more patterns and pattern books I get, the happier I am. I know about the Chapeaux hat afghan pattern, as I made one from that same book that you bought :P. I'm not sure if I have the other book you mentioned, but now you got me to wondering. If I don't have it, I'll have to get it! :lol

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Add me to the list of pattern junkies. I can't pass a yard sale, antique shop, flea market, etc., to save my life because, "OH MY GOD! Who knows what gem I could be missing out on!!1!" More often than not, there's nothing to find, but I just HAD to stop and look anyway.


Don't even get me started on the online sites. They have become the bane of my existence. I wouldn't have it any other way, though.

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I'm a sucker for dolls and angels.

The more unusual the better. I swear I am not buying another, then I see one I want to try. So add me to the list.:devil

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Yeppers, me too!!!!! I think my accumulation has now reached three lifetimes' worth of patterns. I am a garage sale addict as well and absolutely can NOT resist buying pattern books, booklets, pamphlets and especially Workbasket Magazines when they are just laying on a table with a price tag of only a dime or a quarter each. I have finally managed to curtail the yarn buying but haven't be able to pass up cheap or free patterns.

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I think I am worse now because I once sold off all of my crochet books. When I took up decorative painting, I had to have some space. DH said I needed to purge so I crazily let all of my crochet pattern books & mags go in one sale. Now that I am back to crochet, I keep remembering the patterns I had and it is like a mission to replace them all, while adding all the new things that have come out over the years. (BTW I am not letting go of any of my painting books -- lol! I know I will eventually get back to that too.)


Great to know I am in such good company!

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Hello, my name is Deb and I AM a pattern junkie! I tell myself that I won't buy anymore and then I see someone post something I like and BOOM....there I go, buying another pattern!

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I haven't really thought of myself as a pattern junky because I rarely buy books or pamphlets. I have a few, but not a lot. What I like is the free on-line patterns. I like to browse and read and look at who is doing what.


Discovering on-line patterns pulled me out of a long depression. One of my sisters told me I could find patterns for free on the Net when I was telling her I needed to find certain basic patterns. I honestly thought she was joking. She insisted I go look for myself, so I did.


Was I ever stunned! Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of free patterns! How could this be? Nobody gave away patterns, yet here they were. I was so intrigued, I started looking every night. Finally I asked my sister how I could make copies, and she installed the Word program for me.


I learned Word and figured out a neat system for filing patterns as I gathered them. I figured I would be so happy if I found 2 or 3 dozen patterns I really liked. Ha, ha, ha! I now probably have 2 or 3 hundred patterns, and it makes me so happy.

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I'm a pattern hoarder and I wouldn't have it any other way. You just never know when you're going to want that pattern or when you're going to pick up just the perfect yarn/thread for it. Who knows? You might need that pattern because it's just perfect that friend's mother's sister's son's girlfriend's grandmother's best friend's aunt.


Hugs and Cookies

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I too am a pattern junkie! Whew finally said it :eek. Is there a program for this kind of addiction :think? Not sure that I could possibly stay on the wagon. Just recently purchased some books online, was my saving grace when they finally arrived. My modem had gone done and was frantically waiting for the day it arrived to be back on the 'ville. Was a terrible start to the month. Now I'm back online with my patterns at hand checking out all the new ones I've missed the past 2 weeks. :cheerDH says I'm getting back to normal.

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I'm a pattern hoarder and I wouldn't have it any other way. You just never know when you're going to want that pattern or when you're going to pick up just the perfect yarn/thread for it. Who knows? You might need that pattern because it's just perfect that friend's mother's sister's son's girlfriend's grandmother's best friend's aunt.


I agree totally! I'm a pattern addict and not just for crochet patterns only but knitting, quilting, sewing and other miscellaneous craft patterns as well. Also, I'm an avid reader so there's the books... :book

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AHHH!! More sisters I didn't know I had! I thought I was the Queen of click'n'print! But you now what's even worse? I finally started learning my way around Ravelry!!! Oh, dear...I hear those patterns calling my name! My current obsession is shawls......any body else?

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Count me in as a fellow pattern junkie. If I retired now and crocheted everyday until I die I still wouldn't be able to make all of the patterns I have bought or gotten for free on the internet. And I still look everyday for more and subscribe to three crochet magazines as well!



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Oh, I feel your pain. I have enough patterns to keep me busy until I'm at least 200 yrs. old. I wish I could get my daughter interested in crocheting so she can help me try some of my stash. I don't purchase many books but the downloads are "overload"

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Hi, my name is Kathy aka tnkycrochetnut and I am a pattern collector and yarn stasher addict. Pheeeew!!!! It feels good to confess that. I would have to live a couple hundred years to be able to crochet each of the parrerns I have hoarded over the years.

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Well yeah, but we're assuming we'll only live to 100 or 200. With my luck, when I hit 70, they'll have some shot we'll be forced to have (because it's the humane thing to do) that makes us all live to 500. I certainly want to be prepared for all that time!

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I only started crocheting in January and I've already got TONS of books, downloads (paid and free), etc etc. It's completely addicting and I just love looking through the different pictures and dreaming up my next projects!!

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