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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Good afternoon, everyone! I finally took pain pills for the arthritis last night and slept well and long. Not sure what's on the agenda for today other than a quick trip to the library to return a couple of books. Time will tell I guess. Hope everyone has a good day! :manyheart

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Linda - Good for you taking the pills :hug Sometimes it's hard to bite the bullet and take something isn't it?


Working on the baby blanket today and hopefully my little head will stay straight from my med adjustments :irk


Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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I just put my H bag together last night (one i had in the closet waiting to be finished) I made it out of a varigated cotton. Anyways, I still need to weave the ends in and I cant BELIEVE how many ends there are! guess I should have weaved as I go. Looks like my yarn exploded on the inside of my bag! Mom is going to line it for me and then I'll attach handles. Can't wait to see yours!


Aaaah, it's cotton. Just knot the ends and line the darn thing. No one will notice, and it will be faster. :D

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Good morning Mary :hug My last entry will be a baby blanket :hook

Looking forward to seeing it! I hope your back is a little better. :manyheart


I'm working on putting my H bag together and fingers crossed it'll be finished by tomorrow night :clap


So the Vanna's Choice in Silver blue and Colonial blue that I bought for a wrap? I'm thinking I want to do an H bag with those. And since I bought beads for the pattern (that I wasn't really feeling), I want to incorporate them into the bag somehow. Now, to find a square pattern that jumps out at me for that :hook

Those colors would make a beautiful H bag. Did you find a square pattern you like? :)


Mary - 20 more solids to report. AHHH that feels good :manyheart


Off to sleep I go now. I'm tired from traveling.

Good for you! It does feel good to get back to crocheting. :hook


Good afternoon, everyone! I finally took pain pills for the arthritis last night and slept well and long. Not sure what's on the agenda for today other than a quick trip to the library to return a couple of books. Time will tell I guess. Hope everyone has a good day! :manyheart

You stay so busy and have made so many wonderful things...I hope you're having a quiet, relaxing day. :yes


We've had a wonderful weekend. Dinner was lots of fun and we stayed up until almost 2a.m. talking. :lol This morning we all met for brunch at a favorite restaurant and my sister went home from there.

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Finally finished! :cheer The second picture is just to show the overall pattern and was taken before any border was added. (Clickable)






Beautiful Mary and I love the border! :clap:clap

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Thank you to Judy, Krystal and Tracy! :manyheart It's in the washer now, so that it will soften up a bit.


Tracy, yes I think the visit was good for my sister. She's had a very hard time dealing with losing her DH. Thankfully, she has lots of wonderful friends and neighbors where she lives.

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It is! Thank you! :c9 She will be 8 months already on the 11th! :(


Wow time flies when your having fun huh.


I'm back from my trip to San Francisco and I'm ready to get back to my niece's birthday ATW. I have to go into the office this morning to get some paperwork done but then I am coming home to keep going on her blanket. I'm getting closer to done and need to have this in the mail soon (her birthday is Jan 27th)


Mary - thanks for the goodies - I LOVE the tea - tried it last night :D


Im sure you will get it done in time, cant wait to see it.


Good Morning, everyone. :) Our 80 degrees yesterday turned into 28 degrees this a.m. :wgrin My sister (who lost her DH in November) is coming over today and spending the night. DD and her DH will be here for dinner, too! We may go shopping this afternoon depending on when she gets here.


Karen, you are welcome! I'm so glad you had a good time in SF. :yes


Tracy ~ Pictures? :D Just a reminder in case your sometimers showed up again. :devil


I hope you all had a great day. :hug


:blush I did forget to show my photos here. I am so sorry. :nworthy Please forgive me? :devil


Okay, so here are some photos. :D


th_100_1632.jpg Baby rainbow ghan


th_100_1554.jpg My nephew modeling top and hat for my SSP (he doesn't care it was for a girl, he likes modeling :lol)


th_100_1624.jpg The view opposite our house this morning. :wbrr


th_100_1630.jpg A chapeau square I made yesterday. Making more today. :hook


:whew I hope the photo shoot gets me out of trouble. :wink


Beautiful work and I love the photo of the view opposite of your house, looking at that makes you want to have a hot milo and snuggle under the blankie.


Good morning. John is out looking for a deer he thinks he shot with his bow last night at dusk. It's supposed to rain later, so he's out now. I have errands to run after he gets home.


Pickles, thanks for reporting the spam. It was bad!


Tracy, your work is stunning! Love them all. The view outside your house looks cold, but beautiful.


Mary, have a good time with all the family.


I just finished the last "CAYLOR" filet piece. Yeah! :yay Just have to hide the tails and then starch and iron it and wrap it up. I finished hiding all the tails on a doily yesterday, so will starch, iron, and wrap it up, too. Now on to the "Stacked Cubes" and Christmas stockings. :hook


Congratulations on finishing the last filet piece, you sure have done a lot of them lately, you will be an expert now. :yay


Good morning everyone in the Happy House! Just stopped to say hello! Hope everyone's saltines are munching right along! :lol (geez that was cheesy)





I just put my H bag together last night (one i had in the closet waiting to be finished) I made it out of a varigated cotton. Anyways, I still need to weave the ends in and I cant BELIEVE how many ends there are! guess I should have weaved as I go. Looks like my yarn exploded on the inside of my bag! Mom is going to line it for me and then I'll attach handles. Can't wait to see yours!


Yes do what Krystal says as your going to line it anyway. :yes


Finally finished! :cheer The second picture is just to show the overall pattern and was taken before any border was added. (Clickable)






Mary I love the border you did, its just gorgeous, very professional looking. :clap :clap

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Finally finished! :cheer The second picture is just to show the overall pattern and was taken before any border was added. (Clickable)





WOW!!! It's wonderful, Mary.


I'm having a relaxing, quiet day just taking it easy.

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Mary, that's beautiful! And no, I haven't looked for a square pattern to use beads with yet. I'm still finishing my rosy glow H bag. Which will be done tonight :cheer! Then I'll need to focus on the baby blanket since the baby is due in like a month and a half :D

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I found Happy Yellow House a few months ago and have the Amish Basket started. I'm not even done with one of the whole basket motifs, I have like 6 rows of it done or something.


My biggest problem though is hiding all the strings in the back... what do you recomend?

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Queen morning to you and welcome to the group. What I do with the solid color squares is leave a long tail at the end and I use that to sew the squares together, it makes it easier. When you do the bicolors I do weave in all the ends. What colours are you using for the Amish, I made this one too and its a gorgeous pattern.

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Good Morning Ladies!!

Mary your ghan is beautiful! I just love it!

Tracy I really like the rainbow ghan. Can you tell me where I can get the pattern? Oh and your model is adorable!

Ok, I am going to start my DIC in the next couple of days so I would like to join the saltine smackdown. I am making mine w/ SS in chocolate, autumn red and off white. I am doing a slightly different square but still saltine sized.

Everyone have a wonderful day! :yay

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Selanda, that sounds like a pretty combination of colors.

As long as your square is the first 2 rounds of a granny type and saltine-sized I don't see why you can't jump in here....we'll see what Mary and others say, though - since I moved to another project (or more:eek) I'm mostly lurking here:lol

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Good Morning Ladies!!


Mary your ghan is beautiful! I just love it!


Tracy I really like the rainbow ghan. Can you tell me where I can get the pattern? Oh and your model is adorable!


Ok, I am going to start my DIC in the next couple of days so I would like to join the saltine smackdown. I am making mine w/ SS in chocolate, autumn red and off white. I am doing a slightly different square but still saltine sized.


Everyone have a wonderful day! :yay

Selanda, those colors sound like an awesome combination. Welcome to the group. :welcome


Good morning, everyone. I'm awake. I actually worked a little bit on the Painted Desert yesterday. I'm closer than I thought on crocheting the last of the squares although I still have all the bi-color and 4-color saltines to crochet for both of the last 2 blocks. :lol :lol :lol Most of the solids are done. Today is snowflake and angel day. (One of my patterns this week.) More later. Happy Crocheting! :hook :hook

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