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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Morning! Wow, 4am comes fast :lol Alex's feeding/change went VERY smooth for me this morning so I allowed DH to sleep...he's gonna have fun with that diaper :D My infection seems 10 times better already, Im hardly having drainage now so we will see what my doctor says Friday and thankfully hes the one that did the surgery so. I feel safer with it covered up. Im just happy that where Im seen they take really good care of us. Alex has/had clogged tear ducts and they are clearing up now. As of yesterday he was almost back up to birth weight(he lost almost a lb in the hospital) I knew my body was gonna have a rough time with this whole major surgery thing but it is very worth it to feel icky for a few weeks than to not have my son. We don't have any appts today so momma is gonna take it easy. DH may go see about getting our house loan and we still need one converter box for the bedroom :eek I have full intentions of picking up the Geo today... ;)

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Hi Happy House Ladies. :) It turned into a very long day - Maggie and Zoe must have thought they were orphans. ;) I ended up spending most of the day dealing with parent issues and didn't get home until after 7...and I have a horrible time driving after dark. :eek


I'm going to catch up on posts, have a glass of wine and crawl into bed. Thanks for being here once again. :manyheart


Mary sorry you had a rough day. Take it easy and relax today. :hug


Morning! Wow, 4am comes fast :lol Alex's feeding/change went VERY smooth for me this morning so I allowed DH to sleep...he's gonna have fun with that diaper :D My infection seems 10 times better already, Im hardly having drainage now so we will see what my doctor says Friday and thankfully hes the one that did the surgery so. I feel safer with it covered up. Im just happy that where Im seen they take really good care of us. Alex has/had clogged tear ducts and they are clearing up now. As of yesterday he was almost back up to birth weight(he lost almost a lb in the hospital) I knew my body was gonna have a rough time with this whole major surgery thing but it is very worth it to feel icky for a few weeks than to not have my son. We don't have any appts today so momma is gonna take it easy. DH may go see about getting our house loan and we still need one converter box for the bedroom :eek I have full intentions of picking up the Geo today... ;)


Im glad your a lot better today. Just relax and crochet the day away. :hug

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Hi Happy House Ladies. :) It turned into a very long day - Maggie and Zoe must have thought they were orphans. ;) I ended up spending most of the day dealing with parent issues and didn't get home until after 7...and I have a horrible time driving after dark. :eek


I'm going to catch up on posts, have a glass of wine and crawl into bed. Thanks for being here once again. :manyheart

Hope all the parent issues got taken care of so you can relax today. :hug

Morning! Wow, 4am comes fast :lol Alex's feeding/change went VERY smooth for me this morning so I allowed DH to sleep...he's gonna have fun with that diaper :D My infection seems 10 times better already, Im hardly having drainage now so we will see what my doctor says Friday and thankfully hes the one that did the surgery so. I feel safer with it covered up. Im just happy that where Im seen they take really good care of us. Alex has/had clogged tear ducts and they are clearing up now. As of yesterday he was almost back up to birth weight(he lost almost a lb in the hospital) I knew my body was gonna have a rough time with this whole major surgery thing but it is very worth it to feel icky for a few weeks than to not have my son. We don't have any appts today so momma is gonna take it easy. DH may go see about getting our house loan and we still need one converter box for the bedroom :eek I have full intentions of picking up the Geo today... ;)

Erin, I'm glad things are improving. Take it easy and don't overdue it today. Working on the Geo sounds like just the ticket.


I'll get the yarn on its way this weekend, Cara. Glad you can use it. It was with other yarn that Kim's mom gave me. :)

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Good Morning, ladies. Thanks so much for your support. :manyheart Obviously, it's a very frustrating situation and the sad part is that there's nothing any of us can do until they admit they need some help at home or in assisted living. DH and I have gone through this with his parents over the years - starting in 1972! :( I'd much rather have experience doing something else. :lol Enough about me and thanks for letting me vent...again. :hug


Cara~Yay for more rug yarn. :hook Have you finished the GT?


Erin, I'm so glad your infection is better. I hope you get some rest today and some crochet time, too! :yes


Hi to Tracy, Linda and Wendy. :)


I'm off to take care of those errands that didn't get done yesterday. Have a great day/evening. :manyheart

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Have a great day, Mary.


Cara, I found another skein of rug yarn for you. 1 1/2 oz of cinnamon (Caron brand.) I think that's the last of it, but will double check again.


I was working on posting 3 more snowflake patterns last night. I had to crochet one of them again because I couldn't figure out my own notes. :lol :lol :lol It's written much better now.


It's been alternately raining and sun shining so far today. It clears up for a bit and then gets all dark and rains again. We need the rain so I won't complain too much. And it's way better than snow or ice. Not as pretty, but safer. :D

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Ok, I give up on the wrap. It's not that I can't do it, I can and it went pretty quickly. But I changed my mind about doing the beaded one. And I can't decide what I do want to do. So I give up.

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Linda hope you can work out your instructions on the snowflakes. :lol


Mary have a nice restful afternoon, you deserve it. :hug


Priszm when you have trouble deciding on what to do with a project then you know you will probably never finish it. Maybe give it a break and take it up again later on.


I did 10 rows on the vertical stripe last night, that goes so fast, its a great project to do in front of the tv. Today not sure, might do some on the scrappy doo or some rainbow motifs.

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Priszm when you have trouble deciding on what to do with a project then you know you will probably never finish it. Maybe give it a break and take it up again later on.


Yep :lol I frogged it and wrapped it all up again. I guess I'll just have to make sure and pack my nice warm sweater just in case.

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Morning! Wow, 4am comes fast :lol Alex's feeding/change went VERY smooth for me this morning so I allowed DH to sleep...he's gonna have fun with that diaper :D My infection seems 10 times better already, Im hardly having drainage now so we will see what my doctor says Friday and thankfully hes the one that did the surgery so. I feel safer with it covered up. Im just happy that where Im seen they take really good care of us. Alex has/had clogged tear ducts and they are clearing up now. As of yesterday he was almost back up to birth weight(he lost almost a lb in the hospital) I knew my body was gonna have a rough time with this whole major surgery thing but it is very worth it to feel icky for a few weeks than to not have my son. We don't have any appts today so momma is gonna take it easy. DH may go see about getting our house loan and we still need one converter box for the bedroom :eek I have full intentions of picking up the Geo today... ;)


All that is perfectly normal. Many babies have blocked tear ducts at first and every baby I've ever seen loses weight after birth :yes Good for you taking it easy today. Things with Alex will get much easier once you get a rhthym going :hug


I'll get the yarn on its way this weekend, Cara. Glad you can use it. It was with other yarn that Kim's mom gave me. :)


Ooh thank you very, very much! :hug


Good Morning, ladies. Thanks so much for your support. :manyheart Obviously, it's a very frustrating situation and the sad part is that there's nothing any of us can do until they admit they need some help at home or in assisted living. DH and I have gone through this with his parents over the years - starting in 1972! :( I'd much rather have experience doing something else. :lol Enough about me and thanks for letting me vent...again. :hug


You've been going through this nonsense since 1972?!? I never want to do that to my family. I'm just waiting for the day when I can get some personal assistance :lol You vent all you want. We may not know what to do but we can listen :hug


Cara, I found another skein of rug yarn for you. 1 1/2 oz of cinnamon (Caron brand.) I think that's the last of it, but will double check again.


I was working on posting 3 more snowflake patterns last night. I had to crochet one of them again because I couldn't figure out my own notes. :lol :lol :lol It's written much better now.



Oh goodie! The rug yarn is multiplying :D Dontcha just hate when you can't read your own notes? :lol


Ok, I give up on the wrap. It's not that I can't do it, I can and it went pretty quickly. But I changed my mind about doing the beaded one. And I can't decide what I do want to do. So I give up.


Probably best to step away from it for a while I'd say :yes


I did 10 rows on the vertical stripe last night, that goes so fast, its a great project to do in front of the tv. Today not sure, might do some on the scrappy doo or some rainbow motifs.


Sounds like your 2009 WIPs are off to a good start :D


I finished the GT in the wee hours this morning :yay Came out pretty great I think. No photo yet and we're losing light. I'll get that tomorrow. Went to buy the groceries and get a long overdue haircut today. The pantry's full and I look 10 years younger without all that nasty hair :lol

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Popping in again. :blush I just can't keep up everywhere anymore. :eek


I have been working on my pinwheel/it takes a village quilt. I'm about ready to add the 4th row out of 6 on it but here it is so far.




Also I have 17 solids and 8 bi-color saltines to report. :yay


I bought my colors today for the next quilt I'm doing and I've still got to make 16 more blocks to finish this pinwheel one so hopefully I'll make more saltines this year than I did last year. :lol

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Popping in again. :blush I just can't keep up everywhere anymore. :eek


I have been working on my pinwheel/it takes a village quilt. I'm about ready to add the 4th row out of 6 on it but here it is so far.




Also I have 17 solids and 8 bi-color saltines to report. :yay


I bought my colors today for the next quilt I'm doing and I've still got to make 16 more blocks to finish this pinwheel one so hopefully I'll make more saltines this year than I did last year. :lol

Heather, it's very, very pretty. Whose feet are those at the top?

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Popping in again. :blush I just can't keep up everywhere anymore. :eek


I have been working on my pinwheel/it takes a village quilt. I'm about ready to add the 4th row out of 6 on it but here it is so far.




Also I have 17 solids and 8 bi-color saltines to report. :yay


I bought my colors today for the next quilt I'm doing and I've still got to make 16 more blocks to finish this pinwheel one so hopefully I'll make more saltines this year than I did last year. :lol


Looks great Heather :clap

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Erin - glad you & the baby are doing good.


Mary - You definatley need to take it easy for a few days!


Wendy - It sounds like you're on your way to a great start. I was until this week lol. getting thrown 2 projects like I did screws ya up. I got one done & need to do another. the boys decided they needed scarves when at their dads as he makes them work for their stay as well as everything else. He works at the paper route. Scarves def. needed until I can prove what he is doing... Anyhow.


Cara- can't wait to see the GT!


heather - That looks wonderful! I do love that one.

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I just wanted to let everyone know that I finished my first VVS yesterday:clap (I started another one today!). Pictures are in my blog plus I posted pictures of some of the other things I have been making there, too. Thanks for looking.

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I just wanted to let everyone know that I finished my first VVS yesterday:clap (I started another one today!). Pictures are in my blog plus I posted pictures of some of the other things I have been making there, too. Thanks for looking.


Looks great Linda :clap And Maurice is a great afghan model :lol

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I just wanted to let everyone know that I finished my first VVS yesterday:clap (I started another one today!). Pictures are in my blog plus I posted pictures of some of the other things I have been making there, too. Thanks for looking.


Linda it looks fantastic, I cant believe you have finished it already. Well done :clap I love all the other things you made as well, you certainly have been busy.

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Heather, it's very, very pretty. Whose feet are those at the top?



:lol DD's feet. She wanted to be in the photo. She is the future recipient of the quilt so she's watching over it :lol


Thanks everybody. I swear I don't think this will ever end :lol

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Well, it worked for Hemingway :rofl Still I don't recommend it :D


Pretty sure you could create some interesting free form crochet in this condition!! :lol:lol:lol:lol


Hi Happy House Ladies. :) It turned into a very long day - Maggie and Zoe must have thought they were orphans. ;) I ended up spending most of the day dealing with parent issues and didn't get home until after 7...and I have a horrible time driving after dark. :eek


I'm going to catch up on posts, have a glass of wine and crawl into bed. Thanks for being here once again. :manyheart


:hug:hug:hug I watched my mom go thru the struggle with parents about 5 years ago and it was even worse due to selfish siblings so my heart goes out to you!


Popping in again. :blush I just can't keep up everywhere anymore. :eek


I have been working on my pinwheel/it takes a village quilt. I'm about ready to add the 4th row out of 6 on it but here it is so far.




Also I have 17 solids and 8 bi-color saltines to report. :yay


I bought my colors today for the next quilt I'm doing and I've still got to make 16 more blocks to finish this pinwheel one so hopefully I'll make more saltines this year than I did last year. :lol


Its beautiful! :c9


I just wanted to let everyone know that I finished my first VVS yesterday:clap (I started another one today!). Pictures are in my blog plus I posted pictures of some of the other things I have been making there, too. Thanks for looking.

Its awesome!!! :clap:clapI will have to say that pattern is addicting, I'm only a quarter of the way thru mine and i'm already planning my next!





:Dpsssstttt ladies! I posted for a new CAL for those of you that are interested in adding another WIP! (Wendy I know you are there somewhere! :devil) Check out the Mile-a-minute-a-long!

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:Dpsssstttt ladies! I posted for a new CAL for those of you that are interested in adding another WIP! (Wendy I know you are there somewhere! :devil) Check out the Mile-a-minute-a-long!


I dont know, these people that try to get everyone to have more wips I tell ya. :rofl


Great idea, not sure what I could make at this stage. I tell ya what, you join us in the LTK(learn to knit afghan by Barbara Walker) on the Sky Cal and I will join you in this one. :rofl

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