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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hi everybody,


I haven't been able to get on the computer because we had hackers. I had my bank card cancelled and reissued about a month ago because I showed up on the bank's list among many others that had been targeted by hackers.


We we had another episode. My nephew has secured everything so we should be okay. I've missed dropping in. I haven't read post yet. I think I'm going to take a nap before I do.


:hug :hug

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Hi everybody,


I haven't been able to get on the computer because we had hackers. I had my bank card cancelled and reissued about a month ago because I showed up on the bank's list among many others that had been targeted by hackers.


We we had another episode. My nephew has secured everything so we should be okay. I've missed dropping in. I haven't read post yet. I think I'm going to take a nap before I do.

Rats!! I sometimes wonder what's wrong with some people. It happened to me last summer and it's sooooooo frustrating.

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Hi everybody,


I haven't been able to get on the computer because we had hackers. I had my bank card cancelled and reissued about a month ago because I showed up on the bank's list among many others that had been targeted by hackers.


We we had another episode. My nephew has secured everything so we should be okay. I've missed dropping in. I haven't read post yet. I think I'm going to take a nap before I do.


Awww Valerie! That's terrible! :hug :hug :hug Well, welcome back! I think I may have joined this CAL after you stopped checking in. So, here's me saying "Hi!" :hi


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Evening Ladies!!!


I am so far behind...haven't felt good....my nerves have started acting up again so ive been kind of off kilter...going to the doctor on Thursday...Im so scared that i cant sleep or eat...it will be the first time i have left the house since last summer so its time but its also very,very hard for me,makes me feel like i cant breath.




Nicole...I love the colors you are using and congrats on your first Bi-square :hug


Hope everyone is well and doing good!!:hug

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I also have multiples of my favorite hooks. I seem to keep buying these hook eating sofas :rofl I also have to buy multiple thermometers. I just can't ever seem to find one :blush Poor Kim :( I sure hope the doctor can do something for her and John :hug :hug


You are too funny! :lol


only a quick post tonight....hubby is ready for a movie and popcorn. I made 34 more solid squares today. Almost halfway there with the square part of the blanket.


Can you post pictures? Or do you want to wait until it's done? I just like see everyone's pictures. It's great inspiration for me.


Nicole - I guess I missed the posts where you frogged, but it looks so pretty. I would never think to do those colors in that quilt, and they are turning out so pretty! :cheer




So, I made it out to Michael's this evening :yay. I got a G-hook :hook, and an H-hook :hook. My Soft White squares are turning out a bit smaller than the other colors, so I'll try the bigger hook. And got Burger King :takeout on the way back. I was able to eat about half a burger. Better than nothing, I suppose. :shrug


I am sooo tired! :tired I've been updating my blog since a little before midnight, but now I've finally got photos :photo of my progress up. Click here. Well, as soon as I'm done updating C-ville, I'm off to bed. :sleep


Oh! I just remembered! Mary - Put me down for having 140 solid squares, so 140 points!


That's all folks!



Hurray for new hooks! :hook My mom's living room is in that color blue. I thought, for her, these colors would work better. Plus, I like the idea of light blue colored wings as opposed to whtie.


I like your color combo!:cheer



The size of your saltines depends on your tension, hook size and type of yarn you're using, which I'm sure you know. Cara's patterns are all (or 995 of them) made with RHSS yarn, which is thicker than some WW.

...you're a regular saltine-making machine!! Great job!


Hi there again! How have you been doing lately?


Yeah, now I have two stashes, one of yarn, and the beginning of one in material.


It's looking great, Nicole! Good job on the bi-color square.


Kim's fever is down this morning and she had a bit better night last night. And my left ear popped multiple times yesterday and I can now hear out of it again. It's not quite back to normal but much, much better. Wheeeeee!! :yay


:cheer Yeah....you all are starting to feel better!!!


Yep most of them are made with RHSS. But even in the RH there can be variances :irk Case in point, seems every skein I ever get of Cornmeal anymore is considerably thinner. I just loosen my tension or use a bigger hook :yes




I'm so glad y'all are on the mend! :hug And get score on the fabric! :h5


Nina - Get progress on the saltines! :cheer


Nicole - Great job on the bicolor square :clap And you're right. If you sewed you'd have even more WIPs just like I have at the moment :lol


Just a quick check in this morning. BD and I have an eye doctor appointment at 2:30 and it's already after 11.


Hopefully once that's done I'll be getting some crochet done today again :hook


Oh and it's raining (or at least it was) again. Still cooler but now, of course, it's getting muggy :P Can't have everything eh? :lol


I hope your eye appointments went well. I have to go that in August myself. :yes


Nicole and Nina ~ Your blogs are great! It's fun to see people's pictures in one place. :)


I think I've caught up on posts, and sure hope I haven't missed anyone. :blush Gracie had her appt. for Rabies and booster shots this a.m., but our Vet decided to wait one more week, since she is so small. He's only 10 minutes away and Gracie had fun playing with one of their clinic cats...and I am thrilled that he is so caring and careful!


Thanks for checking out my blog. :manyheart Sounds like Gracie has a good doctor. My vet is wonderful. My Pipsy is a very sick girl. Her vet has been a God-send for both of us.


Evening Ladies!!!


I am so far behind...haven't felt good....my nerves have started acting up again so ive been kind of off kilter...going to the doctor on Thursday...Im so scared that i cant sleep or eat...it will be the first time i have left the house since last summer so its time but its also very,very hard for me,makes me feel like i cant breath.




Nicole...I love the colors you are using and congrats on your first Bi-square :hug


Hope everyone is well and doing good!!:hug


I'm going to say a Rosary for you tonight. Big hugs!


Not much going on with me. Just working on saltines! Chat with you all soon.

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Yes, my eye appointment went wonderfully! At 43 years old and having to wear glasses since I was SIX my eyes actually improved :eek I went from -5.25 down to -5.00 on my Rx. I don't know who was more surprised. Me or the doctor. With the new contact Rx I can see so much better. I was having problems but that seems to have solved it. He's not the first doctor to come up with -5.25. I've had that prescription forever.


It's just nice to come back from a doctor of any kind and actually have an improvement :lol

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Thanks so much...it helps :hug



Im so glad your eye appointment went well and that they were better :cheer...I chickened out of mine and didn't go*sigh*Hoping after i see the Doctor i can make it.

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Yes, my eye appointment went wonderfully! At 43 years old and having to wear glasses since I was SIX my eyes actually improved :eek I went from -5.25 down to -5.00 on my Rx. I don't know who was more surprised. Me or the doctor. With the new contact Rx I can see so much better. I was having problems but that seems to have solved it. He's not the first doctor to come up with -5.25. I've had that prescription forever.


It's just nice to come back from a doctor of any kind and actually have an improvement :lol

That's what happened with my one brother - once he went to contact lenses his eyes improved slightly..and his vision was very bad!

Evening Ladies!!!


I am so far behind...haven't felt good....my nerves have started acting up again so ive been kind of off kilter...going to the doctor on Thursday...Im so scared that i cant sleep or eat...it will be the first time i have left the house since last summer so its time but its also very,very hard for me,makes me feel like i cant breath.

Oh, hon..I hope you feel better soon. I've had panic attacks off and on...and it's very frightening.

Hugs to you:hug:hug


Nicole, I'm working on my saltines and have gotten involved in HIJ;) I waited till the last day to finally decide!:lol We now have Summer...and I can't wait for Fall. The only good thing about Summer is the flowers:D

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I am so far behind...haven't felt good....my nerves have started acting up again so ive been kind of off kilter...going to the doctor on Thursday...Im so scared that i cant sleep or eat...it will be the first time i have left the house since last summer so its time but its also very,very hard for me,makes me feel like i cant breath.

Oh, Shay! That's such an awful feeling! I've had panic attacks, too, and they make life miserable. Hope the doctor can help you with them. I'm praying for you.


Kim is improving. John still sounds awful. :sick I can hear out of the left ear again. All in all, we are doing better. :)


Rosie got the cast off her arm yesterday and is allowed to start weight bearing with her leg. Hooray!!!! :yay She has been getting out of the house and doing some shopping with Candy this week, too. :shop Another big improvement. Candy leaves for home today. Sigh! :sigh We'll miss her. Andrea, Rosie's daughter, and her family get back from a trip to Florida the end of the week, so lots happening next door. :drive

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Thanks so much...it helps :hug



Im so glad your eye appointment went well and that they were better :cheer...I chickened out of mine and didn't go*sigh*Hoping after i see the Doctor i can make it.


You poor dear :hug Sounds like you've been having a rough time lately. Hope things improve quickly :hug


We now have Summer...and I can't wait for Fall. The only good thing about Summer is the flowers:D


Ain't that the truth :lol I'm already sick of summer and it's just begun :P


Kim is improving. John still sounds awful. :sick I can hear out of the left ear again. All in all, we are doing better. :)


Rosie got the cast off her arm yesterday and is allowed to start weight bearing with her leg. Hooray!!!! :yay She has been getting out of the house and doing some shopping with Candy this week, too. :shop Another big improvement. Candy leaves for home today. Sigh! :sigh We'll miss her. Andrea, Rosie's daughter, and her family get back from a trip to Florida the end of the week, so lots happening next door. :drive


Sounds like everyone's finally on the mend in your little corner of the world! :yay That's great news :manyheart


I've got tons to do today. Tomorrow is BDs b-day, we're having a big family BBQ this weekend, my sisters and I are going out Friday night for a long bingo session (aren't we the exciting group :lol) and I have a swap package that has to get finished. I'm gonna be a busy, busy gal from now til Sunday. I'd better get moving :lol


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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Mary, 60 solids, please.

The ATW is nearly finished:hook


I hope your day went well.

Our vets are both great, in particular the one who discovered Susie's autoimmune problems. A few years ago we thought she was dying. Our extremely stoic girl could barely move and stayed in her crate for a couple of days. I took her to the big vet practice nearby and after some brainstorming we figured out she was sick because of the last vaccines she had gotten a month earlier. She had so many antibodies from years of shots that she didn't need them. Her joints were all hot and inflammed and were so painful she could barely walk, never mind jump on the bed like she used to do.

So, now she's on prednisone, meds for her arthritis, meds for her urinary sphincter, as well as the prescription food and pancreazyme powder to add to her food which began years ago. And she is exempt from all vaccines - including rabies...the town accepted the vets letter...


So I know all about needing a vet you can trust...

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I still have to go back and read everyone's posts from the past couple of days, but I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I am breathing a huge sigh of relief this afternoon :whewMy littlest had surgery performed on both of her eyes, yesterday. We spent a good 12 hours cuddling, rocking, and comforting, as she came out of the anesthesia and worked to start using her eyes, but the surgery seems to have been successful. Surgery on a young 'un is nerve-wracking enough, but the fact that the surgeon was working on her eyes really had me in a state of worry. Annika is hungry today, she allows me to administer the antibiotic drops every 3 hours with only a bit of fussing, so we are doing alright. She sits on my lap and allows me to read long chapter books as long as my voice holds out (we have already made it through 2 Boxcar Children books and are half of the way through a Bobbsy Twins book mum sent up). If I can keep her calm for the next week, or so, she should be right-as-rain. With a 4-yr-old this may be a trick, but I picked up oodles of spools of ribbon, tubes of glitter, stickers, etc. for pretty art projects. When inspiration is low, bring on the coffee to keep my throat from getting dry, and I will be happy to read some more :). She liked the first Anne of Green Gables we read...Hmmm, I will have to send DH to the library to see if he can find the next in that series. So, we will be going home tomorrow, Thursday. If you would not mind sending a thought for Annika's eyes to heal quickly, I would sure appreciate the kindness.


Thanks, All :hug

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Dusti, I'll definitely be keeping Annika in my thoughts for a speedy recovery - and for you to hold up during this time!:hug

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Mary, 60 solids, please.

The ATW is nearly finished:hook


I hope your day went well.

Our vets are both great, in particular the one who discovered Susie's autoimmune problems. A few years ago we thought she was dying. Our extremely stoic girl could barely move and stayed in her crate for a couple of days. I took her to the big vet practice nearby and after some brainstorming we figured out she was sick because of the last vaccines she had gotten a month earlier. She had so many antibodies from years of shots that she didn't need them. Her joints were all hot and inflammed and were so painful she could barely walk, never mind jump on the bed like she used to do.

So, now she's on prednisone, meds for her arthritis, meds for her urinary sphincter, as well as the prescription food and pancreazyme powder to add to her food which began years ago. And she is exempt from all vaccines - including rabies...the town accepted the vets letter...


So I know all about needing a vet you can trust...


Definitely important to have a vet you can trust :yes And poor ol' Susie :( And I thought I had a lot to do with giving Tuon insulin injections twice a day and hauling her around with us if we leave town. Our routine's a walk in the park compared to yours :hug


I still have to go back and read everyone's posts from the past couple of days, but I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I am breathing a huge sigh of relief this afternoon :whewMy littlest had surgery performed on both of her eyes, yesterday. We spent a good 12 hours cuddling, rocking, and comforting, as she came out of the anesthesia and worked to start using her eyes, but the surgery seems to have been successful. Surgery on a young 'un is nerve-wracking enough, but the fact that the surgeon was working on her eyes really had me in a state of worry. Annika is hungry today, she allows me to administer the antibiotic drops every 3 hours with only a bit of fussing, so we are doing alright. She sits on my lap and allows me to read long chapter books as long as my voice holds out (we have already made it through 2 Boxcar Children books and are half of the way through a Bobbsy Twins book mum sent up). If I can keep her calm for the next week, or so, she should be right-as-rain. With a 4-yr-old this may be a trick, but I picked up oodles of spools of ribbon, tubes of glitter, stickers, etc. for pretty art projects. When inspiration is low, bring on the coffee to keep my throat from getting dry, and I will be happy to read some more :). She liked the first Anne of Green Gables we read...Hmmm, I will have to send DH to the library to see if he can find the next in that series. So, we will be going home tomorrow, Thursday. If you would not mind sending a thought for Annika's eyes to heal quickly, I would sure appreciate the kindness.


Thanks, All :hug


Poor little baby :hug Definitely sending massive good thoughts her way :manyheart

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If you would not mind sending a thought for Annika's eyes to heal quickly, I would sure appreciate the kindness.


Thanks, All :hug

Absolutely! You are all in my prayers.


I got creative again for supper. Fried Rice with Chinese Sweet and Sour Sauce this time. I had made fried rice many years ago that really didn't turn out so well. This time it turned out great! It had 2 teaspoons of freshly grated ginger in it which gave the rice a nice flavor but didn't overpower the dish. It had eggs fried and cut in julienne strips, chopped cooked shrimp, chopped cooked chicken, chopped fried bacon, chopped spring onions, and soy sauce in it. Another winner. John's comment was, "You've outdone yourself."

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Absolutely! You are all in my prayers.


I got creative again for supper. Fried Rice with Chinese Sweet and Sour Sauce this time. I had made fried rice many years ago that really didn't turn out so well. This time it turned out great! It had 2 teaspoons of freshly grated ginger in it which gave the rice a nice flavor but didn't overpower the dish. It had eggs fried and cut in julienne strips, chopped cooked shrimp, chopped cooked chicken, chopped fried bacon, chopped spring onions, and soy sauce in it. Another winner. John's comment was, "You've outdone yourself."


We had fried rice tonight too :yes And lemon chicken. Of course, the lemon chicken was the frozen variety and the rice was Rice-a-Roni. :lol Yours sounds divine :drool

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I gotta update:yes! I felt yucky all day today :yuck. I think my body is rebelling the Prednisone and everything else I'm taking :sick. I finished the book I was reading :book, this evening; finished all my Claret Fleck solid squares :crocheting; found a mistake in my saltine count :check; got some Soft White squares whipped up :yarn; checked 7 books out of the library :faint (stupid me chose the new books section to look at...and I found one book that was the last in a trilogy, and another that was the 4th of 6 possible, so of course I check out the new ones and all the previous ones. :think Oi!); also got a few other things done, all while feeling crappy from all the meds I'm taking :yes.


I'm still on my quest to read all the previous posts in this thread :lol, so I've been doing that all afternoon, after I got back home. I'm on page 307 of 2,484; but I am determined to finish reading everything :yay. Yeah...I'm stubborn... :tryme


Now, to catch up on all the posts I missed! :)


I am so far behind...haven't felt good....my nerves have started acting up again so ive been kind of off kilter...going to the doctor on Thursday...Im so scared that i cant sleep or eat...it will be the first time i have left the house since last summer so its time but its also very,very hard for me,makes me feel like i cant breath.




Hope everyone is well and doing good!!:hug


Shaylen - Awww! :hug:manyheart At least you're in good company here!


Yes, my eye appointment went wonderfully! At 43 years old and having to wear glasses since I was SIX my eyes actually improved :eek I went from -5.25 down to -5.00 on my Rx. I don't know who was more surprised. Me or the doctor. With the new contact Rx I can see so much better. I was having problems but that seems to have solved it. He's not the first doctor to come up with -5.25. I've had that prescription forever.


It's just nice to come back from a doctor of any kind and actually have an improvement :lol


Cara - That's great that your vision improved! :yay We've got nearsightedness in family, and there have been some improvements over the years. I found the glasses I wore for a bit in like 5th grade or so, and they're sooooo strong! After that failed glasses attempt, I found I can actually see better with no glasses than with glasses. (LOOONG story there....)


Kim is improving. John still sounds awful. :sick I can hear out of the left ear again. All in all, we are doing better. :)


Rosie got the cast off her arm yesterday and is allowed to start weight bearing with her leg. Hooray!!!! :yay She has been getting out of the house and doing some shopping with Candy this week, too. :shop Another big improvement. Candy leaves for home today. Sigh! :sigh We'll miss her. Andrea, Rosie's daughter, and her family get back from a trip to Florida the end of the week, so lots happening next door. :drive


Linda T. - Sounds like you've got a lot going on over there... :) Glad you're all doing better! :cheer


I've got tons to do today. Tomorrow is BDs b-day, we're having a big family BBQ this weekend, my sisters and I are going out Friday night for a long bingo session (aren't we the exciting group :lol) and I have a swap package that has to get finished. I'm gonna be a busy, busy gal from now til Sunday. I'd better get moving :lol


Have a great day everyone :manyheart


Cara - A b-day near 4th of July weekend? That must be exciting! :yay Getting fireworks :firecrack:firecrack:firecrack for your birthday :cake! ....or close enough to your b-day... I wish him a GREAT day!!! :yay


If you would not mind sending a thought for Annika's eyes to heal quickly, I would sure appreciate the kindness.


Thanks, All :hug


Dusti - First of all: :hug and :manyheart! Sending them all your way. Seems this thread needs a lot of prayer. I guess that's why we all flock here, it's such a welcoming place. :hug I'm sending good thoughts, well wishes, and prayers your way!!! :manyheart Hope Annika has a speedy recovery. The little ones always heal the quickest, it's the parents that worry. Ask my Mom...she survived **** with me when I was younger, several surgeries and long-term hospital stays.


I got creative again for supper. Fried Rice with Chinese Sweet and Sour Sauce this time. I had made fried rice many years ago that really didn't turn out so well. This time it turned out great! It had 2 teaspoons of freshly grated ginger in it which gave the rice a nice flavor but didn't overpower the dish. It had eggs fried and cut in julienne strips, chopped cooked shrimp, chopped cooked chicken, chopped fried bacon, chopped spring onions, and soy sauce in it. Another winner. John's comment was, "You've outdone yourself."


Linda T. - Yum! Can I come over for dinner? :D My appetite might come back! :lol

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Morning ladies :flower


No I'm not just getting up. I'm getting ready to go to bed :lol


Every time I try to wake up early I end up staying up all night. Can't figure that one out at all :shrug


Anyway, I'm very tired now so off to lala land I go :sleep

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Absolutely! You are all in my prayers.


I got creative again for supper. Fried Rice with Chinese Sweet and Sour Sauce this time. I had made fried rice many years ago that really didn't turn out so well. This time it turned out great! It had 2 teaspoons of freshly grated ginger in it which gave the rice a nice flavor but didn't overpower the dish. It had eggs fried and cut in julienne strips, chopped cooked shrimp, chopped cooked chicken, chopped fried bacon, chopped spring onions, and soy sauce in it. Another winner. John's comment was, "You've outdone yourself."

okay - I have to stop reading posts and have breakfast....I'm drooling on the keyboard again:lol

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I'm still on my quest to read all the previous posts in this thread :lol, so I've been doing that all afternoon, after I got back home. I'm on page 307 of 2,484; but I am determined to finish reading everything :yay. Yeah...I'm stubborn... :tryme


Now, to catch up on all the posts I missed! :)


Linda T. - Yum! Can I come over for dinner? :D My appetite might come back! :lol

Nina, hope you get to feeling better soon. You are going to read TWO and a Half Years of posts! :faint WOW! :eek We've covered a lot of crochet and a lot of topics in that time. Good luck and have fun. There's a lot of laughter in there.


I wish all of my friends at C'ville lived closer, because I'd love to cook up a great big special dinner that we all could share together.


Folding laundry is on the list of things to do today. Not sure what all else. No rain in sight until maybe early next week. We could use some. Sunny and hot is our forecast for the rest of the week.

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Morning ladies....again :flower


Well, I got a good 4.5 hours sleep. Seems I'm needing less the week. I think I'm just excited about the next few days with family :hyper By Sunday I'll probably collapse :rofl


Today is BDs 39th b-day :yay Gonna make him a carrot cake, NY strip steak, pasta salad and butter beans. All his favorites :D


So I'd better get moving!! Have a wonderful day y'all :manyheart

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Hi Ladies. :manyheart


Dusti ~ Please give Annika a big hug from us. :hug I can only imagine how hard it was for you to know your little one was in surgery. I hope she continues to improve quickly. :manyheart


Cara ~ Happy Birthday to BD.:cake Your menu sounds fantastic!


Judy ~ I've added 60 more solids for you...Yay for being close to the finish line. :yay


Wow, Linda! Your dinner sounds delicious! I love to cook, too...but not as much in this 100 degree weather.


Nina ~ I bet you're having lots of fun reading all the posts. :D We do talk a lot, don't we? The last time I took Prednisone, I had hallucinations and DH was terrified. Won't do that again. :( Feel better soon. :hug

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Good afternoon ladies! Somehow, my reply window closed while I was copying and pasting. Silly computers! Anywho!


I'm back from getting my blood drawn and taking my Mom to the doctors. She's had what we thought were bug bites all along her arms, but when they started getting really bad, it was time to see what it really was. Turns out, she got something like poison ivy, or a poison ivy-type allergic reaction to something. So, now she's taking Prednisone along with me. :lol


Now, I'm finally back home, and can get going on my To-Do List (which has fun things on it, like :hook, :crocheting, :mail, :book, :compute, :photo, and :gallery!!!)


Morning ladies :flower


No I'm not just getting up. I'm getting ready to go to bed :lol


Every time I try to wake up early I end up staying up all night. Can't figure that one out at all :shrug


Anyway, I'm very tired now so off to lala land I go :sleep


Cara - I have those days. When you're just going to bed as the sun is coming up. :lol


Nina, hope you get to feeling better soon. You are going to read TWO and a Half Years of posts! :faint WOW! :eek We've covered a lot of crochet and a lot of topics in that time. Good luck and have fun. There's a lot of laughter in there.


I wish all of my friends at C'ville lived closer, because I'd love to cook up a great big special dinner that we all could share together.


Linda T. - It's not quite two and a half years... I'm almost to June 2007...so it's about two years, lol :lol. Gotta say, there's some good stuff in there! :yes Lots of great advice :blah, and LOTS of laughs:rofl! ::whispers:: Plus I can read the computer screen :compute and crochet :crocheting at the same time, which I can't do with the paperbacks :book I'm reading now...


Cara - Happy 39th to BD!!!!! :bday May you both have a wonderful day!!! :manyheart (and lots of good food!:drool hee, hee!)



Nina ~ I bet you're having lots of fun reading all the posts. :D We do talk a lot, don't we? The last time I took Prednisone, I had hallucinations and DH was terrified. Won't do that again. :( Feel better soon. :hug


Mary - I'm having tons of fun reading the posts! :rofl:rofl:rofl They're keeping me better entertained than the TV and my books...and that's saying something :yes, lol! No hallucinations from the Prednisone...yet :P. Though, I've had some cold medications give me halluncinations :loco...as if the stuffy and runny nose and all that FUN stuff isn't bad enough :(! Oh! And I updated my blog with the correct saltine count last night. Apparently, when I add 5 and 5, I get 0.... :think Yeah...so I'm at 150 solids. Though I'll update later this weekend with my most up-to-date count, I've been whipping those things out like crazy! :crocheting

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