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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Thanks, Tracy. It's going to take me a bit to get caught up on what everyone is doing now, but at least now I can. John saw one deer this afternoon, but too far away and too small to shoot. I just pulled out the yarn and have done the first of hopefully many more for this weekend. :hook:crocheting:hook

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Evening All,


I've had a lazy day today...sleeping and reading. I'm almost caught up on rest. It's going to help that I won't have to open and close. I'll open and someone else will close. By the time vacation rolls around, I should be caught up.


Hi Linda. Hope you have a great weekend.

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At last. We have central heat and air :c9 It's nice and cool in here now. Just the way I like it! I'm glad we had it done but I'm glad it's over. :lol

Yay!!! Cara, that's great news. And you're still sane! That's even better. :lol


I forgot to mention that I was finally able to get the pictures off my camera this morning before we left, so I'll be able to do some show and tell next week. :D

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Cara, that's great that they were able to get it all done so quickly. :yes


Linda ~ I'm cheering for the deer again. :cheer


The 4th scarf is started and have I told you I'm getting tired of U of Texas colors? :lol I want to get back to working on my IC soon!


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Cara -- So glad the work is done, and that you are basking in indoor comfort :clap Is there another step in the remodeling process, or are you done for awhile?


Congrats Tracy and Wendy on your Queen of WIPs honors :lol


Mary -- Your scarves are coming right along? So, you are tired of the colors, no? I hear you! Who would have ever thought I would get tired of blue and off-white?!? Once this IC is done, I do not think I am going to look at these for a loooooong time. You have one more scarf to start? You can do it :cheer


Please add 40 solids for me. I DID get to crochet last evening. Hope I can get in more tonight :crocheting

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Good morning, everyone. John is out hunting, but Mark slept in. It rained last night so everything is WET! Kim and I are just getting moving and Michelle is still asleep. What a hunting party! :laughroll


I got quite a few saltines done last night. Watched a program about the King Tut exhibit that opens here in Atlanta today. I'm going to have to get to the Civic Center to see it. It sounds fabulous! :drool It will be here for 6 months.


Have a great weekend! Happy crocheting all! :hook:crocheting:hook

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Happy Saturday, everyone. :) It was 74 yesterday and it's 39 this morning...brrr.


Tracy, you are most welcome. You'll have the scarf finished in no time!


Dusti ~ How much more do you have to do on your IC? I know it's going to be beautiful. :yes 40 more solid squares added. Maybe we should trade colors for a while. :lol


Hi Linda. It sounds like you're having fun, even if the hunters are a bit relaxed. ;) That's good for the deer, though. :D


Laundry is almost done, bills are paid and after a trip to the store I'll be spending time with my hook. I think little squares are in order for today. :hook

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I am fighting the urge to start my ribbon ghan. I am so much going on here. Like another WIP will make it all better lol. Things are going here. I am treading water for a bit before I file papers. The holidays are just so hard for me to be mean. I think I will start my ribbon ghan when I can go buy a plastic see through tub for all the squares & yarn.


BTW Micahels & JoAnns have caron pounders on sale for $5. Michaels also has Pound Of Love for $5. :D

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Good day ladies :flower


Ah yes, it is nice to have the workers out of the house. But they were very good about messes and being professional with a good bit of personality thrown in. They were very funny but kept on working. :lol And best of all....this whole project came in about 300 bucks UNDER budget!!! :jumpyay:dance:woo Now I can relax and actually go buy groceries today :lol


No, no other projects for a while. This was expensive enough :lol Windows are next but we're gonna pay cash for those. That's enough loans for a good long time :yes


Now that the dust has settled I can get back to my BB :hook

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I am fighting the urge to start my ribbon ghan. I am so much going on here. Like another WIP will make it all better lol. Things are going here. I am treading water for a bit before I file papers. The holidays are just so hard for me to be mean. I think I will start my ribbon ghan when I can go buy a plastic see through tub for all the squares & yarn.


BTW Micahels & JoAnns have caron pounders on sale for $5. Michaels also has Pound Of Love for $5. :D

You are such an enabler!:devil

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[quote=Skysmom;1524042Dusti ~ How much more do you have to do on your IC? I know it's going to be beautiful. :yes 40 more solid squares added. Maybe we should trade colors for a while. :lol

Can we? Oh, PLEASE!! I have 17 blocks to go, so...425 saltines, and then...


I can contemplate my next quilt-ghan :lol


I have not even broken out my hook today, but I had the neighbors over for coffee and sweets, so the kitchen and dining room were *quickly* de-stashed and swiped clean. I think that's the best way to tackle stubborn chores -- invite company over and have them tell you, "We'll be there in about 20 minutes, Dear." You should have seen the girls and I scramble to neaten up! :rofl Whew :whewThe girls are napping, my kitchen is clean, and it is time to catch up here at the 'Ville for a few minutes. Hope everyone is having a good Saturday!

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Hi Jessica. Can we vote on when you start your ghan? Oh good...I vote for "go ahead and start." :hook I don't mean to make light of what you're going through. Take care of yourself. :hug


Dusti ~ It sounds like a really nice day. Only 425 more squares to go? ;)


Cara, I hope you're able to relax now that the workmen are gone. :manyheart


Hi to Judy and Krystal!

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Afternoon ladies, thought I would share a photo of the cat quilt so far, not happy with it as you can see loads of mistakes. Gonna do a border in pink and black and make it bigger by hdc around untill it's lapgahn size, or I could make it into a cushion cover,mmmmmmm. not sure yet what to do




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Happy Sunday, ladies. :)


Oh, Roxy ~ Your cat quilt ghan is adorable! Thanks for sharing the picture. :yes


Karen ~ Here's what I have since the Friday before last (Nov. 7): 1744 plus 21, 52, 35 = 1852. Today's 43 makes it 1895. :D I think we need to go with my number - it's higher than yours. :lol

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Afternoon ladies, thought I would share a photo of the cat quilt so far, not happy with it as you can see loads of mistakes. Gonna do a border in pink and black and make it bigger by hdc around untill it's lapgahn size, or I could make it into a cushion cover,mmmmmmm. not sure yet what to do





Roxy - aside from loose ends, I honestly can't see any mistakes. :shrug Rest easy, your cat quilt is very cute! What would make it awesome is if you top-stitched a black line down the middle of each eye... :yes

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