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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Linda, your filet work is gorgeous. :cheer Do you use a really small hook? I quit doing thread work years ago, but would like to try again if I can get away with a little bigger hook. :lol


DD and I are going to meet for lunch, so I'd better get ready. Have a great day. :manyheart

Mary, I use knit-cro-sheen and a size 7 steel hook. I have found the the Comfort Grips make using the small hooks much easier to use. They make the little hooks easier to hold and I don't have to hold them as tightly.


Mary, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and your DH! Enjoy your lunch together.

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Cara -- I have never had a dishwasher, either. Actually, I rather like washing dishes by hand. DH dislikes the feeling of "floaties" in the wash water, so he does not fight me for the job of washing. That's alright, I enjoy having him in the kitchen, drying dishes alongside me in the evening.


*shudder* I hate "floaties" too :yuck I have a strict rule around here that NOTHING goes in my dishwater that I don't put there. BD tells everyone that I wash my dishes before I wash them :lol I just rinse them until there's nothing on them. It's a sickness, I know :lol


Dusti, we also got the brand spankin' new Office 2007 to go along with Vista. I still don't know where the open function is. I gotta say, I'm really really glad I know the basic keyboard shortcuts for Office. Otherwise, I'd probably still be hunting for the dang open icon :lol


:lol :lol


Good Morning, all. :)


Thank you for the well wishes, ladies. Usually our anniversary is mixed in with Thanksgiving and DD's birthday. Our trip to the coast last month was our anniversary present to eachother. :yes


Dusti ~ You are so close to the 2000 mark! 25 more added to the list. :hook


Linda, your filet work is gorgeous. :cheer Do you use a really small hook? I quit doing thread work years ago, but would like to try again if I can get away with a little bigger hook. :lol


DD and I are going to meet for lunch, so I'd better get ready. Have a great day. :manyheart


Happy Anniversary to you!! Have a great lunch with DD :manyheart

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*shudder* I hate "floaties" too :yuck I have a strict rule around here that NOTHING goes in my dishwater that I don't put there. BD tells everyone that I wash my dishes before I wash them :lol I just rinse them until there's nothing on them. It's a sickness, I know :lol


I do that too! And yet I still end up with crud on my dishes. The maintanence people don't believe me, so I gave up. I wash them by hand unless I'm really lazy and there's a ton piled up.

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Happy Anniversary Mary!


Kim I hope all is better! My son gets croup every winter. I get looked at weird like I am doing something wrong when people asks why he 'barks' & I tell them it's croup. I know it's not the 1800's but people croup is still here! Grrr drives me insane. Luckily though there has been no steroids for a few years. But I am waiting for it to hit him really hard. His asthma goes good then wham he's down for months. It is bad this year he now needs a fast acting inhaler & he has never needed one.


Val I hope that you get used to Vista. I hate Vista but they stopped selling XP in July. I heard they will stop servicing it with updates soon. Dunno when though.


Whoever have the issues with their site (sorry I was skimming here lol). Try to use fire fox. That is what I use & it is so much better then Internet Explorer. You got to go to Mozilla.org to download it. Hardly ever crashes & you have more control over what gets put on your browser unlike IE.


And you think your alls fridges are bad. I put foil in the bottom glass shelf to help the freezing in the crisper (it works too if the shiny side is up). Well it has somehow merged with the bottom shelf. Once they give my son his ADHD meds back I will invest in a new fridge. The ADHD meds change everything with that boy. We are on our 3rd day without the meds because of the state health insurance.:ohdear

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DH is out of town til Friday, and tomorrow is our 36th anniversary. Next Tuesday is DD's 34th birthday and then Thanksgiving - always a busy time for us.:) Off to crochet for a while.


Mary happy anniversary. :hug


A dishwasher. I would love to have a dishwasher :dreaming


My 2 girls are my dishwashers :lol


Kim's meds are starting to kick in. With the loosening up of the mucus she is coughing more. John was getting a little panicky, but I can tell she's breathing deeper than she has been, which means more gunk is moving around and triggering the coughing. A couple of days should see her feeling much, much better. She will NOT be going to the hunting lodge again this coming weekend even if John does go.


This is one of the filet crochet things I designed and made while in Texas in July. Just something to give you a taste of what I've been doing. :lol :lol :lol



Hope Kim gets better soon. :hug That filet is just gorgeous. Well done. :clap


Dusti, we also got the brand spankin' new Office 2007 to go along with Vista. I still don't know where the open function is. I gotta say, I'm really really glad I know the basic keyboard shortcuts for Office. Otherwise, I'd probably still be hunting for the dang open icon :lol


Yes we got office 2007 and I couldnt find it either. Had my 14 year old show me the ropes.:blush


*shudder* I hate "floaties" too :yuck I have a strict rule around here that NOTHING goes in my dishwater that I don't put there. BD tells everyone that I wash my dishes before I wash them :lol I just rinse them until there's nothing on them. It's a sickness, I know :lol


Oh yes I just hate that and my daughter hates it even more, she takes forever to do the dishes because she doesnt like putting her hands in the water in case any floaties are there. :lol

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Oh yes I just hate that and my daughter hates it even more, she takes forever to do the dishes because she doesnt like putting her hands in the water in case any floaties are there. :lol


Glad to know I'm not the only one :lol Biggest fight BD and I ever had was when he put a knife with mayo on it in my dishwater without rinsing it off and I touched it and totally freaked out :lol

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Kim I hope all is better! My son gets croup every winter. I get looked at weird like I am doing something wrong when people asks why he 'barks' & I tell them it's croup. I know it's not the 1800's but people croup is still here! Grrr drives me insane. Luckily though there has been no steroids for a few years. But I am waiting for it to hit him really hard. His asthma goes good then wham he's down for months. It is bad this year he now needs a fast acting inhaler & he has never needed one.


And you think your alls fridges are bad. I put foil in the bottom glass shelf to help the freezing in the crisper (it works too if the shiny side is up). Well it has somehow merged with the bottom shelf. Once they give my son his ADHD meds back I will invest in a new fridge. The ADHD meds change everything with that boy. We are on our 3rd day without the meds because of the state health insurance.:ohdear

One of my doctors said that croup is the same thing as asthmatic bronchitis. My son got it all the time when he was little. It got to the point where we just had a standing order at the pharmacy for steroids and antibiotics for whenever he came down with it.

Hope you get those ADHD meds back soon. :hug State health insurance is great when it works right and a real mess when it doesn't.


I've taken a bunch of pictures of the stuff I've been making the last few months. Still have some to go and then I'll go on a posting spree. :lol:D:lol

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One of my doctors said that croup is the same thing as asthmatic bronchitis. My son got it all the time when he was little. It got to the point where we just had a standing order at the pharmacy for steroids and antibiotics for whenever he came down with it.

Hope you get those ADHD meds back soon. :hug State health insurance is great when it works right and a real mess when it doesn't.


I've taken a bunch of pictures of the stuff I've been making the last few months. Still have some to go and then I'll go on a posting spree. :lol:D:lol



Ooooh all the pretty pictures we've missed!! I can't wait :hyper

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How is everyone today?? Im feeling okay, the cold seems to come and go. Stayed up late last night to watch the last Star Wars movie with the husband, he has been really ill with his ulcerative colitis :( He stayed home from work today but still had to go to class tonight. I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, along with a few loads of laundry, and dishes so I believe Ive filled the housewife duties for the day! However, Ive been working on this hat and I came across a line in the pattern that Im stumped. Im sure its easy, I just don't have the thought process anymore...



Ch 2.

1st rnd: (RS). 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Join with sl st to first sc.

2nd rnd: Ch 1. 2 sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first sc. 12 sc.

3rd rnd: Ch 1. *1 sc in next sc. 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. 18 sc.

4th rnd: Ch 1. *1 sc in each of next 2 sc. 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. 24 sc.

5th rnd: Ch 1. *1 sc in each of next 3 sc. 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. 30 sc.

6th rnd: Ch 1. *1 sc in each of next 4 sc. 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. 36 sc.

7th rnd: Ch 1. *1 sc in each of next 5 sc. 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. 42 sc.

8th rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first sc.

Inc 6 sts evenly on next and every following alt rnd to 60 sc.

Next rnd: Ch 1. *1 sc in each of next 14 sc. 2 sc in next sc. 1 sc in each of next 29 sc. 2 sc in next sc. 1 sc in each of next 15 sc. Join with sl st to first sc. 62 sc. Place marker at end of last rnd.

Next rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first sc.

Rep last rnd until work from marked rnd measures 11 ins [28 cm]. Fasten off.


Im confused at the bolded line. I think you are supposed to increase 6 every row, but Im not sure how :think and then its confusing with the "alt rnd"

Sometimes I wish they would just write the whole pattern out cause then I wouldn't be confused!!! :(

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Hi, Erin ~

I JUST made this pattern from Bernat's website a couple of weeks ago. Here is my interpretation:


For each row up to the bold line, you are increasing by 6 stitches, right? Okay, here is what the rest of your pattern is going to look like, written out:


Row 9: Ch1, *1 sc in each of the next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around, join with sl st to first sc. (48 sc)

Row 10: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first sc.

Row 11: Ch 1. *1 sc in each of next 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. (54 sc)

Row 12: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first sc.

Row 13: Ch 1. *1 sc in each of next 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join with sl st to first sc. (60 sc)


And, then you go on to what they list as the Next rnd:


How does that look to you? Holler if that makes no sense.

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Thank you ladies, I knew I could count on you to dumb it down for my pregnant mind haha!


Thanks Dusti, I will try that after dinner and let you know.


Im attempting it to see if I can whip a few up for Christmas gifts in bright orange for my hunter family members, they have kinda big heads though, so Im worried if they will fit!

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Im attempting it to see if I can whip a few up for Christmas gifts in bright orange for my hunter family members, they have kinda big heads though, so Im worried if they will fit!

I have a big head, too...use a bigger hook than the pattern calls for. A ribbed design also makes it more of an adjustable hat.

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Thank you ladies, I knew I could count on you to dumb it down for my pregnant mind haha!


Thanks Dusti, I will try that after dinner and let you know.


Im attempting it to see if I can whip a few up for Christmas gifts in bright orange for my hunter family members, they have kinda big heads though, so Im worried if they will fit!


That is exactly what I did :lol I made a couple with a scalloped edge for my little ones, too. For myself and the girls, I only needed repeat the last round until the work from the marked round measured 6". I continuously tried the hat on my DH, and, for the life of me, I cannot remember how many rows I ended up crocheting, I know it WAS less than the 11-inches the original pattern calls for. If you make it the entire 11", I would expect the hat to fit almost anyone. Sure, some may have a wider folded-up brim than others, but it will fit :yes Have fun :crocheting I hope your DH makes it through his courses tonight, and that you continue to feel better and better.

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Erin, Dusti wrote out the directions perfectly. If you are worried about it being too small, just do a couple more of the increase rounds and that should take care of that problem, too.


Tracy, that's a great looking scarf!


Kim is doing much better today. She's still congested and coughing, but she's now bringing up some of the gunk and is breathing easier.


Thanks for the compliments on the fillet crochet piece. That is the symbol for Alcoholics Anonymous. The circle stands for "To thine own self be true." The sides of the triangle stand for "Unity, Recovery, and Service," the things that help keep us sober. The group I attended while in Texas was having a regional meeting and it was an auction item that went for over $35.

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Thanks for the compliments on the fillet crochet piece. That is the symbol for Alcoholics Anonymous. The circle stands for "To thine own self be true." The sides of the triangle stand for "Unity, Recovery, and Service," the things that help keep us sober. The group I attended while in Texas was having a regional meeting and it was an auction item that went for over $35.

:clap:clap...that must have made you feel great!

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Erin, Dusti wrote out the directions perfectly. If you are worried about it being too small, just do a couple more of the increase rounds and that should take care of that problem, too.


Tracy, that's a great looking scarf!


Kim is doing much better today. She's still congested and coughing, but she's now bringing up some of the gunk and is breathing easier.


Thanks for the compliments on the fillet crochet piece. That is the symbol for Alcoholics Anonymous. The circle stands for "To thine own self be true." The sides of the triangle stand for "Unity, Recovery, and Service," the things that help keep us sober. The group I attended while in Texas was having a regional meeting and it was an auction item that went for over $35.


That's great Linda :clap

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I've taken a bunch of pictures of the stuff I've been making the last few months. Still have some to go and then I'll go on a posting spree. :lol:D:lol

We can't wait to see all of your projects! :cheer That's wonderful that your filet piece did so well at the auction. :yes

Mary, I finished the scarf. :hook






Now I am going to make some wristwarmers/handwarmers gloves things and soon a :knit hat. :D

It turned out great, Tracy. All of that black would have driven me crazy. :lol

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Erin, I'll bet the hat will turn out great! It's so neat that we can come here and get help and support. :) That said, who wants to make the last U of Texas scarf for me? :D Just kidding, of course. #4 is ready for fringe and I just started #5. :clap


DD and I had a really nice lunch. It was a beautiful, chilly day so I raked the back yard this afternoon and it's crochet time this evening.

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Erin, I'll bet the hat will turn out great! It's so neat that we can come here and get help and support. :) That said, who wants to make the last U of Texas scarf for me? :D Just kidding, of course. #4 is ready for fringe and I just started #5. :clap


DD and I had a really nice lunch. It was a beautiful, chilly day so I raked the back yard this afternoon and it's crochet time this evening.


long distance scarfing? haha! :lol Ive been a terrible crocheter since the WoW expansion came out :eek tisk tisk!


heres the Geo so far!


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Thanks for all the compliments. Here we go with some more show and tell.

Here is the Stacked Blocks Quiltghan at the end of the Crochet Olympics. I have the rest of the saltines crocheted for it but still have to put those all together and get them attached. Next is the flower doily that will be my doctor's Christmas present. It's not starched yet but is otherwise done.



Next is a shot of the 3 fillet pieces for my mother and brothers for Christmas. My maiden name is Roys. There is a close up of one of them, too. They're all alike.



Next is a shot of the 3 Caylor fillet pieces and a closeup of one. These are all slightly different. I have one more of these yet to make.



Here are my preemie afghans for October and November, so far.



The first one here is a Celtic Knot Shawl that I made for myself while in Texas. The Second one is the Lacy Shawl that I'm giving Kim for Christmas. It still needs to be blocked and have a fringe of ribbons added to it and then it will be all set to go.




These bring me pretty much up to date I think. Enjoy!

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