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Our House [Archive 2]


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Linda, Thank you again for the pattern. I was wondering if you could email it to me so that it is bigger. If you can't that is fine I will see what I can do with it from printing it from the web site.


Cara, It is always nice to know that people care about you. I hope you have fun with all your nice stuff.


I went to walmart and michaels and I can't believe the price diffrence that there is. rhss is now 1.98 at our store and 2.50 at michaels. Has anyone seen the rh soft yarn ? I saw it at michaels but it was alomst three dollars or it was over three dollars I can't remember now. I petted it all and got a couple of free patterns I love free patterns. Anyway I will check in with you all later. I have to agree with cara about the whole happiness thing. I have been much happier since finding you all then I have in along while. I come in here right after I am ready for the morning. I actually force myself off. I just want to see what you are all up to. well see ya later.:manyheart :manyheart

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Okay, don't shoot me, but I'm not actually a Longhorns fan! I know, I know - hey, I work at the Univ, I love the Univ and the people here, but I'm a true orange/green HURRICANE fan! :lol


:devil Well, I guess I'll still be your friend. :lol

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I just used the Red Heart Soft for my round christening afghan. It is VERY soft, as its name suggests, and it has a WONDERFUL drape. It is totally worth it for something that you're making if you want it to be a little more special than regular yarn (like the christening blanket). I got it on sale a Michael's for $2.50.

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Cara~Oh, I love the new banner.:manyheart Already stalked the witchy-poo pattern too. I just love her.:cheer Is it just me or do you have something that is suppose to be a wand or something coming out of her hand? :think If so what did you use if you don't mind me asking. It looked like a piece of stiffened yarn to me but i'm not sure. Please don't tell me there's nothing there because I will be signing myself into the nearest looney farm. :D

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Tab - Nope you're not going looney....she's holding a wand....I'd like to tell you it was some fancy schmancy thing I did but actually I went out in the back yard and got a stick :lol :lol :lol

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Linda - your patterns are great you do have a knack for that sort of thing.


Cara - looks like you made out like a bandit good for you. The banner looks great. I am getting ready to start the casablanca tomorrow I hope to get the rest of the yarn for it and I started county fair just need to dig it out and work on it some more. Thanks for making your patterns so that we can all enjoy them it is greatly appreciated.

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Hi Julie nice to see you as well. I have been lurking most of the summer just wasnt crocheting at all this summer just this weekend picked up the hook again except to do a few charity squares and such.

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Tab - Nope you're not going looney....she's holding a wand....I'd like to tell you it was some fancy schmancy thing I did but actually I went out in the back yard and got a stick :lol :lol :lol


I knew I saw something.:cheer I'm not nuts or atleast not about this. :D

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Andrea - Hiya hon :hug And you're most welcome :manyheart


Guess what? The 'Ville's very own Stitchin' Cindy won two third place ribbons at the fair with her versions of the scarecrow and granny dog! I'm so proud of her :manyheart

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Hi to Andrea - I hope we'll see you here often! :)


Cara, your new banner looks great. I really like Ms. Witch. :jack


Not a lot of crochet time today, but I've almost finished attaching the squares for the 2nd block of the Fall Ghan. :yay I wasn't sure about the Cornmeal for the scarecrow's face and hands, but I think it's going to look fine. :think It's fun to see the crow...he's really cute.


Have a good evening, all. :manyheart

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Thank you Mary, I used to be here alot as I love all things quilted. When I do my cross stitch I do mainly quilt style things as well as my ghans, when I started with this cal a year ago I did the nine patch, and I have completed one praire star and a second one just about finished. I will admit reading about everyone wanting to do a ME cal I kept my first praire star I loved it the moment I finished it and thought no one deserves to have it more than ME lol.

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Good morning ladies :flower


First of all :bday Shay! :jumpyay


Woke up this a.m. with excuitiating back pain :( Happens sometimes no big deal. So I'm sitting there waiting for the meds to kick in and next thing I know DH is in the shower :think Oh dear musta woken him up. As I'm sitting there wondering what I need to do today that can be put off if the back pain doesn't stop, I start to make a list, "Well first I need to get Eric up early so he can go to Austin.....oh rats!!! That's why he's up early. I forgot!" :oops


Thank goodness he remembered to reset the alarm :P I should be ashamed of myself. Really I should be. I'm not but I should be :devil


Now to decide whether to go back to bed or work on my bear once this pain is completely gone. Oh the heavy decisions of a Domestic Goddess :D


Have a happy day y'all :manyheart

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