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January Shawl Teaser

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It has been a very busy month at work, I actually had to WORK! :eek, leaving me precious little time to crochet, unlike other months when I got more crocheting done at work than I did at home! :lol


Anyway, because of this, it has caused a delay in the January shawl. The shawl will be finished by Friday, so I will post it on Friday night and then mail it out on Monday.


Since the shawl is later in the month than usual, I've decided to throw out a little teaser - there were so many blue items sent out in December that I changed my original plans for the January shawl from a blue to green variegated colorway combined with a strand of white chenille to RHSS in Aran, representing the ice of wintry January, paired with a deep garnet-colored chenille, representing the garnet birthstone of this month. DH suggested that I give each shawl from here on in a title, so I've decided to call this one Garnets on Ice. I decided to go with the Aran as opposed to pure white because it seemed to me to be less likely to show dirt and light stains caused by normal wear, while stark white seems to show just every little speck of dirt, making it less practical for everyday wear.


So there you have it. Garnets on Ice. Making its debut this Friday! :hook

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Wow Elle that sounds beautiful....

Living here in NY i can relate to the aron color and the other color you mentioned aside from the granet cause of course when snow starts to melt and people walk over it its sort of a mix of white and aran color so with those colors and the garnet Wow is all i can say ... Is it Friday Yet????


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I think it's going to be very pretty when it's finished. I hope y'all do, too. I think DH had a great idea about naming them. It gives them more of an identity instead of just being a shawl. The only problem, if you can call it a problem, that using a garnet-colored yarn for January has caused is that, naturally, some shade of red is also a natural choice for February's shawl because of Valentine's Day, so with garnets for January, we're going to end up with red as the color for two months in a row. Of course, I COULD always change my mind and switch to a shade of pink for February since pink is also a popular Valentine's Day color, but to me, when you think of hearts, you think red. I guess we'll just wait and see what the winds bring. You never know what yarns I'll end up buying when I go on my monthly yarning spree when my SS check gets here! :lol

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I have to be honest my favorite color is blue. Any shade as long as it is blue.:yesNow even though blue is my color this "Garnet on Ice" sounds absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to see a picture of it. Is it Friday yet?:eek:rofl

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Can't wait to see!! Garnets are my favorite stone, I just love that rich red color.


I think you chose an excellent name for your shawl, and I think red 2 months in a row is a great idea, but maybe that is because it is my favorite color!!


Your shawls are alway beautiful Elle.

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Thanks, everyone! I love all the positive feedback about naming the shawls! It actually seems to make them seem more individual, more one-of-a-kind! Well, they ARE all one-of-a-kind, but it will be so nice to be able to refer to them by name instead of "the one I sent to whomever" or "the red and white one". :clap


I'm not promising anything, but since I don't have to work tomorrow (or Thursday! Yay me! :lol) that means I can stay up all night crocheting! That being the case, I SHOULD get Garnets on Ice finished and fringed by sometime tomorrow, so you might even get to see it sooner than Friday! :yes

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