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take a knotted, tangled mess-of-a-skein of yarn and send it right back to the company that wound it and ask..."Just what were you thinking when you sold this to me?" :think !! Now, I consider myself a reasonably patient woman...I happily work with 2 & 3 year old children and do not suffer from Road Rage. I know yarn wraps over itself and detangling is a fact of life. However, after spending hours of time trying to detangle a single skein of Bernat Baby yarn only to have one knotted clump turn into 3 knotted clumps, :eek I have thrown my hands in the air, admitted to the world that I am not Job, and opted to just go buy a replacement skein. I sure would like to "share" my 3 little clumps with Bernat and show them the "joy" their product is bringing to yarn crafters everywhere! Ah well, I guess I can use it to stuff some ami's! :fluffy

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I also know what your feeling right now I had a skein that had so many knots and fur clumps inside of it talk about frustration and I was at the end of a project but with even with the problems I finished it. I will contact the company about the problem.

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what bugs me is when crocheting with varigated yarn and the yarn was spliced and then tied :( so I have to cut and splice the yarn so the colors match up


this just happend to me today while making a baby blanket

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I enjoy taking out the tangles and knots most of the time, I find ti a great stress reliever. I did however have such a mess with SS that I contacted Caron. they sent a new skein of yarn as a replacement.

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Oh my, what a perfect thread for the night I just had. I am trying to finish a flannelghan I am making for DH- I'm on the last strip of blocks and I have been fighting with the tangles and knots, more than I am crocheting. They were really bad and I was losing my patience. I have decided to take this balls of knots and tangles and mail them back to the company- They were from Caron Pounders. I had another pounder in the same color and started using that and lo and behold, what do I have- another barf of tangles!!!


I had this problem with Caron with SS once and I did write to the company and they replaced it for me. This time, though, instead of just writing I am sending all the tangled messes of yarn I have and going to ask them- just how to do propose I should crochet with this?


Thanks for letting me rant....I feel better already:yes

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As a follow up, I emailed Bernat and they emailed me a reponse. FYI, it is not their policy to replace defective skeins of yarn, but they do give a "great" tutorial on how to start a skein of yarn. So, if any of you don't know how to pull yarn off a skein because, um, maybe you've been living under a rock and have never seen a skein of yarn before :eek , here is their response...


Dear: Patty,

Thank you very much for contacting our company. We are very concerned to receive your complaint about our yarn. I will pass your concern to our Quality Assurance Department.

We are very sorry you had difficulty starting your skeins of yarn. Here is some information as to how to start the balls depending how they are wound. Here is a link for a video http://bernatyarns.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/almost-halfway-done/

Some skeins are designed as “pull skeins” and an end will be sticking out of the center of the skein for you to pull on to begin working with it. On occasion the end will be missing; all skeins have an outside end that allows you to begin work by unrolling the yarn from the outside.

You can begin knitting or crocheting from the outside, wind it into a ball by hand or use a wool winder to make the skein. If you don’t want to work from the outside and there is no visible end coming from the center you can find an end by inserting the thumb and index finger of each hand into either side of the skein, moving your fingers until they meet, feel for the very center, pull this out and the end should be with it. Extra yarn will usually come out with it but it is quickly used up.

We sincerely apologize for the difficulties you have experienced, and appreciate your comments. It is not our policy to replace yarn as we sell to the retail stores and they in turn sell to the consumer. If you have any products that are defective please return to the point of purchase.

We hope this information helps you and once again, thank you for taking the time to bring this matter to our attention and thank you for choosing our products.

Yours truly,


Leah Cherrey

Customer Service

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I recieved the same type of response from patons last year when i contacted them about the SWS having large bits of straw and twigs in it. :think yeah i just see Michaels or Joanns accepting a large knotted ball of yarn barf as a return. and trying to match up a reciept to it.

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It seems that at least half of the yarn I've used lately, most with the end visibly showing from the center, has started as a pile of yarn barf, with many tangles amid the barf. Pull, snag, barf... It doesn't matter if it's yarn I just purchased or something that was in my stash for a while. I can deal with minor yarn barf but I agree about the little knots to piece together two strands in the skeins. I've come across this on some higher end yarns as well. It just hurts more to have to cut & chop those.

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I think Raggedy has a point - it seems over 90% of the yarn I have bought in the last few months has been nothing but huge tangles to start with. My mother bought me plastic, mesh "skein squishers" " (???) to help with getting the tangles at the end, but nothing stops the starting end from tangling up. It's frustrating as heck. I get so mad my DH usually steps in and does the detangling for me.


And in that response letter, seriously - buy a winder to wind the skein that you bought from us that we were supposed to wind.... wth! :/

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I feel your pain. I don't mind untangling, it's when a skein is spliced and tied ---the knot ALWAYS shows. Grrrr.


Juli from Texas


That happened to me on some nice wool that I used for a skirty for dd#2. I was so irritated but it was a discontinued color so I couldn't get a replacement.

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I feel your pain. I don't mind untangling, it's when a skein is spliced and tied ---the knot ALWAYS shows. Grrrr.


Juli from Texas


I always untie the knot and redo it so it doesn't show!

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Have I ever wanted to send a bag of yarn barf back to a manufacturer and tell them to stuff it up, um, their amigurumis? Yes, I have. Coats & Clarke alone have robbed at least a dozen hours of my life.


I recently spent THREE-QUARTERS OF AN HOUR untangling a big, fat knot from the centre of a skein. It was yarn I got as a present and I need every inch, so no chopping and tying for me. I was sitting on my sofa, patiently picking at the tangles with my fingernails and a B hook when my DH came in and sat down beside me.

"What's that going to be?" he asked.

I held up my half-finished scarf, too focussed on my knot to answer.

"No," he said, point at the huge, big tangled web on my knees. "That."

"This is a knot, my love," I said, holding it up. "I'm trying to straighten the whole fringle-frangle mess out."

"Oh," he said innocently, "I thought that was some weird kind of crochet, you know, like a big, woolly bobble or something."


:lol Doesn't say much for my crochet skills, does it? :lol

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