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In Mourning for my hook

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Well, I am in mourning for my favorite hook. I received a bloodwood size H hook in the Hooked on Crochet Swap from my awesome swap partner crochetluvknot. I have been using that hook for nearly everything. i fell in love with it as it felt so good in my hand and it was the only wooden hook I had. I do have some bamboo handled sb hooks that she sent but none of them compare to this one. I was working on coasters with cotton for the KISS coaster swap and it was really tight and I just said to myself, "Self. You better change hooks before this one breaks!" then the next thing I heard was SNAP! I was so sad I almost cried. My dh looked for another wood hook for me for Mother's Day but we only have a Hobby Lobby here and he couldn't find one like that one so I am now wooden hookless. :sigh:cry:ohdear


This is a pic of the hook, may it rest in peace. It is the only wooden one in the pic an dhas a tag on it.

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Ohhhh My dear :


I can only imagine what you going thru right now... I cant even find anything like that around here as we only got a walmart..

Dont worry ... maybe if you contact your partner and send her the money she may be able to get you another,,, shoot maybe you can send for 2 so you have a spare...


Good luck..

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Aww I'm sorry. I used to have a really pretty wooden H hook. Oh, it was beautifully carved. I lost it. Then a few days ago I broke TWO hooks working on a zebra. They were plastic but still...now I have to get new hooks. Lucky for me they are affordable. I'm sorry about your hook.

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:( I am so sorry. I have one special Turn of the Century hook that I was gifted from a super sweet C'ville member & if anything happened to that hook I would be heartbroken, so I understand how you must be feeling!


A special hook grabs your heart even if it is just a regular Bamboo hook that your hand got accustomed to. Losing them feels like you lost a finger, because our hooks are an extension of our hand :yes


I hope you can get your hook replaced soon. At least in physical being although I know it won't feel the same way.

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Oh wow. I have never tried a wooden hook. Seems like that is the way to go. I will have to check it out and see if I can find/order 1 just to see what the fuss is about.


Sorry about your loss Shana. Hope you are able to find a suitable replacement.

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Oh I know exactly how you feel. I lost my size 7 Jimbo Hook earlier this year. I was so lost, it's tiny head just broke off...... I sent it back to Jim and he fixed it..... Hmmm maybe he can fix yours too. It can't hurt to ask him. If you send a picture of the broken hook he can take a look and see if he can fix it for you.

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I feel your pain. I remember a hook I had, that I used all the time. All of a sudden it grew legs and decided to play hide and seek. I still have not found it.

So sorry about your hook.:(

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I would ask to be burried with it....really I would HATE to lose my Jimbo hooks, or break one, BUT see Jimbo, he is a special guy, I DID have a hook of his, the tip broke off, he replaced it for FREE!! I wasnt even working it hard, it just snapped. On no, loosing your FAVORITE hook, has to be like loosing your car, if not worse!!

My DEEPEST sympathys are with you in your time of mourning



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Oh, how awful!!! I hope you're able to find the source of that one so you can get a replacement.


What a great stash of stuff from your swap partner, though! I've got a question: do you know where the little ID markers for the hook size you used came from? Or do you have a picture that shows the whole marker? I may just have to go buy some little alphabet beads and make me some of those!

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JoBug- It isn't a Jimbo hook but I am still going to ask if he at least thinks it can be salvaged.


Amy- First of all let me say I used the book list off your blog the other day on my blog. i have read 50 of them!! Anyway, I think she made them. So I guess you could just go buy the beads and make them. You think that is a great stash from her I will put a link to the whole thing she sent. It blew my mind!! Check this out.


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Shana, wow! Seeing all that really makes me wish I had time to participate in swaps. :( Just to give our swap program here at the 'Ville a plug: if you've never participated in a swap, think about it! They are tons and tons of fun. :yes

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