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Do your children go through your yarn stash?

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Ok so today my daughters went through my yarn stash to find yarn that I can make them things out of so my question has your child gone through your yarn stash and want you to make them something

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Hi! My grandchildren are always wanting to be in the yarn and especially want to handle the hooks. They never really bother anything.Just facinated. This evening my oldest grandson saw a pattern I was looking at and asks will you make that for me? I was amazed.So I guess I'll go get the yarn and make it.

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My boys are 20 and 14. The 14 yo wanted me to make him an afghan. So, I got the yarn and did and he loves his blankie. Yes, we call it a blankie, even at 14. He is still my baby. He doesnt exactly go through my yarn b/c I dont have a particularly large stash but he does ask me to make him things.

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No. My girls are pretty small (6, 3, and 18 months.) My oldest does ask me to make stuff for her, and if I make it, of course I have to make the same for my middle one. My baby loves to shake my hook case, but she knows how to take the top off and I'm afraid she will lose all of my sewing needles. So I try to keep stuff high on the shelves where they cannot reach. LoL

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I don't have children to go through my stash, but I do remember that when I was young I loved to look at my mom's yarn. I thought it was beautiful. She had a black yarn with a gold or silver metallic strand through it that I thought was the most lovely thing I'd ever seen, and I SO wanted her to make me something out of it! :)

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My youngest son(18) has this terrible habit of being the logical voice of reason. "Mom, you know you have too much yarn and do you really need it or is it just a compulsion". I hate it when he says that, cause he's usually right.


Tell him you don't "need" it, because need implies a dependancy. Want, desire, or would kill for...that's a whole other matter! :hook

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OMG yes, I have a 19 year old Daughter and a 21 year old son, My DD pets my yarn, she can not for some unknown reason crochet, but she does weave. So she will go through my stash and always ask " Mom, can I have this?" Now my son, just this week started asking if I would make him a checker board rug to play chess on. A huge one where he can get big pieces to play with. He is a huge chess fan and collects chess sets. Of course I told him yes, but after I finished the baby blankets I am doing. So last night we are sitting on the couch watching CSI and he's like, " How do you crochet a square?" It's a series of knots and I show him how it is done. So he starts playing with my white yarn I have laying on the coffee table. I asked you want a hook to use. He never did pick up a hook, but managed to make a length of very uneven chains. i am hoping he will decide to pick up a hook and learn to crochet. I think it is the guy factor here.

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My chillens are 6 and 4. If I am making them something I will let them pick the colors out of my stash. My oldest is always wanting long piece of yarn for his trucks, so I leave one or two left over colors on the bottom of my closet so he can go in there and get some.

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I can't seem to get my kids interested, but when my granddaughter comes over one of her favorite past times is to go thru my patterns and I mean all, and show me everything she wants! I hoping maybe I can get her interested.

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My youngest daughter has begun crocheting too! I clean my stash out for her now and then! :c9 She lives too far away to have a hands on approach with my stash though :cry:hug


I actually have more of an issue with the :cat:cats going through it, if I forget to close a lid to a tote while I'm sorting. :oops

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My son is too little to really go through my stash, but he loves to grab a skein or a ball and run around the house playing with it, especially when I'm trying to work from it. It's annoying, but very cute.

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Both my boys do this!


The seven year old loves me to make things for him to wear (hats and sweaters), hats for his friends, and clothing for his babies/stuffed animals. He sometimes plays spiderweb with my yarn (pulls a strand out and wraps it all over the room and wants me to wind it back up again (grr when it's a skein!!!)


My older boy likes to pet the yarn and get lengths for his craft projects.

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I sometimes go through my mom's stash if I'm home and didn't bring any crocheting with me. Last time I did that, she was amazed that I made a hat within a few hours. Haha. I remember when I was younger I would go through my grandma's stash, and she would give me yarn that she wasn't using anymore. I was so proud of myself cause I crocheted a chain long enough to go from my bedroom on the top floor of our house, down the stairs, all the way through the living room and down into the basement.

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I sometimes go through my mom's stash if I'm home and didn't bring any crocheting with me. Last time I did that, she was amazed that I made a hat within a few hours. Haha. I remember when I was younger I would go through my grandma's stash, and she would give me yarn that she wasn't using anymore. I was so proud of myself cause I crocheted a chain long enough to go from my bedroom on the top floor of our house, down the stairs, all the way through the living room and down into the basement.


LOL!!! That must have been one long chain!!

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Well my daughters are 8,7,5 and they all have to go through my yarn stash to tell me what they would like made my middle daughter wants me to make her a lamb

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My son is too little to really go through my stash, but he loves to grab a skein or a ball and run around the house playing with it, especially when I'm trying to work from it. It's annoying, but very cute.


My little guy does the same thing. I gave him his own yarn and he would get it wrapped around all his toys. My living room looked like that old mouse trap game. I had to take it away from him because he likes to chew on it and I don't think that's such a good idea. ;)

Now I have all yarn and accessories in a large sterlite container. He hasn't figured out how to open it yet...he uses it as a seat and a step to get into other stuff too high for him to reach.



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Ok so today my daughters went through my yarn stash to find yarn that I can make them things out of so my question has your child gone through your yarn stash and want you to make them something


well none of my kids or grandkids live close enough to go through my stash, however....I have been know to make a run to MY mom's house and go through heres:hook Tryly she loves is and is often trying to give me more stash.

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I should clarify. I have a large plastic kitchen container with a flip top lid that I keep an assortment of balls in. That's the only yarn that DD is allowed to go thru and use without asking.

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My 10 year old daughter gets the urge every now and then to grab some yarn and make "something". Usually, it's just chains and chains then when she gets tired of that, she does a few more chains. I'm making "polka-dot" granny squares for an afghan right now so she got out 3 colors of yarn and wanted me to show her how to make a bracelet out of mini-granny squares. Well, with RH SS, you can only get so mini. I guess I need to see if I can find 3 colors of 3 ply and make something smaller. She has yet to complete a project (other than chains) so maybe this will be it!

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