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OMG - what did I get myself into?

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Oh my, you know the old saying, be careful what you wish for? LOL - well, although I'd been doing some charity stuff for online groups, mailing things off here & there -- I wanted to find something *local* to get involved in & hadn't run into anything in our smallish town. Plus, I'd told my sweetie several times that I wished there was some way we could get out & meet others once in a while. We're not church-goers, or bar-hoppers, so that eliminates two of the most common ways of casually meeting people....


Well...... last night during a local restaurant coupon promotion on TV, he heard the girl talking about an upcoming group that would be knitting/crocheting shawls for charity. We managed to get hold of her to find out more - it's loosely tied in with the local cultural arts center's literacy program, after the "classes/get-togethers" are finished, all the shawls will be donated to the art center for their annual charity auction, which is apparently a rather big deal & raises a lot of money for charity - so I loved that part.


The girl organizing it works at the arts center & is excited to be doing this project, but she is a fairly new crocheter herself and she told me that she has a LYS owner heading up the knitting portion of the "class", but didn't really have anyone experienced in crochet to help out there, and would I be interested in that? Without stopping to think, I said "Sure, I'd love to help out". It's not like a strict formalized classroom setting, more informal, just helping newcomers learn to read patterns, showing them the stitches, helping them with whatever they need help with.....but still....


ARGH - I got off the phone & I don't have butterflies in my stomach, I have ELEPHANTS in my stomach!!!! I am SOOO nervous about this... what was I thinking? LOL! I am very much an introvert, I am not a "people person" at all, and I get so jittery meeting new people.....


Hubby says I'll be fine & do a good job, and reminded me, "Hey, you said you wanted to get involved in something locally!" ROFL - yeah, I did say that, didn't I..... but I was thinking more sitting in the back corner quietly being the inconspicuous wallflower that I usually am! ROFL!!!


Oh my....... the group starts next Tuesday, meets every week for three hours until April something-or-another..... There is a teeny-tiny part of me that's excited & eager about this, but 95% of me is shaking in my boots!!!!


PLEASE tell me that there are others of you out there who are quiet little mousies who would be nervous about this too!!!! Maybe I won't feel quite so jittery if I know that I'm not the ONLY one who would be feeling this way!!! :D

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When I first started teaching papercrafting classes I was very nervous as I am also a quiet little mouse around people I don't know. But I found that when I am teaching something that I love to do, its easy to get very comfortable with other people who are interested in it also. If you are naturally a helpful person and enjoy your craft I think that is all you really need to succeed.


Have fun and let us know how it goes!

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Hubby says I'll be fine & do a good job, and reminded me, "Hey, you said you wanted to get involved in something locally!"


What he said. :D

I can be quiet too with people I don't know but it will only be a short time that you won't know them. By the end of the first class, everyone will seem more familiar and the "elephants" in your stomach will be gone. :hook Yes, please do let us know how it goes!

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Thanks so much, everyone!!! I do feel better, knowing I'm not the only one who's this way!


Whew..... it'll likely be a lot easier after the first meeting, once I have a feel for how things are going to go. Hopefully, by next Tuesday, I can get the elephants down to buffalo size & not make a complete idiot of myself!!! LOL! I do think it could be a lot of fun, if I can just get past the nervousness & shyness!


Thanks again ((((((((( hugs ))))))))))))

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I might be nervous but ... (I do go to church so....) I would have to look at this as somehow being a result of divine intervention. You have a G-d given skill and you were looking for a way to benefit others in your community. Now, this group is starting and they need YOU and Your set of skills!


Call it coincidence, divine intervention, Karma, serendipity ... it's all good! And you will do just fine becaue this was meant to be!

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I would be nervous, I would regret agreeing but once I started I would love it and I am sure you will too. Don't sell yourself short, you are going to be doing what you are good at and love doing so it will be natural! Good luck.

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I'm a quiet sort of person too. I'd much rather just sit and watch when I'm in a group setting. If the topic is something I enjoy or know something about, I can usually force myself to join in and then it can be a lot of fun. But until then it's pretty scary...lol The more comfortable you get with a group, the easier it will be. That said, I'm sure I'd be nervous, but it also sounds like a ton of fun to teach a group. :D

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Have fun! You'll do fine. I used to be very shy, but somehow I grew out of it in high school and am much more outgoing now.


I still prefer a night at home, then a night out..but I do enjoy group activities.


Good luck and let us know how it goes..

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Aw, I'm sorry you're so nervous. Think of it this way: this is a group of special friends whom you just happen not to have met yet! You may be a tad shy at first and I heartily recommend telling the group up front that you are nervous. They will be sympathetic, I'm sure, and at least one of two of them is going to go out of her way to try to make you feel better. I bet you're going to do great. Give yourself a few sessions with the group and you will get to know them and they you, and you will all relax. Besides, there could be someone in the group as excited and nervous about learning crochet as you are to teach it. Try to focus on the needs of other people instead of your own. It works!


And good luck!


P.S. I hope you don't think I'm trying to give you a lecture, ferretlady. I wanted to just suggest some things to make you feel better.

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You'll do fine, really. The majority of people are wonderful, caring, and will probably be excited and thankful to you for your help. By the end of the class you will have so many new friends!! Don't be scared, they are only people, just like you, and are probably going to be a little scared too. Good Luck!!

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I agree with Homekeepinggran--just fess up to being nervous. People will make you feel at ease, and once you start sharing crochet with them, you will be out of that shell in no time! I used to be painfully shy, but eventually had to learn to communicate with project teams and give presentations for work. If I can do it, anyone can. I figured out some time ago that almost everyone is nervous or scared or self-conscious and that it's OK to not be perfect when I speak, either one-on-one, or to a group. I'll never be a motivational speaker or run for office, but I'm not as afraid as I used to be (still get a little nervous though).


You'll do just fine!

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What a great opportunity, and what fun! Don't be nervous. Once you get that hook in your hand and realize how happy and grateful the people you help will be, those butterflies will vanish. You're going to get to see all the projects and the different yarns--I'm envious.


As a professor, let me give a word of advice: Remember, you know more than them. If it helps, think of it as Drama Society (if you were ever in it in school) and you are playing the part of the crochet expert. Before you know it, you won't be playing a part, you'll just be your natural self.


And no one is judging you or grading you (ha, that's what I get to do! :devil), so relax and have fun!



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I totally would be shaking in my boots also. I hate being in front of big or small groups. I failed that portion of High School.

Maybe you could just picture everyone in chicken suits (least that is what my mom always told me years ago) ;)

Good Luck


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