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I made for my son for his 10th birthday yesterday. gave it to him on Satruday when we took him to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate!






he loves it... takes it everywhere. it gives him something to do when we are out. he loves matchbox and hot wheels... so thought this would be a fun way for him to carry them around and have a way to play with them





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Great idea! I love it :manyheart I just might have to make one of these for my little guy :clap:D

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Thank you ... :ty ... Thank you!

you all are so kind!

This was super simple... it really started out as a practice idea.. as it progressed ... I liked it enough to give to my son.

Its a simple crochet circle as big as you want... mine is 12 rounds of dc. with 2 draw strings weaved in to pull in opposite directions to draw up the bag to carry the cars.

I'm thinking this may be something I make my two young grandsons for their birthdays this yr. :hook





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What a great idea! Totally kid friendly and just plain awesome! I might have to do this for the gran'kiddies here. Boys and girls all love the matchbox cars we have. Your bag idea makes for great storage as well as a toy. Thank you so much for sharing.

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What a great idea! Totally kid friendly and just plain awesome! I might have to do this for the gran'kiddies here. Boys and girls all love the matchbox cars we have. Your bag idea makes for great storage as well as a toy. Thank you so much for sharing.


Bless your heart!!! Thank you so much for your compliment!

Whats neat about this is ... like what was said.. this would be good for girls too.... whether it be matchbox cars or little doll stuff or animals.

I have granddaughters that I think this would be fun for too for their birthdays. After really giving it some thought.. it would be perfect to give all the grandbabies the same thing for their birthdays this yr. Everyone is treated the same. Not that ... that is an issue... but it just makes is safe and even.

Thanks again dear!!!



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So cute! What a great idea! DS is a big "Cars" fan...a bag like this would be a fun idea for him. :) Thanks for sharing your idea! you are inspiring many new ideas! (I also want to make one fairy/princess-y for DD)

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Wow.......... thank you everyone!!

I really appreciate the compliments!!! You all sure know how to make a girl feel good!:yes

I do think I have decided that all the grandbabies are getting one of these for their birthdays this yr. That way they all get the same thing.. yet I can personalize it by color and goodies inside.

thanks again everyone ... you sure do boost a girls ego!



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