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I found a local crochet club!

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I'm soooo excited. Last night, I went to my first ever Club Crochet meeting! A friend of mine had received a brochure in the mail from a local fabric store, and in it was the Club Crochet info. We both went. Apparently they've been trying to get this club off the ground for several months. There were only 4 of us there, but hey, it's a start. This fabric store even has NICE yarns, and CROCHET supplies( not just kn----ng supplies)!!!! All this, and only 20 minutes from my house! Am I lucky or what?! They plan on a once monthly meeting.


I just had to share my excitement with someone who would understand. Y'all are it.(scuze my english)

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Congrats! I've been looking for a group -- or trying to put one together -- for a couple of years. My LYS has a group every Saturday morning, but they charge $10 just to sit there and crochet! Unbelievable. Enjoy your group. :yay

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I've had trouble until recently finding a "local" group....well really anything local to me is about 45-60 minute drive.


But I found one thru Meetup that meets at a coffee house, yippie two of my favorite things coffee and yarn, for crocheters and knitters.


And then there is one that meets once a month, but its at people houses, there is about 16 people in the group and the meetings are on rotation, this month at so-n-sos house next month the next person so on. I cant bring myself to go to those....I think it might be different if I knew at least one of the people...okay so Im weird..:( For crocheters and knitters.


But the new LYS does have a prayer/healing Shawl night every Wednesday and its FREE...gotta love free! For crocheters and knitters.


Just glad after 5 years in this area Im finding something even if its an hours drive.:hook

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I love it when you finally find a group! I have been in a craft group for a long time(about 20 years) and we do a little bit of everything. Right now most of us are crocheting. We meet every Monday (6:00-9:00) but, most of us stay till around 8:00 or so. Every 2nd Monday we call eat night. All of us bring in some kind of dish to share and then after we eat then we work on our projects. I wish you all could find a group as wonderful as ours is.:hook


We meet at our local Community Center and they don't charge us a thing. It's about a 2-3 minute drive or 10-15 walk from my house.

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i just wanted to jump in here.


i'm glad you found a group that you are happy with. :)


i got back into crocheting because a local coffee shop had a few customers that wanted to start a knitting/crafty group on a weekly basis. if it werent for them, i'd be stuck at home watching tv and being depressed all the time.


this group has really led to good and interesting things. i've met a whole bunch of people and i get to show off my crocheting stuff. it is quite supportive in helping out with problems, or suggestions and stuff. now, b/c of this group i feel that i have a new set of good friends. and we do cool stuff together, like going to the brooklyn craft fair, and we plan on going on yarn store trips throughout nyc. it's a good thing. :)


anyway, i'm rambling. so for those of you upset at not being able to find a group near you... would you be willing to start one? i think going to a place like a coffee shop where there is room to sit and it's a public setting would be good. ask the manager etc if you could do it, and just post up a flyer in the cafe. offer to teach people if they show up with a hook and yarn. that's pretty much how our group got started. the leader taught some people to knit. bring some friends with you that are interested in it. and always be working on something really cool. then they can oooh and ahhh at it and they might be inspired to try it out. (my crochet plastic bags always get a lot of attention.)


i know there a few places in nyc where i've heard of people knitting at a starbucks. so it seems like management there isnt totally opposed to having a group do things like that at their place. give it a shot!


ok. good luck!

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Congratulations on finding a local Crochet Club. We're trying to get one off the ground here in the Huntsville, Alabama area. Anyone near us is welcome to contact me or Melissa, catscradlecreations, here at crochetville. Or you can join our yahoo group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crochethuntsville


We are probably going to take the summer off and start meeting again mid-August when school starts back. We have a morning group that meets at 9 AM on Fridays at a Books-a-Million store. Books, coffee, and yummy snacks! :clap But no yarn! :(


We're also going to try to have a group that meets in the evenings sometime, somewhere, but we haven't been able to get that organized yet. Maybe in the fall when the other groups begins meeting again.


If you're in the north Alabama area, we'd love to have you join us!

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I'm really glad that you were able to get a group together. It's really hard to get a group to meet regularly outside of a yarn shop. There is a group in Minneapolis, but it's way on the other end of town and that just doesn't work for me. We had a small group (both knitters and crocheters) set up at Joann's, but they kept changing where we could meet and then eliminated our area altogether.


Anyway, towards the end of the summer, I'm going to try to start a crochet group at our local Borders Book store. They are WAY happy to have small groups come during their 'dead' days (Monday-Wed.) and coffee and crocheting do go together.


Why don't I want to meet at a yarn shop? I think it's very uncomfortable to meet at someone's shop and none of your materials are things bought there. Secondly, it encourages impulse buying--something some of us have way too much trouble with! Thirdly, at the first opportunity, your group gets booted out to make way for classes or another group (sponsored by the owner).

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I'm so happy for you!! I'd be excited, too. I've thought about putting an add in the local paper to try and start a group, but things at my house are too hectic right now. You've inspired me, tho, to go ahead with it ASAP. :hook

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I've had trouble until recently finding a "local" group....well really anything local to me is about 45-60 minute drive.


But I found one thru Meetup that meets at a coffee house, yippie two of my favorite things coffee and yarn, for crocheters and knitters.


And then there is one that meets once a month, but its at people houses, there is about 16 people in the group and the meetings are on rotation, this month at so-n-sos house next month the next person so on. I cant bring myself to go to those....I think it might be different if I knew at least one of the people...okay so Im weird..:( For crocheters and knitters.


But the new LYS does have a prayer/healing Shawl night every Wednesday and its FREE...gotta love free! For crocheters and knitters.


Just glad after 5 years in this area Im finding something even if its an hours drive.:hook

sounds great having a prayer/healing shawl night. we do not even have any crochet clubs near me yet. :hug:clap:hook

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  • 1 year later...

WOOT WOOT!! Congrats on that.

I recently (a few months ago) found a local knit/crochet group that meets 2nd and 4th Tues of the month at the local artsy place (Piedmonts Arts Association). Sadly, it's not very big (several times I was the only 1 there :( ).

A few suggestions though for those looking to maybe start a local group in their areas. Try the Libraries. They USUALLY have at least 1 meeting room that can be "checked out" for the night. It would be somewhat private, an easy uninhibiting place for folks to come, cheap, etc... Hope those trying to organize or find much good luck w/ it all :)


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I belong to the Buffalo Crochet Group! Our next meeting is on Feb 20, if anyone is in the WNY area and is interested, please PM me or send me an e-mail: kim63@att.net for details! We would love to have you, newbie or experienced.



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The CGOA's website has a listing of chapters by state, and Lion Brand's website recently started a "club finder" section. I'm a member of one of the Arizona CGOA chapters (Desert Crochet Guild) and its the most fun. I've learned a TON from the others in our group, too! So glad you could find a group!!

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Ladies I have started a group finder on my web page too..It is new so if you have a group I would love to list it on there for other crocheters who may want to find a group in your area.


Check out www.pointbreezedesigns.com and look under Find a group..

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