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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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:crocheting:crocheting so far... +10...finished a scarf, and the skeins were small.


got alot to :crocheting:crocheting tomorrow... :xfin


:spin:spinI WILL bust my stash... I WILL bust my stash...:spin:spin


:tryme and I won't switch patterns till I finish somethin'!



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I've been crocheting here and there but no points to report. I'm working on a pair of fingerless gloves that are not making me happy so far. I'm almost done with the hat but won't get any points from that. Once I finish those two things, I can start a second pair of gloves that I'm pretty sure will kill off the skein of red. Maybe I'll work up a few more charity hats just so I have something to report this week!

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I'm going to have to put a hold on this game for now. I need to find a job, so I haven't been crocheting much.


Once things settle down, I'll be back!



That's ok you know this game will be here when you get back I didn't get any yarn for today at least so not a -2 today guess we will have to see about tomorrow though not much to report back

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I'm sitting at zero so far this week. No purchases, but no crocheting going on either - I've been in a serious embroidery mood. I'm just about done with my current embroidery project, though, so I may get some crocheting done yet this week. At the very least I won't be going into the negatives! :D

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I'm going to have to put a hold on this game for now. I need to find a job, so I haven't been crocheting much.


Once things settle down, I'll be back!


I hope the job hunt goes better for you than it has for me!:hug:cheer I've been out of work since October. :( Enjoying being at home, but not enjoying the lack of money!

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Ok, I'm new at this. I just joined the group last week and have done very little crocheting this week due to being sick. Here is the question I have. I recieved yarn in the mail today that was backordered from Dec. of last year. Do I count that as added to my stash? I'm hoping not because I'm going to be seriously in the hole like -15. I didn't buy it this year, but did get it in the mail this year so it could go either way. No matter which way it goees I'd better get busy! Thanks



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Ok, I'm new at this. I just joined the group last week and have done very little crocheting this week due to being sick. Here is the question I have. I recieved yarn in the mail today that was backordered from Dec. of last year. Do I count that as added to my stash? I'm hoping not because I'm going to be seriously in the hole like -15. I didn't buy it this year, but did get it in the mail this year so it could go either way. No matter which way it goees I'd better get busy! Thanks




Sorry to say this but it counts the moment it is in your hot little hands. :wlol


The good news is you have all that nice yarn to play with. :manyheart

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I rolled a ball out of the brown yarn I've been using on dd's bf's afghan. Just have to tuck in all the ends and put on a border. Should be done today! Horray!



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Ellie...if you go onto krystal's site (listed in her siggy) and you are still a member there, you can download it again. Thats what I did the other day cuz i couldn't find it either. AND there are more tutorials on how to do it too...i had trouble when i first tried it (over a year ago) and i think these new tutorials will help me.

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I received 8 skeins of beautiful baby boy yarn from a friend to make an afghan for my soon-to-be-born great-nephew.:manyheart This doesn't help my WTD score, but my YTD is still positive! WTD -16, YTD +12. And it will work up quickly, once I'm done with the birthday present I'm making now.

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I got rid of another skein last night of that yarn that put me over the line a while back. however, i expect to pick up some yarn later today if I get out to shop.


still a plus 4 will help to make up for any falls from grace. :wlol

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OK. Since I am just now starting, it will take me a minute to figure this since January 1.


In January I purchased 12 skeins for baby blankets. So that's -24

I have used 5 of the skeins so far and completed one blanket. so that's -14


I used 6 small balls for preemie/baby caps for my favorite charity so that's -8

I used 3 balls for example squares for my binder so that's -5.

(For those of you saying "HUH?" - when I find a granny square pattern that intrigues me, I make a sample and attach it to the pattern inside my binder so I know exactly what it looks like rather than trying to imagine or just looking at the pictures).


I used 1 full skein for a small tote bag for a friend's birthday so that's -3.


So at this moment I am -3.

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(For those of you saying "HUH?" - when I find a granny square pattern that intrigues me, I make a sample and attach it to the pattern inside my binder so I know exactly what it looks like rather than trying to imagine or just looking at the pictures).
That is such a cool idea! I'll have to try that. It's so hard for me to tell if I'll like the square from the pattern pic, too. I'm always trying and frogging two or three different ones until I find one that will work for the project I'm currently working on. This would save me so much time in the long run. Definitely want to try this! Thanks so much for sharing such a wonderful idea.


Oh, and :welcome ! :D

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Friday is the day I have to post, due to being away from my computer over the weekends.


I finished the first part of my VJGC afghan - twelve 12" inch squares done. Next is the part I'm not fond of, joining, so I put it over on the other side of the couch. Have to wait for the spirit to move me.:goodorbad


I've been thinking that I don't much like green (one of the main colors for VJGC), and I had part of a RHSS that I had used for the afghan squares. So in an effort to get it out of my stash, I have started to do 6" squares to send off, too. It will take a while, though, alas.


The dishcloths for my sister have been added back in my WIM list. Also in my WIMs at this time, is another shot at Krystal's daisy square. I've made 4 so far, but I am looking forward to seeing if the new tutorials make it any easier.


So, that's if for me this week. Haven't busted any stash.


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -2




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -2


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Didn't get as much stash busting done as I had hoped to this week. I made quite a few grannies daughters (saltines) for Lynn V (dragonpuck??). I just couldn't finish any balls as I would get bored with making the same color over and over.

WTD = +5

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I busted 3 more skeins working on a baby afghan today. I am making it holding 3 skeins together but it is not working up as quickly as I thought it would and I am having a terrible time with this yarn tangeling up on me something awful.

So. Off to adjust my score again!!!LOL:clap

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I finished a skein of ribbon yarn making a little sleeve for the neck of my boyfriend's guitar so he can lean it against things without having to put it in and out of the case. I love when he requests things! And I got to use some of my velcro too. +2 for tonight.

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