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general crochet tip

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Not for sure where to post this, and perhaps it has been mentioned before, but to save anyone the frustration of having to take out a lot of hard work ...while working on my latest project - a large doily- I like to use the little "Post-it" type sticky notes to help keep my place in the pattern. After a while they do tend to lose their sticky-ness...I lost my mine somewhere along the way :( and thought now where was I :think oh that's right, Round 17, and preceeded to finish Round 17. Only later on to discover that I had actually worked Round 17 twice! :eek

Now I take a pen and mark a small dot beside each number row or round as it is finished, so if the little note-it falls off I will know exactly where to put the fresh one.:hook

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I make a copy too, and use a highlighter to mark off the row I just completed.

I like it when we share our ideas here.


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I make a copy too, and use a highlighter to mark off the row I just completed.


I like it when we share our ideas here.




Ive tried the post it note thing too and they do loose stickiness! Now I do the highlighter bit :)

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I've been using a large paperclip to hold my Post-it note in place. I write the row numbers and cross them off. This way I can leave my pattern in the page protector and not have to waste printer ink on making addition copies.


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I use a scrap piece of paper for notes. With some patterns I just make talley marks (when the pat says to reapeat row X so many times) or for other patterns I'll just jot down the row numbers and as finished I'll check 'em off. Seems to work pretty well for me.

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I actually do a combination of Pakat and Boksie. I use a paperclip to hold the post it in place and if there's spots where I need to repeat rows, I write down those row numbers and cross them off.

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I put my patterns in a plastic protector and then I use a dry erase marker and draw a line or mark by the row that I have done. Pattern dosent get yucky and the marker wipes off the plastic when you are done!

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I do the same thing boksie does. It works for me... I have hundreds of sticky note pads but they need help sometimes. My pattern is in a plastic protector sheet also. I might try the dry erase tho, I had not thought of that..

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I might try the dry erase tho, I had not thought of that..



I tried this once, and it works well from me IF i'm not taking the project with me and in and out of the bag, otherwise, the marker kind of flakes and rubs off.:(

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I put my patterns in a plastic protector and then I use a dry erase marker and draw a line or mark by the row that I have done. Pattern dosent get yucky and the marker wipes off the plastic when you are done!


Thanks for all the great tips. This one sounds like it will work great for me.:hug

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I use the little row counter thingy that is round and usually goes on a knitting needle - but I put a twister seal thru it and have it twisted on to the zipper of my notion bag and then just turn the row number as I go as I keep it close to my project. What ever number shows is the row that is completely finished.

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I use the postit 'flags', they are sticky and clear on one half and solid color on the other. They are about 1" wide, I cut them into 5 narrow strips and pencil an arrow on the edge of the non-sticky clear part to point to my spot. They do lose stickyness, each little strip is good for 1 project only, but it works for me on written patterns AND works great if you are working charted patterns. Since it is clear you can read through the marker if need be.

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These are all excellent tips. I've done some of them with various degrees of success. I keep coming back to making a list of the numbers of rows/rounds and crossing it off as I complete it.


Don't have access to a copy machine, so this simple method works for me.:c9

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I make a copy too, and use a highlighter to mark off the row I just completed.


I like it when we share our ideas here.




This is exactly what I do, too! Then when I'm done I throw away the marked up paper and the pattern itself remains brand new, ready to be copied again the next time I want to make the item.

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Ohhh lots of great ideas! :clap Thanks everyone, I will have to give the high-lighter and the dry erase pens a go, but pencil does erase... since now several rows have two and three ink marks, but a few of those are because the pattern directions had them repeated...

Cloths pins, why the best potato chip bag closure ever invented! ;):D

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One more idea on keeping your place...recently while

trying to clean up craft/sewing room - yes I did say tried! :blush

got a little side tracked looking through booklets and patterns! :lol -

Ran across the place marker used when doing Cross Stitching.

It is a thin metal sheet with a long magnifyer that is held in place by a

magnet strip over the pattern.

Hmmm... wonder how that would work for crochet patterns :think

I tried it and it does work fairly well, :hook

but probably not as good for portable projects as markings though.

I think I will combine several of these techniques from now on. :)

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