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How has C'Ville changed your life?

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Okay, I've hit the 500-post mark and nearly eight months have passed since I joined. Time to take stock. Aside from the patterns, the pattern help, the creative ideas, C'Ville has changed my life in the following way:


- I have a stash. Oh, I had a stash before, but it didn't have a name. It was just a box of wool. Now, it's a Stash of Yarn, excusez-moi.


- I have an apartment full of empty boxes and am on first-name basis with our Vietnamese postmistress. I have never sent as many parcels as I have in the last six months.


- The post(wo)man has a track beaten to my door with parcels full of big American skeins. I know what worsted weight is. I have learned to crochet quite nicely with this big yarn, though I was a bit intimidated at first.


- I have a variety of hooks. Susan Bates. A pretty wooden hook. Plastic hooks. A light-up hook. And, my favourites still, a variety of Bates hooks. They have all, without a lie, changed the way I crochet - and the speed at which I crochet, and the type of yarn I crochet with. Before I could only crochet with a limited type of yarn, now I try everything because I'll find a hook that suits it.


- I log on to read the Wish List Thank Yous because I love to see other people's presents. I get excited if an unknown person on the other side of the world finds a heap of yarn at a garage sale or inherits a bag of partial skeins from someone else.


- I have made some new friends :manyheart and found some outlets for my work in the form of charities run by people kind enough to make a difference.

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I have found an outlet to show off my creations to people who understand them, and best of all I have found that there are lots of other young people who crochet. That is really heartening because for the longest time, I really believed that handwork was a dying art since I was the only one of all my friends who crochets.

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Oh yes, a few more:

I spend nearly as much time looking at what other people crochet as I do crocheting myself :(


The state of my household cleanliness has deteriorated immensely


And my DH constantly asks what kind of earth-shattering developments there could be in the world of crochet, so oft do I browse these boards.

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Oh yes, a few more:

I spend nearly as much time looking at what other people crochet as I do crocheting myself :(


The state of my household cleanliness has deteriorated immensely


And my DH constantly asks what kind of earth-shattering developments there could be in the world of crochet, so oft do I browse these boards.



Sounds like my house too.


I've also gained friends who have similiar interests like me.


Crochetville is wonderful!



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Its my "ME" Time. I don't get ME time any other way. I have met so many people, received so much advice, and suggestions. Found out that other crocheters really do exist and it has motivated me to get more organized, finish projects, and put my work "out there".

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I have always loved to crochet but now my husband thinks I have blood that runs yarn and it would be black because that is what I use the most. I don't cook that much anymore. I have learned new stitches.:hug Thanks to everyone that has helped!:manyheart

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I've tried patterns that I would never have dared to try before. I used to make very simple things, but I've made the round ripple 4 times now (have to make sure I've got it down lol) and I've got a couple other projects in the planning stages. Yes my stash has grown but I've got plans for it and high hopes of using up scrap yarn that was just sitting there. I love this site!

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Crochetville has change my life in the following ways:


If my husband starts talking about his programming (Which drives me nuts) I now have something talk about (The ville) which I am sure it drives him nuts.


Because I Am always on crochetville I don't spend hardly anytime on Amazon anymore.


I have gotten tons of great advice from people here about crocheting when I needed it.


The people on here have helped me solve my crocheting problems.


It is fun to go to the mailbox again.


I get motivated by seeing other people's work.


I learn so many tips.

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I love the ville. I read it every morning and during the day and at night. I stop every so often and crochet but enjoy reading just as much. I love the off topics also.


I have crocheted more since I found the ville and enjoy it more.


My laptop sits in front of me all day. I don't get out much so this is my pass time.


I feel a part of a family here and know I can depend on them for backup of any problem I have including personal problems.


This is a fantastic place to be, and wonderful people.

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I've actually started to decrease my stash (Found patterns for those "I love the color but what will I do with it" skeins)


I know I have a place to go if I need someone to hear a rant, have a personal problem or question, or need an impartial ear.


I've gotten more confident in the skills I have, and am learning more about what I don't... leading me to trying new things.

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There are many ways, but the one that stands out most is when many (and I mean many) generous Crochetviller's sent me 12" squares to help put together two Backyardigan comfortghans for my friend's twin sons (one of which was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 5).


When her son died, she was so moved by the gesture that she had the afghan draped over her son's casket at the funeral. :cry


Anytime I have asked for support, everyone here has been so eager to help.



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I have more friends then ever in my life. And I know that some people don't understand but they are my friends. These are women that I have more in common with then any other friends we have so much in common its incredible.


These friends started out with "screen names" but I don't really use them much I know them as Juli, Emily, Kathy, Lori, Judy, Carol, Tina, Carla, Danielle, Janet, Mary Jo, Missie, Alice, Ann, Roberta, Joann, Kimberly, just to name a few I know there are many many more but my lunch is about over ;) and I get to add another name very soon. I tell a story and my hubby will be like "oh yeah the girl from the village". He understands, supports and even encourages my involvement at the Ville.


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1.Great new friends

2.Helpful advice

3.new patterns

4.my house has yarn everywhere and new places to hide more!

5.Many burned meals

6.House is full of dust bunnies

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I have found an outlet to show off my creations to people who understand them...


Yup. Someone that doesn't find you crazy for spending money on yarn and tons of hours making an [oft unappreciated/unused] baby blanket. :lol

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I now buy more yarn than I used to just because I like the color! When I see the pictures of other peoples stashes, it really inspired me! Now I just buy what I like and know that I will use it sometime.:hook

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