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People are rude.

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You're obviously a postive person and she seems to be a negative one. That's just how it goes sometimes. I'd wear that scarf with pride. How rude of her to say that you're not very good at crocheting! Even if you didn't make it, that's a horrible thing to say.

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When I am on the receiving end of a comment like that I usually give my most confused look and say "I'm sorry, I guess I don't understand - your opinion on this matters to me because?"


Or, if I'm just not in the mood to discuss it - I give my best smile and say "thank you"


Some people just weren't taught any manners.

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My sister was a crocheter and she made a scarf for me and I used it today. She made this scarf awhile ago. I make alot of my own stuff as you gals here know. Well anyway my co worker so the scarf and says " why don't you give up making those useless things and you're not good at it anyways it has a hole" I could care less about a hole I wanted to stay warm! My best friend who is also a crocheter and beginner like me said.. next time say " it's supposed to be like that I'm an artist"


You said that your sister made the scarf?


If someone kvetches at you about the scarf again, say (in an offended/hurt voice) "My sister made this for me! I think it's perfect!/It's my favorite! How dare you insult my sister/family!". Or something to that effect.

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You said that your sister made the scarf?


If someone kvetches at you about the scarf again, say (in an offended/hurt voice) "My sister made this for me! I think it's perfect!/It's my favorite! How dare you insult my sister/family!". Or something to that effect.


Oh when she made a rude comment about my other scarf today, the one that I made. My comenback.." Don't you ever insult me or my family and I'm terribly sorry that no one cared enough about you to take time to make something as precious as this" I don't care if my things are eneven or less than perfect, I'll still show it off with pride because I enjoy making them.. no matter how many times I mess up..

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Oh when she made a rude comment about my other scarf today, the one that I made. My comenback.." Don't you ever insult me or my family and I'm terribly sorry that no one cared enough about you to take time to make something as precious as this" I don't care if my things are eneven or less than perfect, I'll still show it off with pride because I enjoy making them.. no matter how many times I mess up..

I think you are too nice...people don't usually say things like that to someone they know will give it right back...and with a smile.

Don't change...just don't allow anyone else's opinion to matter to you so much...unless you ASK for their opinion!:hug

Want to borrow me:lol?

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I had a rude coworker make a snide remark about my highlights in my hair one time and I just looked at her smiled and said, "Thanks! I'm glad you like them! I know I do".

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::rolls eyes:: What a moron. ::shakes head:: This is what I would have done:


I'd have faked it the best I could, and put on the saddest and most depressed face ever and said, "B-b-but, this is the scarf my grammie made me before--before--and she--she--she passed away not too long ago!!" And I'd have started the wailing. Then I'd have taken off. Though, I'd have loved to have seen the look on her face.


Anywho... :devil

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::rolls eyes:: What a moron. ::shakes head:: This is what I would have done:


I'd have faked it the best I could, and put on the saddest and most depressed face ever and said, "B-b-but, this is the scarf my grammie made me before--before--and she--she--she passed away not too long ago!!" And I'd have started the wailing. Then I'd have taken off. Though, I'd have loved to have seen the look on her face.


Anywho... :devil

hahaha love that.. I'll have to use that next time.

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I agree that is very rude but just consider the source...

Maybe she was not taught better. You watch and you can see how people were brought up. Maybe she doesn't know how to say something nice.



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Oh when she made a rude comment about my other scarf today, the one that I made. My comenback.." Don't you ever insult me or my family and I'm terribly sorry that no one cared enough about you to take time to make something as precious as this" I don't care if my things are eneven or less than perfect, I'll still show it off with pride because I enjoy making them.. no matter how many times I mess up..



you mean she had the GALL to do it a 2nd time w/ a diferent scarf?? GEEZ!! but I am very proud of how you handled it. Did she at least have the decency to look humiliated??


:hug:hug:hug to for having to put up w/ such insufferable behavior from co-workers.



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I told my son one time when someone said something nasty to him to say to the person that he was sorry that their mother never taught them any manners, that the guy should get to know me, that I would teach him how to act. Well, he did say that the next time. That person never said anything nasty to him again.

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I don't feel the need to answer people who are rude with politeness. I think it's perfectly accpetable to just say, "Oh my.. I'm going to have to make an appointment with the doctor. I obviously must have asked your opinion - because I can't believe you would be stupid and rude enough to give it to me without my asking -- but I can't remember doing so. I do hope I'm not geting forgetful. But I must be.. it's not possible that you're such an idiot, is it?"

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you mean she had the GALL to do it a 2nd time w/ a diferent scarf?? GEEZ!! but I am very proud of how you handled it. Did she at least have the decency to look humiliated??


:hug:hug:hug to for having to put up w/ such insufferable behavior from co-workers.




Yeah she was, but she brought that onto herself!

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I always relish my "mistakes"! In fact, I tend to leave a small mistake in every project as the Amish do because only the Creator creates perfection. On the subject at hand, I always respond "Opinions are like rear ends- everybody has them & sometimes the best thing to do is SIT ON THEM !

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i am happy to see that you are proud of your sisters work...dont worry about what that co worker said...at least you are trying and soon with practice will get better.. so keep at it.

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I am sorry that your co-worker was that rude *twice*. My son had that problem a couple years ago. His best friend made fun of his hat and scarf that I made him. so, the next morning my son grab another set, put his on and gave his friend the other set I had made, and that winter that boy wore his hat and scarf everyday. Guess he was just jealous.

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I agree, that co-worker sounds jealous. Just reading I thought, she has probably never given in her lifetime or she would understand how it makes you feel to do something for others. Buy her a hook, yarn and book and tell her you'll help her learn, she might actually learn to enjoy something in her life otherthan criticism..

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