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Ugly crochet :-((

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Okay, this is a forum where we all support and love crochet. But sometimes it's just so ... well, unattractive. Yes, each to her own and believe me, I have a very whacky taste at the best of times, but still...


What's getting me at the moment is a little craft gallery down the road from my house. I live in Germany where crochet is always (dare I say it again? oh yes, go on:) ALWAYS associated with Topflappen - potholders. Often whilst crocheting some intricate square in expensive yarn, some innocent bystander has said "What a nice potholder!"

[stunned silence. Hook-hand shakes and yarn-holding hand holds it down before it pokes bystander in fleshy part of thigh]

so I'm generally THRILLED to see crochet being used in a young and funky and TRENDY way. We've got a bad reputation over here, as crochet is seen as pretty old-fashioned / the craft of grandmas / the last remnant of the 1970s.


What's the art gallery go to do with it? Well, it's one of those avant garde places that regularly holds exhibitions (you know, mannequins with arms hacked off and bleeding wounds, paintings made by flinging buckets of paint at an oversized canvas and then riding a bike over them, etc) and now a crocheter has taken up residence. She sits on the street in front of the gallery with her wool in a top hat (very important over here to be demonstratively artsy-fartsy) and crochets away. Enough to make a hooking heart sing, wouldn't you think? Except that what she's producing is (IMHO) so HICK. It underlines every preconceived notion about crochet: she makes shawls, big fisherman's-net shawls, in a kind of freeform crochet - jarring colours in wild abandon, a range of fun furs and chunky wool. And while I'm so glad to see someone crochet, every time I pass, I wince. Every time I pass with a friend or acquaintance, they grab my sleeve and whisper ferociously, "Your stuff is so much nicer!". (My DH suggested I sit opposite her with one of my WIPs and give her a run for her money, haha :lol )


Sorry to whinge - it's just that I want crochet to shine. I want people to see it as a craft that produces funky and interesting and beautiful things. Not multi-coloured, furry fisherman's nets!!!


(And no, I won't be taking up residence at the gallery to do an exhibit of my own. I don't think my wor is weird enough. No joke.)

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haha you made me smile. I had a friend who once said how she loved the look of crochet, but why do it in such horrendous colours?


Sometimes craft is just as much about the process as the product. By this I mean as long as the lady is expressing herself, and enjoying what she is making , then that is good. Each to their own. I reckon I have made a few uglies in my time, but gee I had fun doing it!


I have an enviable crochet shawl collection which I never dared to wear to work. This winter has been particuarly cold so I dragged some out and flung them arround my gear. You know what? The young things in the office kept asking me where I got them from, and how fabulous they were. I started with the most muted, subtle one I had, and finally braved to wear the bright red one made of flower motifs. This one was the favorite!


Maybe you could join the lady at the art gallery just to share how diverse a craft crochet is! And maybe her shawls are just the thing to wear if you have had your limbs cut off and ride motor bikes across painted canvasses in the name of art.


I enjoyed your story.

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Haha, cupcake - I KNOW. I'm torn between "Yay! Go girl!" and "Aaagh! Call the fashion police!"


As for taste - well, I can't say I'm a doyenne of fashion but I have a good eye for colour so it hurts me when I see someone crochet neon green fun-fur next to scarlet red wool. I want to grab it off her, smack her wrist and say, "Naughty, naughty, naughty! No more crochet till you've studied your colour wheel!" :lol


Basically I feel defensive for the craft; I want people to go by and say "Whoah, that's s cool!" instead of (yes, I have been observing the passers-by) "Erk! What's she at?"


As for uglies: sometimes something is SO ugly, it's kind of cool in its own flamboyant way. I've also tried to force myself to use other colour combinations than my usual 'safe' colours esp. for charity items because I tend to naturally go for things that would suit me, and my colouring. I have to remember that there are people in the world that are not red haired and pale skinned, and therefore can wear gorgeous reds and oranges and deep pinks. :)

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What a hoot. My daughter can be particularly ruthless with her tongue. She once asked me why I couldnt make something with ONE colour. WHY, she asked does every afghan have to be multicoloured?


Cos there are so many pretty colours out there, besides making an afghan in ONE colour - golly I would be bored by the second square...


AS for my son.... he calls it "Mums crochet technicolour vomit" Crass boy that he is. Now he has a girlfriend and I seem to be for ever making stuff for her and her friends as they think crochet is "so in right now".


Colour wheel? is that something like a kaleidascope where the colours come as they fall (lol)

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I'm with you Miss Crochet. I just can't "do" orange and purple, puke green and neon pink. I can't. I just can't. Today's young don't realize those who churn out fashion tried to foist this on us in the past when I was a lot younger, and I didn't like it any better then!


I don't want fur, flags, feathers, fluff, strings, puff balls and all the other foof they think of to sew into or hang off from strands of yarn. I just want yarn.


I don't want to put money, time, work and creativity into something that looks like a big incongruity when I'm finished.


And you're right ~ I also don't like having the public think that the loud, showy, made in poor taste items represent crochet in general. As you can see here on Crochetville, the far majority of items are gorgeous, so there ARE a lot of people with good taste, crocheting to their heart's content.

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Topflappen. That will be my new word of the day :) Crochet....ugly or lovely, I enjoy it all. I agree with your husband....you should take a seat nearby and do your thing.

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What a funny story, I needed that. But, I have to say I am so glad that crochet has finally emerged as a hip and lovely thing. No longer described or thought of as old fashioned or something only older people do. It has become such a wide array of things in the past bit of years. I have always loved it, and I don't really mind the weird yarns. They have their place . I use fur yarn when trimming purses and things for tweens or little girls, they seem to like them. OR when making doll clothing for my stepdaughter. They are a pain to work with though. Some people think doilies are ugly and old fashioned. I happen to think they are lovely works of art, so I guess everyone has opinions on what can be ugly. Maybe you can get the lady to add some things made by other crocheters to her "display". That way a wide array of items can show that crochet comes in many forms. Not just her "uglies"!;)

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There are some gorgeous examples of young and hip crochet: while in an upmarket boutiquey-chainstore in Ireland, I found a beautiful crocheted dress (by whom? I asked myself. Probably some poor person in a Third World Country, because it only cost about €150 - less than $200). In any case, as I was admiring it, a chunky label fell out of it, you know, one of those things printed on heavy brown card, kind of pseudo-eco-looking, with 'HAND-KNITTED' written on it in a fancy font. Aaagghhhhh!!!!

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I agree with you Miss Crochet!! I am of the older generation, but I like crochet to be hip and trendy. Otherwise, it is going to die out!! It is one thing to be ABLE to crochet and another thing to be able to pick out the right colors and make something that will be worn in this century!!! You have to change things up and be modern!! I used to be in craft shows, not with crochet, but with painting and wood. But I would see the ladies crocheting these old ugly things from the 40's and 50's and think that if they would just update that pattern and colors those things would sell. Mabye you should make a little something for that lady and drop it off with her one day!!

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:lol I saw a woman crocheting recently & starting talking to her only to notice what a hideous thing she was making :lol To each his own I suppose & I'm positive there are many people who think My word could she make something else besides another toy about me :lol
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That's so funny, yet so unfortunate all at the same time! Luckily when I run into crochet locally its usually very nice and pretty, not an eyesore like your experience sounded to be! Thanks for the laugh!:)

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Topflappen. That will be my new word of the day :) Crochet....ugly or lovely, I enjoy it all. I agree with your husband....you should take a seat nearby and do your thing.


I think I have a new word too :lol - topflappen. And I think I'm going to use it to describe the horrible taste we see in some of the crochet...like the hideous orange, green and brown rugs I saw at an art festival last week. It was very - umm - topflappen! :devil



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Reminds me of when a local church did a "herritage day" and invited all handworkers to come display themselves.


I was making a leprosy bandage out of bamboo thrads, so of course they put me beside the ancient granny lady who was making a meon orange and sea foam green round ripple.


It was enormously fun, especially the people asking if we had switched projects to be funny.

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I have to add that just recently I made a granny-esque hobo bag for my daughter in the colors of her choice (she was 19). Brown, yellow, and orange. It looked very 70s, hippie, retro and bohemian. She loves it. I lined it with brown fabric with tiny music notes on it. She gets lots of comments on it, again, love it or hate it, but crochet is like so many other things cyclical. There will always be the classic items, then there will be the zany items, and some of those 70s items will live forever. :) Think shrugs are "new"? Do an internet search and you'll find patterns from the 40s for shrugs! Goes around, goes around.

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There is nothing new under the sun, only what has been forgotten. Bright "neon" colors and "granny square" crochet is making a come back (Ponchos, bags, floppy hats, vests etc). The only difference is, they are store bought and expensive.

Ellie 13

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I am from the 70's and I think the 50's and (vintage) crochet is horrid and most of it needs to be re-done, burned or thrown away.(So all of us have our eras of good feelings regarding crochet.

I lived in Germany for 2 1/2 years(Bad Kissengen), I loved the filet crocheted curtains. I am still drooling to have those patterns.

You should be a writer, so much a pleasure to read your post.

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