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Wow, I love my husband!

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Ok, this is going to sound a little weird, but I really didn't think my hubby was liking my crocheting. I have tried to pick up on many things over the years, I have this urge to create things with my hands, but other then counted cross stitch, I haven't been "good" at much. I was able to pick up on crochet fast, once my MIL got me on the right track, now I am making things left and right and ENJOYING it so much! We were out shopping today, picking up some things for the baby, and we passed by Michael’s and I asked to go in to see if they carried a brand of yarn I wanted to check out. We got there and there was all this beautiful chenille (sp?) yarn on clearance for $2 each (normally 7 each). The two colors they had, dark grey and a bright almost navy blue, looked really good together and they had enough for two small lapghan’s or a large blanket. He was like wow! Lets get this for you! And I was floored! He saw the surprise in my face and said he liked how happy this made me and how much he enjoyed me enjoying it. All I can say is I am one lucky lady to have him as my hubby.:c9:bheart

So, all in all it has been a great day and I feel truely blessed in my life . . . of course that could be the pregnancy hormones talking!!! :D:blink

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how sweet...a husband who hasnt met a stash hoarder lol. thats good that he recognizes it makes you happy and supports it.


What is funny about that, is his mom is a HUGE stash hoarder! We always joke that if she opened it up for sale, she would put her local Hobby Lobby out of biz! :lol But he has also seen (so far) how fast I am using what I buy

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Three cheers for those husbands who support our crochet addiction! :cheer:cheer:cheer


I am blessed with one of those as well! A year ago May I had bid on an out of print pattern from Annie's Attic for the Indian Blanket. It's a much sought after pattern and any time it shows up on Ebay, the bidding usually shoots up over $30 almost immediately and goes up from there. I bidded up to $25 and figured if it went above that, it would have to do it without me. I had checked on it just for the heck of it before I went to work that morning and it was up to almost $40.


When I came home from work, I checked my email like I always do and I had an email from Ebay telling me that I had won auction #yaddayaddayadda for the Indian Blanket crochet pattern. I couldn't figure out how, because I knew that my last bid had been $25, and I knew that the bidding had been up to WELL over $25 early that morning. I was all excited about it, and DH said "everything OK dear?" I told him that I couldn't figure out how I had won it because my last bid had been $25, and early that morning the bidding had been up to almost $40, and he looked up from what he was doing and said "$41.75". I said "huh?" And he said "the bidding ended at $41.75. I knew that you had really wanted that pattern, you've talked about nothing BUT that pattern lately, and I went in to see what the bidding was up to, and there was only 2 minutes to go in the auction. So I put in a bid and I guess I got it in late enough that nobody was able to beat it out." I asked him if he was aware that it was just a pattern, and not the actual blanket, and that it was $41.75 for just a small pamphlet, and he said, "I would do anything to see you happy, you know that. I wouldn't have cared if it was $100."


Congratulations on having your own big hunk of gold! Men who understand us are just the greatest, aren't they? :c9

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Sometimes, they can really surprise you. You are so lucky. He understands how it is to do something constructive with your hands.



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I'm lucky enough to have one myself except he's a dbf not a dh. He is great at taking all my packages to the post office for me when I'm doing squares and all and he will go to Michaels and AC Moore for me if I need him to. Yes, there are some really great ones out there.:manyheart

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Wow - that's fantastic. He's a keeper. I wanna see pictures of the finished project. And Elle - I wanna see a pic of your indian blanket when you get it done too.

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You are very lucky - I can't get mine to walk into a craft store and when he drives me to Michaels, he stays in the car and I have to run in and out!!!


But I have to say, he doesn't ever complain about how much I spend so I am lucky too :cheer:cheer

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Awww...how sweet! My hubby has not really encouraged me to buy yarn, but he does like to spoil me in other ways sometimes. We are blessed!

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My hubby is supportive, in a fashion. He wouldn't know one yarn from another, and would NEVER consider buying me yarn in case he came back with what might be considered wrong (which it never could be, I love yarn of all descriptions).


The first time I heard him grumble was the other day when I had 12 skeins of RHSS deliverd to our office. He saw how much yarn was in the package and groaned. He knows I'm part way through 3 projects (he doesn't know about the other 5 I have stashed away) and is wondering why I felt I needed more yarn. Poor man, little does he know that there's a massive craft show in Sydney in a couple of weeks and I have over $400 stashed to spend on yarn there.

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congratulations my hubby is like that too he knows how much crochet means to me and is my biggest fan is always telling me how i can make things and make money on it wish he was right about that but we all know how people are when it comes to paying but i do it more for enjoyment than anything i am happy for you thats so awesome:yay:yay:yay:yay

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It is good to hear how many others have great support too! Yes, I knew he was a keeper the moment I laid my eyes on him, (I was 12!) tho it took quite a few years to get him to know that :D This Feb we will have been married 10 years and I have never once looked back.

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you were like me then love at first sight i was 15 when i met my hubby course he was 6 years older than me so it took a while but we have been married 29 years this month :hug:hug:hug

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