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Cranky Crocheter

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Bear with me - this story has a point:


Yesterday I went for a walk. When I came back, I stopped at the traffic lights outside my house. A young couple was standing beside me, the woman carrying a kiddie tricycle, the man holding a tiny toddler's hand.

"The light's about to turn green," he was saying, "so hold on to my hand."

The toddler stomped her foot. "Don't WANT to hold hand!"

"Okay, then, you can walk beside me."

"Don't WANT to walk beside you, want my TRIKE!"

"Mummy has your trike, do you want to ride your trike?"

"I HATE my trike! I want to walk! By MYSELF!"

"Okay, you can."

"Don't WANT to! WANT my trike!!"

and so on - oh, the delightful logic of a cranky toddler - till the light turned green, then he picked her up and walked across the road with a pint-sized, screaming and kicking ball of fury on his shoulder.


But.. that's how I feel today! Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's PMS, I don't know - I'm tetchy and cranky and not in the mood to do anything.

Have you ever had a day like this? You look at your crochet and think:

"I HATE crochet! it's STUPID! My yarn is UGLY!"

and the logical, calm part of your brain is saying, "Why, you've lovely yarn and you make pretty things..."

"NO! My yarn is HORRID! It's BORING! I HATE my hooks!"

"No, your hooks are very pretty and you've so much yarn, surely you must be able to find some colour you like."

"No! NO! I don't WANT them!"



To make matters worse, I discovered a mistake in a scarf I'm making, three rows back, so now I have to frog it. (yes, I HAVE to frog it because I KNOW that mistake is there.) So now I'm in a big sulk. Stupid yarn. Stupid hooks. Stupid scarf. Stupid me.

Time to do something else, me thinks :lol

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Lord, I had a day like that last week. Fussed about with a pair of capris 4 times. Finally realized they were trying to be a skirty, so I complied. Now, they are a lovely bananaberry skirty and there are no capris in my store........lol.


I'm working on Christmas gifts today and none of the yarn I already have is being cooperative. None of it wants to be cd coasters. Grrrrr. Somewhere, there must be a ball of yarn that wants to be coasters.

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:lol Funny that you should post this today! I was in the grocery store yesterday and there was a toddler having a fit. I couldn't see him/her, but BOY could I HEAR it.

It was hot, sticky and humid...seemed like no matter what I needed, there was someone standing right there in front of it talking...my pen ran out as I was marking things off my list...and of course I had the cart with the loud wheels going 'THUNK-THUNK-THUNK-THUNK' all the way across the store.

As I listened to this little one screaming its head off, I started once to just sit down in the middle of the aisle and start wailing, too. LOL Guess the difference is that at my age, I'd get thrown out/arrested/taken to a mental hospital for throwing a fit like that. :lol

And yes, I've had crochet made me feel like throwing a tantrum. Usually I just have to find something else to do. If nothing else, I'll just take a nap and hope to wake up in a better mood. :D

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LOL! Yes, had that kind of a day yesterday. Sat down with about 20 skeins of yarn in front of me and NONE of them wanted to become a scarf! :eek:eek NOT ONE, STUPID YARN, STUPID HOOKS, etc, :lol. I did manage to finally finish two scarves that had been started previously though and some Peaches & Cream decided it would become a bath mitt! Then decided it was time to finish reading a book that was due back to the library tomorrow. I'm happy to say that today is going somewhat better! :cheer

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I have been having one of those days since Sat. I work overnights at WM so when I woke up decided I needed to go grocery shopping. Took all 3 kids with me and spent $250. Got home to find out we have no water the tank is empty so I call DH at work to let him know he had tried the landlord all weekend, well here it is Monday and still no water I just want to cry all I want is to take a cool shower wash the dishes and do some laundry. :angry:(:rant I know this doesn't really have anything to do with crochet.

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Some days are like that..:yes they are!!! :rofl Some times I just stay in my room all day and don't leave for any long period of time.(being a hermit sometimes is good!!):yes And :ty for brightening my day :day I really needed to laugh today..:laughroll

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Ahh yes I've had cranky toddler days & I have no toddlers :lol I've never looked at my crochet & thought it's stupid but I have thought there's just no way I can make you into something cute today. Even if all the parts are done & all I need to do is sew it together some days O just can't force myself.

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Wow, never really had a day like that, but will be watching for one...LOL Sounds like you need a break, get a tall glass of ice tea and a good book and take the afternoon off....don't cook dinner, eat out and call me in the morning, I think you will be fine...HUGS

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Heat, hormones, what ever, I have had a week like that also. Sometimes, I go out in the garage during the day and let loose with a big scream, :yell don't laugh it helps! :hook

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Thank goodness. Thanks, girls - I feel sane again! :lol


Well, I work up this morning and realised what was wrong: the left side of my face is swollen, I can't swallow, my sinuses are blocked - I have a rip-roaring throat infection and am in a lot of discomfort. Obviously I'd just been coming down with something. I still blame the scarf, though. :P Now I'm on my way to the doctor's to get something to help me swallow so I can at least drink lots of fluids, like everyone recommends...

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Thank goodness. Thanks, girls - I feel sane again! :lol


Well, I work up this morning and realised what was wrong: the left side of my face is swollen, I can't swallow, my sinuses are blocked - I have a rip-roaring throat infection and am in a lot of discomfort. Obviously I'd just been coming down with something. I still blame the scarf, though. :P Now I'm on my way to the doctor's to get something to help me swallow so I can at least drink lots of fluids, like everyone recommends...


:hug Hope you feel better soon! :hug

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Recently before my feet hit the floor I woke up saying to myself "everyone will do exactly as I say or else!!!" Yeah right :P. I just had to step back, breath and do something I hadnt done in a while like watch a movie that didnt have singing vegetables :lol

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I've been having a lot of cranky days lately. I think party of it is the heat. I really hate summer no matter how much I try to deny it. I'm in a much better mood come September. Add to my crankiness a toddler who is also cranky and two school-aged children who are fightening about who's touching who and who is name-calling. I just want to rip my hair out some days. I want nothing more than to go to the yarn store and browse the aisles and dream. Well, with three children - that just cannot happen!! I hear you!!!:D

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I've been having a lot of cranky days lately. I think party of it is the heat. I really hate summer no matter how much I try to deny it. I'm in a much better mood come September. Add to my crankiness a toddler who is also cranky and two school-aged children who are fightening about who's touching who and who is name-calling. I just want to rip my hair out some days. I want nothing more than to go to the yarn store and browse the aisles and dream. Well, with three children - that just cannot happen!! I hear you!!!:D


I must think positive thoughts! I must think positive thoughts! I must think positive thoughts!


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I had a night like that last night. :P I was trying to work up something quick to dress the teddy I'd finished earlier in (scarf, sweater, ect) but my yarn wouldn't turn into anything nice. Add to that being irritable, and a headache... But a good night's sleep helped make the crankies go away.

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