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The "stash"

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I keep hearing about "the stash" and just wondered, is your stash leftovers? Or is your stash yarn pre-bought that you couldn't resist? If it's pre-bought, how do you decide how much to purchase?

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a little of both actually. Pre bought usually a project I am going to work on, but haven't been able to. actually going thru my stash yesterday I found yarn for a blanket i meant to start 3 months ago. ooops. lol

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Definately both! I've started trying to contain leftover skeins in drawstring bags or shoe boxes. They have a nasty habit of getting tangled much too easily for me to allow them to mingle freely with the rest of my stash population.

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Mine is both also. I buy when its on sale, if I dont have a color I use commonly,if I have a project in mind, if its pretty LOL, I buy when ever the mood hits(which is when I have the extra $$ to spend on it) How much I buy depends on the price of yarn and how much cash I can spend.



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My stask to is a mix of both! Hobby lobby is right down the road and the craft manager and I are friends so when a yarn goes on sale or one is getting clearenced she calls and lets me know. I also look at Salvation Army and the other thrift stores we have in town.. The thrift stores never have a lot of one color but there is usually more than enough to do some squares for charity!! I have made a couple of cute scrap afghans out of stuff from thrift stores.

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Mine's a little bit of both and a little different too. When I first really got into crocheting a couple of years ago I bought for whatever project I was working on. It didn't take long before the allure of it's pretty and on sale hit me. I also ended up getting three Rubbermaid containers full of yarn off my local Freecycle group for free. That was two years ago and I still occasionally have someone email me and ask if I'd like more yarn, I can never seem to say no to them. I have more than I need right now, but I still buy for a specific product, or when it's a really great sale. My husband says it's an addiction too, but he doesn't have a problem with me picking up five or six skeins of something that used to be six or seven dollars for a dollar a piece.

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Mines both too. Usually full skiens are from projects I changed my mind or had an extra one left over. Sometimes I'll buy extra white and black because they go with everything and can make a project look finished and give me enough yarn to make a project with what I have on hand (I told the lady who was stocking yarn at Micheal I was buying extra white and black and she kind of looked at me weird:lol... hey it was on sale and I did end up using it for my black and white round ripple).


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Mine is a little bit of everything. Some of it is leftovers, a lot of it is stuff that I bought just because I couldn't resist it, both online and in person. Some of it is stuff that people have given me because they no longer wanted or needed it, and I never say "no" to homeless yarn. I don't know too many people who knit or crochet, though, so most of the "damage" has been done by none other than little old me. :lol

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Ok now, lets all admit it as what it really is :yes The "stash" means we are suffering from a common condition known as yarn addiction :eek


Those of use with large "stashes" can not resist the colors, feel, or a good sale. Oh yes, we may visit our "stashes" and arrange them by type. Our family and friends shake their heads in wonder when they pass our "stash".


We look for patterns to use up our "stash". We always buy extra yarn for our projects and tell ourselves it so we have enough. Some of us have hidden radar in our brains and can spot that batch of yarn in the clearance isle before we enter the store.


We get very excited when we visit our LYS, Michaels, Wal Mart, thrift and yard sales in search of more, more, more! :drool We will talk to complete strangers for hours comparing our "stash" but put us with those same people in the grocery store and we pass each other without saying a word.


Yes, I am a "stash" addict and love it :rofl

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I'm new to crocheting and am just now starting to accumulate stash. I'm hoping to get more yarn this weekend.



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Mine is both, when I'm pre-buying I usually have a project in mind for that particular yarn so I buy enough to make what I'm thinking about.... however, judging the size of my stash, I THINK about much more than I actually MAKE :rofl


My scrap stash stays under control pretty well though by doing things like the charity square along, and making the squares I pledge to myself to make for a couple charities that have grabbed my attention.

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my stash is a mixture of new and used ...


there was a sale on crochet cotton when spotlight was changing locations in town.. i got well over $400 worth for $63.. BARGAIN!!!


also i bought 100 balls of feather yarn to make a blanket and well its still not one of my WIP..lol but i will get there


i also pick up yarn at the second hand shops, as some of the yarns are unable to be purchased now.. and these are great for small projects..


my stash is currently spread through my lounge room LOL

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I guess I'm going to say both. Although my scraps really aren't that much. Now....the new yarn....LOTS :P I love yarn! I love to look at my stash, go through my stash, and add to my stash. That's where I go when I start a new project. Although, sometimes I need to buy more yarn for my stash when starting a new project. LOL I have five 6 shelf bookshelves that my stash presently resides on in my bedroom. I can wake up and look at my stash! And, I need another bookshelf...which of course means I need to add to my stash. ROTFL!!!!!:hook



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i would say mine is 80% pre-bought for various reasons (pretty, soft, new fiber, fiber i like, project in mind, sale etc etc) then i have the leftovers from other projects. i estimate how much to buy based on what i think i might use it for (i make mostly wear-ables) so i usually buy no less than 400 grams for a top and then i make accesories so i will buy the odd ball or two of a color/texture i like

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Mine's both too. I have some leftover yarn, but now that my girls are crocheting & teaching their friends (see, it's not just me!) they tend to use up my leftovers. I buy yarn that just plain looks/feels good as well as yarn for specific projects. I can't resist clearance sales or yarn in my favorite colors. I found some great bargains on eBay & have my sisters bringing me my mom's leftovers as they were going through some of her storerooms...I'm just plain addicted.

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A couple years ago I had no stash. I bought some left overs from Hersshiners and thought myself lucky! then I did six afghans for a family. I now have POUNDS of leftovers. @.@ At any rate, enough to fill a big yard-sized trash bags.

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I'd say I'm half and half. I have yarn I've bought for projects (and do use), I have left overs and I have "hey that's a great buy" or "ohhh I just can't resist!" yarn. I'm doing good. I only have two bins overflowing and three bags! :yarn:D



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My stash is both, but is mostly new sale yarn. When I find yarn I like, I buy 10 skeins. When I find yarn I love, I buy 20 skeins.

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My stash is both, but is mostly new sale yarn. When I find yarn I like, I buy 10 skeins. When I find yarn I love, I buy 20 skeins.


This is how my stash is, too. But I don't confine it to yarn; there are also fabrics and cross-stitch supplies. My family accuses me of taking over the house with my fibers, books and magazines.

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My stash is a mixture. I try to buy what I need for a project, but usually have at least a little bit of yarn leftover. But, I would say the majority of my stash is yarn that I found on sale. Like, the 20 or so skeins of bernat super stripes yarn I found on clearance at wal-mart for $1 (regular price 3.88 each at wally) Or the specialty I got at big lots the day after thanksgiving for .88, I actually made two stops that day, bought about 30 skeins. Then part of the stash is yarn that was given to me. I have several skeins that a neighbor of my gifted me from her stash, she thought I would use it more quickly that she would (some of it was gifted to her to I think), some of it is yarn that my mother finds for me a yard sales. The last time she brought me yarn it was in a 30 gallon trash bag, and was 3/4 of the way full. It doesn't matter to me where the yarn came from if it feels nice I pet it all the same.:c9

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my addiction is both yarn and patterns.:clap yarn must be about 10 tubs full new and used. ( and maybe more).:c9 patterns I never refuse a pattern and have downloaded hundreds plus buying new ones. addiction yes but ohh so much fun :cheerand people love the things i give them and i love it to:manyheart. bert crocheter for 60 years.:yay

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My stash is mostly solid colored ww yarn that I know I can use for just about anything. I'm rather fond of making small dolls and stuff, so solid colors are very useful. I usually have a roll or two of each color, and lots of orange. I seem to go through that quickly. Then there's the various random rolls I bought because I liked the yarn, and a 3 or 4 leftover rolls from some afgans... Of course, I'm limited to what I can get into my closet and not block the door too much. I really ought to use some of it up so I can fit it all in the bag I use, but it's probably not going to happen. I feel naked without a bunch of yarn lying around ;)

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