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Grrrrrr!!! Stupid yarn!!!! Update: gets worse

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I bought a lovely, soft variegated yarn in bright colours and tried it out this evening.

And I hate it.

It's thinner than what I usually use, (maybe like a baby weight in the US?) so I have to use my stupid 3.0 needle, which has a scratchy hook and a plastic handle, and because it's thinner than my other yarns, I have nothing to crochet it with and it's too bright for a square by itself. Grrrr. Rant. Stupid yarn. Stupid hook. :angry




Ohhh. I feel much better now. Thanks for that.

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Isn't that interesting that the variegated is always thinner than the solid colors. Would it be possible for you to find baby or DK yarn to go with this new variegated? Maybe that would work. And a new 3.0 hook so you can stop pulling out your hair!

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Well, now I'm just in a sulk with the yarn. It sits in the corner with its arms folded, fuming: "Stupid girl! Can't even use me properly!" and I, on the other side of the room, smoulder "Why didn't you look skinnier when I picked you up and pawed you in the shop?" I think we'll have to lick our wounds for a while.


I was thinking of adding another yarn to it, or even doubling it on itself, but here's my crocheting dilemma: I'm virtuously trying to stash bust. I otherwise generally use cotton yarns and I wanted to use this with other yarns I had carefully selected and put aside to coordinate with it. When I double it with another yarn it becomes chunky weight and you don't see its nice variegatedness (sorry, just invented that word). So it'd lose its nice colourway and I'd have to buy MORE chunky weight yarn to finish a project with it. Hmmm....


And I don't have any other choice in a hook. The only hooks available here are INOX hooks (I had to buy Prym aluminium hooks in Ireland!) and bamboo hooks, and I can't use bamboo...

(yes, this is turning into a real drama, isn't? :lol)


Never mind!! I'll make a one-skein scarf out of it or something. I just have a feeling the yarn deceived me: puffed itself up in the shop to look as thick as the other yarns. The little skein-fiend.

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I can just picture this skein sitting there going :nahnah at you.




Haven't we all been there. Thank you so much for your wonderful story and I'm so sorry for your troubles. May I ask where you are located?

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Aaaaaah!!!!! The old Love/Pain in the keester dilemma. My nemesis is Joann Fabric's Rainbow Boucle' yarn. Every single time I stitch the foundation row with that yarn I SWEAR loud and long that I will NEVER use this BLANKITY BLANK yarn again. Then as I try and add the next row my vocabulary seems to regress to four letter words. Ultimately as I get further into the pattern I quit threatening to run the skein through the SHREDDER.....well at least until I loose count on the darn pattern repeats.....

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Miss Crochet, I feel your pain. Tell me where you are and the size hook you want, and I'll send you one. No one should have to work with a cra, er, crummy hook.


I, too, hate Rainbow Boucle, but for the Seraphina shawl, I am sticking with it. The striping makes a gorgeous pattern, so I am clenching my jaw and keeping at it.

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I'm sorry this is happening but you sure are doing a good job at making it seem funny! I bought yarn that was susposed to be a WW but it wasn't! It was soft yarn too. I don't know what happened. I hope you and the yarn can end this on good terms. Put that yarn to work! LOL

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Thank you for your sympathy and empathy. But alas it gets worse:


I bought 2 skeins of this darned wool. I started using one but kept the other one, with the receipt, in the little bag I bought it in. Today I decided to bring it back - after all, it cost more than my usual wool (which is always the case, right? it wouldn't be the €1 stuff now, would it?) So in I went to my LYS, produced the little bag and asked the shop assistant (very nice lady) if I could bring it back.

Shop Lady (face falling): You only want to exchange one ball? It's just that... well, for one ball...

Me (overcome with pathological politeness): Well, if it's too much trouble...

Shop Lady: (reluctantly) It's just that the register is a bit.. no, it's okay...

Me (hurriedly): No, no, in that case, forget it. I'll just buy another skein and work it up into something else.


What did she say? WHAT did she say???

I'll just buy another skein and work it up into something else!!!!


So now I have THREE skeins of wool, including the new yarn, which is a bamboo wool and as soft as kittens, BUT STILL!!!!


So I stomped back home, with skeins falling to bits laughing at me in my handbag (New yarn: "Sucker!!!" Old yarn: "Wait till you see where she lives! It's a total paradise! And at this rate there'll be even more of us by the end of the week!")


Thank you for the hook offer, Redheart, you are really very kind, but I live in Germany and I really wouldn't want to put you to the trouble and expensive of sending me a hook all the way over here. This, by the way, is the accursed yarn. Which is lovely, I might add. It just hates ME :lol

Schachenmayr Nomotta Micro Bamboo (colour # 26 - orange)

Schachenmayr Nomotta Micro Fino (colour # 0085 - electric blue/peach/cerise)


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Miss Crochet, what a wonderful story teller. It is a delightful story and I can't wait to see how it all plays out. I know in the end you will whip that yarn into shape.:lol


I'm with RedHeart what size hooks do you need. I will also be glad to send you one.

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Shop Lady (face falling): You only want to exchange one ball? It's just that... well, for one ball...

Me (overcome with pathological politeness): Well, if it's too much trouble...

Shop Lady: (reluctantly) It's just that the register is a bit.. no, it's okay...

Me (hurriedly): No, no, in that case, forget it. I'll just buy another skein and work it up into something else.


I am laughing so hard I just snorted water out of my nose. I had to call my husband to tell him this story, and he laughed so hard he almost choked--I'm not laughing AT you, I am laughing WITH you, because I would absolutely, positively, 100% GUARANTEED have done the exact same thing. :lol And when I left, I would have had the nerve to feel guilty for having put the lovely shop lady out for even a second with my silly question. :blush


And then I'd get home and feel stupid because I hated the ORIGINAL thing, and now I have MORE of the thing to hate. :lol


If it's any comfort, you're not alone. :lol:hug

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I get in after a long day and sneak the little bag with the two skeins out of my handbag. I oh-so-casually saunter by bf in the living room but the man who is impervious to shouts of "WAKE UP!" or "WASH UP!" or the ear-splitting beeps of three - yes, three - alarm clocks, hears the crinkle of a little plastic bag and says, "What's that?"

I freeze - think rabbit in headlights, hand in cookie jar, underwear around ankles - and say, "What? Oh, nothing. Just some yarn."

Him: "Yarn?"

Me: "Oh. Yes. Just bought one ball."

Him: "But there are two in the bag."

Me: "Oh, I bought the colouredy one on Monday."

Him (smiling smugly): "I see." (pointed look at overflowing work basket in the corner.) "I think I'll play World of Warcraft for an hour or two."

I open my mouth to protest but he grins at me and nods at plastic bag. What can I say? Defeated, I sigh and turn on the computer. Meanwhile, skeins of yarn are dancing a jig in my basket, trampling my mild-mannered cotton skeins who are huddled in a corner, muttering.


The thing is, I normally click away the Crochetville site when he comes in - he finds it hilarious that I can spend as much time reading about other people crocheting as I spend actually doing it myself - so has started to call it my 'crochet porn' because I act like someone who is looking at dirty pictures or something. :( ("I KNOW you're looking at your crochet porn, you don't have to click it away when I come in!" and there's me, drooling over someone's shawl or mesmerized by photos of someone's stash.)


Anyway, ladies, this is a real support group. I feel so relieved to know that I am not alone in my madness. And thank you for all offers of hooks! I might even take you up on that!!

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What evil wool! Picking on your poor innocent cottons, and you, and laughing all the way...I can just hear it going "nyah nyah". Thank you for giving us a laugh though. I can see myself in the same boat. as in, "I have this yarn, it has to be good for *something*..." and "work, you stupid yarn...work!".. :D

Yes, that evil wool needs to be worked into submission. :lol(hmmm, maybe a pet blanket...then it can be walked all over, the way it's been walking all over you and your nice calm cottons :P)

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Or felt it! That will teach it. I sent a nine patch wool lapghan to Germany a few years ago and it did not cost all that much. How about a set of Susan Bates? There is a nice set available starting with G/4.00MM, H/5.00MM,I/5.50MM,J/6.00 and K/6.50MM just PM me I'd be more than happy to send you a set. :D

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Miss Crochet....you are a treasure. Thanks so much for your witty writing style about a subject all yarn addicts are intimately acquainted with (..laughing and bowing..). It is a comfort to know that as long as those "cheeky skeins" are talking about YOU, they are leaving the rest of us alone. (...wiggling eyebrows...).

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You should write a book about this. You'd be great at comedy, something I can't do to save my life.


Story very well told. And I feel your pain...really I do.

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... but the man who is impervious to shouts of "WAKE UP!" or "WASH UP!" or the ear-splitting beeps of three - yes, three - alarm clocks, hears the crinkle of a little plastic bag ...


:rofl My husband has 3 alarm clocks too. One that beeps, one with the insanely loud bells that doesn't shut up until you knock the battery out, and one with the radio volume turned up as loud as it goes. :eek That guy can sleep thru anything. Then when I wake up from all the alarms and him turning on the bedroom lights at 4 am, he calls me a light sleeper. No darling, I'm the normal one, YOU'RE the wacky one! :lol

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Craw: I know, I know!!

My bf snores like a tractor. And after a long, hard night of snoring (=me with earplugs, head sandwiched between two pillows under the duvet), he gets up in the morning and says, "I'm wrecked. I didn't sleep a wink last night."

Me: "You did. You snored all night long."

Him: "No, I swear, I was awake for ages."

Me: "That's called DREAMING, my love."


On worknights, we sleep in different rooms because I can't face a room of hormonal adolescents with three hours of sleep (I'm a teacher, btw, that's why I have a sense of humour in the face of adversity, :lol). I used to have problems getting him out of bed in the morning on the mornings it was my turn to wake him. I tried pulling off the blankets (but even in his sleep he has a vice-like grip), I tried tickling his feet (till I got a kick in the face - by accident, I might add. Well, that's what he claims, haha), and a good, hard shake ... but no use. Anyway, violence is never the answer, I realised, so nowadays I sing him out of bed: "Morning's HERE - the MORNING'S here - SUNSHINE is NEAR - the dark clouds have DISapPEARED!" I add little trebley bits, I yodel, I even rap - all of this perched sweetly on the side of his bed, my face hovering lovingly an inch or two from his ear. He occasionally whimpers from beneath the bedclothes, but I think these are whimpers of appreciation. Overcome by this outpouring of musical love, he generally bolts from the bed before I even get past the first verse.

I am just the perfect girlfriend.



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Overcome by this outpouring of musical love, he generally bolts from the bed before I even get past the first verse.

I am just the perfect girlfriend.




Fabulous - now I have to go into my Boss's office and explain why there is Diet Coke sprayed all over my keyboard and terminal . . .

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