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for me mum - Bath Puff

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this is what i will be giving my mommy on mother's day.

i finally got the bath pouf right (i'm such a dork) and i really wish i would have done it in a variegated. it doesn't look all that great in solid (IMO), the petals don't stand out as well and it is hard to tell what it is....:( oh well. she never likes anything i make anyway.:P



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Hmm, I love the bath poof and think it looks really nice in the solid - softer, somehow. It's not a dark color, so you can still see the petals nicely - but, like I said, it's "soft". That's a lovely gift, Rebecca!

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It all looks great. Got a spare basket or wicker bowl lying around? All would look great in a pretty basket/bowl with a bow tied to it!

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You are SOOO much nicer to your mom than I am to mine! I made her the exact same pouf (thank you, Emily Nelson!) only I only gave her A bottle of body wash and 0.0 (zero point zero!) candles.


I'll post a photo on my blog as soon as mother's day is over - I don't want her to see!:eek

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I like it! Course, I chose the same gift for my mom! But yours is luckier because I did not give her any body wash to go with it OR candles. I did make her a hook holder though. I like the solid color and I agree -- if she does not want it, keep it for you! Sounds like a good deal to me.... :)


Jessie :turtle:hook

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I love the soft pink solid color! The variegated ones remind me too much of female genitalia. Sorry. :lol I am now considering making one seeing how pretty it looks in solid color and more like a rose! (maybe Jessie - turtlecrochet - will get one ;>)Amy :hook

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