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Do you pull your yarn through directly from the skein, or do you wind it up in a ball before you begin to work with it? I apologize if this has been asked before, but just curious. And if it's a giant skein, do you separate it into 2 or more balls, or just make a HUGE ball of yarn.

I ball mine before I even begin... and some skeins are easier to find the opposite end, others are not. Some even print the directions to find that end on the label. Anyway.... sorry if this is a stupid question.

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I find it is easier to crochet if I pull from the center. I was winding some yarns into balls but recently discovered that if I kind of "squeeze" the yarn, I can reach into the center & find that end of the yarn, it comes out in kind of a clump but is easy enough to untangle. So far, I have done this with LB Homespun, Vanna's and LB Suede. Don't know why I didn't try this years ago:shrug. I also wind the yarn into balls if I have a little bit left over, but I really don't like working with the huge yarn balls, seems like my tension is a little off.

Katie :hook

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I go searching for the end in the center of the skeins. Most of the time, I make that skein into a ball before I even start working with it on a project. I have just pulled from the center, and worked that way but before I get to the end of that skein, I will wind what is left into a ball.

I have had several big bags of yarn that I bought at the flea market this past summer, or at a garage sale. It was awful trying to get some of that yarn untangled into more manageable balls. A lot of times now, I go ahead and place the ball or skein I am working from into a plastic bag by itself. That way as it moves around as I pull the yarn off, it is not tangling with the rest of it's friends in the bigger bag. Works for me :)

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I pull it out of the center. If I have any left, then I wind it up in a ball.:hook


Same here. It is wound that way so you don't have to wind it into a ball. Now if it's just a hank, then you have to wind it.



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I pull it out of the center. If I have any left, then I wind it up in a ball.:hook


I do this same thing. The only time I will wind it into a ball before I'm finished with it is if there is something wrong with the way the skein is wound and it won't pull correctly, but that happens very rarely.



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I never wind it into "balls". I do make my TP centre pull skeins when I have yarn left from a large Centre pull skein.


I never use balls anymore... just can't deal with them. Someone gave me a bunch of small balls to make charity hats and such. I have to rewind them all to CP skeins before I begin.

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Do you pull your yarn through directly from the skein, or do you wind it up in a ball before you begin to work with it? I apologize if this has been asked before, but just curious. And if it's a giant skein, do you separate it into 2 or more balls, or just make a HUGE ball of yarn.

I ball mine before I even begin... and some skeins are easier to find the opposite end, others are not. Some even print the directions to find that end on the label. Anyway.... sorry if this is a stupid question.


i usually pull from the center of the skein, but sometimes i cant find it or inside of the skein is all tangled (more than usual), then i ball it


when working with huge skeins sometimes i roll it into 2 balls, other times i just work with the huge skein

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Sometimes one sometimes I use my wool winder, just depends. Usually for Paton's SWS I rewind it but only if I am using it right away I don't want it to get all stretched out.

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I like CP skiens a lot, especially in public where I don;t want to chase a ball if it decides to wander.


But if my mother buys yarn for me, and I'm not there at the time (like at sales or thrift stores) she ALWAYS has it in tidy balls by the time I come home.... Its a way of showing her love I suppose. Whatever. if she balls it, I say thank you and move on... its not hard to drop the ball into my purse.


I DO wish when she buys HUGE skiens for me, she would make two balls... I've told her as much, but I doubt she listened, and really, I can't complain.

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I always pull from the center. One time my youngest god daughter was over and I found the center pull and when I pulled it, the whole inside came out and my god daughter who is four says to me, "Momma Dee you killed the yarn" lol. Whenever I pull from the center and it all comes out I think back to when she said that and giggle.

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Oh, yeah, pull them from the center. Leftovers get wound into a ball.


Right now I have a few skeins that are not center pull skeins, so I just work off the outside.

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I too pull from the center and wind leftovers into a ball. If I run into a yarn that is not a pull skein then I wind it into a ball.


One of my daughters bought me a, for lack of a better word, yarn holder. It is a plastic gallon size jar with a lid that has a hole in the top for you to thread your yarn through. It has a fairly big lid opening, so If I am working with a ball or a light colored yarn that I don't want to lay on the floor, I put it in this container. I need to find out where she got this and get a couple more for when I am working with more than one color of yarn.:hook

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I try to pull it out of the center on center pull skeins but I am finding more & more that the end is difficult or impossible to find. And then if I can find it, the skeins are wound too tight so I keep having to pull out yarn at intervals, to work with (because it is wound so tight that my tension gets tighter unless I bring a few yards of yarn out every 5 minutes). It is really frustrating when that happens, as it interrupts crocheting to have to stop to get yarn. Caron Simply Soft is the best center pull skeins that I've used. Rarely do I have to wind it.


I do have a yarn winder, so if this happens early, I'll just wind the skein into center pull cakes (not balls). "Cakes have a flat top & bottom. I hate doing that because a center pull skein should be just that but sometimes it doesn't work out well even with a center pull skein. Then if the end is so hidden I can't find it, I'll wind it into a cake of yarn from the start. I love center pull cakes, the tension is just right...but for skeins already center pull, I wish they were easier to find the ends & that the skein isn't wound so tight that I have to stop crocheting to pull out more yarn.

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I always ball my yarn. My friends and daughters always ask me why. I was taught by my grandmother and mom, when I was a boy, that you roll into a ball to check to make sure your yarn is good. As I have gotten older this has held true as I received yarn from different sources. There have been some skeins that looked nicely wound on the outside but just had the center stuffed with tangled yarn to make the weight. When I use local spun skeins of alpaca or wool, I have to take the twisted skeins and roll them to use them. So bottom line is I always ball my yarn. Have a happy new year everyone.

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