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Crochet Companion

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As I sit crocheting and dreaming of soft luxurious yarns, I often wish someone around me was also interested in this wonderful hobby.


I wondered what it would be like to have my husband interested -- crocheting or knitting along side.... Hmmm. I am not too sure it would be as wonderful. I would have to share my stash, AND could I endure someone else touching my crochet hooks? :eek


1. Does your husband, wife, significant other...crochet or knit too??


2. Do you like it, or would you like it?


3. Do you have someone you crochet with more than once a week?


Maybe we should set up a poll sometime on the subject.

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I've had spurts of company. When my friend Jen was pregnant she came over every tuesday to crochet, hasn't been over for that since the baby was born, but it was fun teaching her how and showing her how to do hats and read patterns.


Um, Tigger's Momma on here is a friend of mine and we're active in women's ministry together, she's always got something on her hook, she hasn't been here to hang and crochet since early summer though, but we do crochet at pot luck at church (when i go, my attendance is deplorable as of late).


Gavinsmom (also a ville name) is my SIL and when she visits here we sit and crochet together, when I lived close to them any time the family got together we'd sit and have our hooks busy while we talked. I really miss living near them.


My Husband KNOWS HOW to crochet, but refuses to do it. The night he learned was because my frined michelle's husband was being a smart alec and showed that he could be "sensitive" and sat and let me teach him, well Zach wouldn't be shown up so he learned too, and in fact, Michelle did that night too, :lol anyway, he doesn't admit he has the skill but he does.


And most recently I taught my 6.9 year old (she'll be 7 in January can I round her up yet? :lol) to make a chain stitch. When she works into the chain it's a tangled mess, she's not quite there yet, but she's busy crocheting gifts for christmas and she does some plastic canvas as well, she loves to sit with me and work with the yarn. So soon I should have a full blown crafting buddy.


Just last night I told my husband I wished he would crochet with me, and he just laughed at me and told me to drop it :rofl

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Funny! I am the only crocheter in my family. I do it for relaxation and the pure pleasure of completing a project for someone I love. I do not know anyone who crochets but lots of people who would like to learn. Most people say they do not have time. (Like I do with daily exercise) But I always find the time.

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I'm alone with my crochet too. I've asked my son's step-daughter if she'd like to learn but no, she's not interested except for the gifts of slippers and scarfs I give her. Big sigh. On the other hand, I don't have to share my stash or hooks like you mentionned.

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My Mom, Sister and I get together wednesdays and stitch, but it is usually crossstitch, though I've been known to crochet, and my Mom is trying to relearn crochet. I've also joined a local club but my first meeting won't be until next week, I'll see how that goes. My sister also found a stitching night at a church close to me, but I can't be gone every night of the week!

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One of my sisters lives only a couple miles from here, so we get together 2 or 3 nights a week for dinner, coffee and crochet. Her housemate crocheted years ago, but started again when she saw I always bring my crochet with me. It's nice to do this ~ I really enjoy it.

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I'm the only one also, and it does get kinda lonely, I often wish I had someone to work with! My mom is a seamstress and I don't have any sisters, I keep offering to teach my neighbor but we never get around to it. I would love if my husband crocheted! But that will NEVER happen!

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I too would love to have someone nearby who is crazy for crochet. It would be so neat to have someone who "gets it" when I mention something from here or a new thing I have found. :sigh and again :sigh



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Actually, I started to crochet because I thought it would be an interesting way to reconnect with my grandmother and great grandmother but I live to far away from either of them to learn from their experience. Especially since my great grandmother passed on in the last few years.


I've gotten back into it recently because a couple of my friends (one girl and one guy actually) at school are making some crochet projects on their own and we get together once in a while to sit and chat and talk about what we're up to. We are all graduate students, so we don't have much free time on our hands, but we also don't have much money, so crocheting is a great way to get together and hang out while also saving loads of money by making sweaters instead of spending large sums for them. Yay for crochet. :hook

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My husband knows how to crochet because he had to learn in elementary school years ago. In fact, he helped me out when I was attempting to teach myself from a book, but that was the last time (5 years ago) that he picked up a hook. I sometimes wish he would do it again. I think it would be more relaxing to sit next to a crocheter, instead of a guy who's cracking open sunflower seeds as he's watching TV. His hands always need to be moving, so I think crochet would be a great outlet for his nervous energy. It would be fun to have someone to sit with on a regular basis. At least my friends appreciate what I do, even if they don't do it.

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I thought about starting a crochet group. I was thinking that the group could do some special projects for the homeless, preemie babies, cancer patients, or the military service men and women. {I saw that link about making rectangles to send to a group in Washington DC, they put them together to make afghans for our wounded service men and women.}

Another idea of the group would be to get together and learn new stitches, or help someone who doesn't know how to read patterns to learn how.

There's just all kinds of benefits that could come from such a group.


A crochet group might satisfy some of those needs to have someone to crochet with.

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I crochet alone, have taught a few people, but it is my RELAXATION, truley there is somthing cathartic about it for me. And I LOVE it when hubby says "what you working on now" and I reply, "isnt there a game on??? "LOL>.....

Like men have sports, women have their needle work!

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I crochet alone, have taught a few people, but it is my RELAXATION, truley there is somthing cathartic about it for me. And I LOVE it when hubby says "what you working on now" and I reply, "isnt there a game on??? "LOL>.....

Like men have sports, women have their needle work!


I knw what you mean about the time you spend with just your hook and yarn. I said years ago that as soon as I pick up a hook, I start to pray.


But I still would like a friend who is just as crazy as I am (about crochet... watch it there pardner :rofl )



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My husband asked me to teach him to crochet. He thought it would be great to do this together, since I was sitting every night in front of the tv, hook in hand. A sweet gesture. Well, he's left-handed, I am not. So it was tougher than I thought it would be. He holds the hook totally wrong (to my mind, anyway.) and he crochets way to tightly. All this drives me nuts. He was constantly interupting my crochet flow to ask me how to do stuff.


I was releived one night when he sheepishly said, "I'm sorry Honey, but crocheting is just not my thing." Now he does plastic canvas stuff.

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I am all alone in my crocheting. Though people like the results of it, I have no one to gab with about it. Other than you guys. A councler of mine crochets and made her purse she carries around with her, so I get to see her work. I don't think we have the right relationship to be hanging out together, client councler and all. It's too bad cause I feel me her and her click...


I've thought about looking into finding a group in NE Ohio here, but without a car, things have been tough.

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I am all alone in my crocheting. Though people like the results of it, I have no one to gab with about it. Other than you guys. A councler of mine crochets and made her purse she carries around with her, so I get to see her work. I don't think we have the right relationship to be hanging out together, client councler and all. It's too bad cause I feel me her and her click...


I've thought about looking into finding a group in NE Ohio here, but without a car, things have been tough.


I find that is a stumbling block for me as well. If we could get a group at the library it would be nice as i can walk there.

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I belong to a crochet/knitting group at the Sr. Center. We meet once a week for a couple of hours then sometimes go out for lunch. Its mostly social, but the 'leader' is able to help with instruction if its needed. She is one talented lady. One of them is 92 and ages go on down to me, the kid:wink They have such wonderful stories to tell about 'the old days'. I really look forward to Wednesdays and seeing others' WIP.

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I don't have anyone to crochet with but my husband and son are always interested in what I'm making. My son says he's proud of me every time I finish something. LOL, I think they like the fact that if I'm crocheting, I'm not pestering them about something! Hubby isn't interested in crochet but he started sketching while I crochet when we watch TV, so we're creative together!



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Kind of glad DH doesn't! He has a habit of taking over and being better at anything I try!

He started to learn chains back when I first started then quit. But when I sit down to crochet in the evenings he wants me to sit with him and watch the shows he likes and put down the yarn! So, if he was crocheting too I'd get more done!

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I don't know if I would like my husband crocheting with me. But I would like him to do some sort of craft. That way we could talk about our crafts with each other.

I do share my love of "yarning" with my step daughter! Every time they come down now, she goes with me to the yarn store and asks for some yarn to make something. Last time she made a purse for her mommy. This time she is making a little cat bed for our kitten, Tinkerbell. We felt almost every pink yarn she saw at JoAnn's the other day! She even called it petting the yarn. I swear, I didn't tell her that. She is going to be "hooked" in no time! Only right now she uses the knifty knitter. When she gets a little older though, she may decide to learn crochet. Since you can do so much more with that.

At least I have some one to share my love of yarn with. I also have a crochet group, but we only meet once a month. And we usually end up off topic. But that's OK too!

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I teach my clients to crochet, and enjoy crocheting with them in a group about once a week. My husband recently asked me to teach him so he can make me something for christmas, like mittens (um no thanks). I suggested a washcloth, lol, but he seems to think I am joking, and how hard can it actually be. So I think I am going to start him on a granny rectangle, so it can be something regardless of how small or big it ends up being. The kids at work seem to do well learning how to do granny squares. Hopefully hubby is the same. I doubt he will ever really pick it up, but its a sweet gesture.

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I am all alone in my crocheting. Though people like the results of it, I have no one to gab with about it. Other than you guys. A councler of mine crochets and made her purse she carries around with her, so I get to see her work. I don't think we have the right relationship to be hanging out together, client councler and all. It's too bad cause I feel me her and her click...


I've thought about looking into finding a group in NE Ohio here, but without a car, things have been tough.

Where in NE Ohio? I live near Akron

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my grandmom crochets and knits (i do both too), i live in the same house as her, but she hasent been doing either lately

im always stealing her hooks and yarn :hook


and a few of my friends know how too

one friend and her sister crochet and knit

another friend crochets, im not sure if she can knit


others might do it too but idk



as of now we dont get together but that might change soon

its kinda hard for me to work around others because i cant even be in the same room as wool for more than like half hour

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No one in my family and no friends crochet at all. Sometimes I refer to myself as "The Lone Crocheter". LOL It would be so nice to have someone to get together with and enjoy/share the craft. I've offered to teach friends, but no one is interested.


So I crochet alone. :blink

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