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New Glasses and crocheting

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Yesterday DH and I went and got new glasses. Yeah mine were pretty scratched up. I am pretty rough on the poor things.

I am having to adjust to my new ones as I went back to a no line bifocal. Used to have that before, so I know I will adjust. But in the mean time things look a bit funny.

The Good news is no change in my perscription. Do worry about that with all the close work I do.


But more important.

I did talk to the doctor about my needs as a fiber artist. He actually listened to me and took me seriously. I explained to him that my old perscription did not have the bifocal adjusted to where I actually work. So we measured the average distance of where I hold my work while crocheting and adjusted the bifocal to that. I can tell you already it makes a big difference. The standard is 16 inches and we set mine at 14 inches. Okay I have short arms. I can now focus on my project easier while holding my work at a comfortable distance.

It was nice that he listened to me and actually tried to do something to help me out. I was impressed.

Just thought I would mention that this is possible, if others have issues with vision. See there was nothing wrong with the perscription I had. Just where it was set to focus.

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That is so cool. A doc that cares, listens and helps is a rare thing today. Thanx so much for letting all of us know that we can have our glasses adjusted to how we actually use them instead of just suffering thru the standard issue.

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Wow! What an easy thought...just one I never thought of.... I have gone from bifocals to last time I just got a pair of reading glasses.... And neither are really doing the trick... Can't really put a finger on the problem... but maybe I bring my crocheting along with me and show him... "this is what I need!". Thanks for the idea!

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I had a friend at work once who needed trifocals--she had a "middle distance" lens. But, the trifocals were not really meeting her needs as she worked at her desk, so she got a pair of bifocals with just the close-up and "middle distance" (for the computer screen) prescriptions. She just had to change glasses if she wanted to get up and walk around. :)


Lots of things are possible if you have a doctor willing to listen to what you need--so glad yours did, Kathy.

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A little trick for keeping your specs clean.


Instead of using any paper products (which are like fine sand paper to glass lenses :sigh) get 5" sq. a piece of cotton and wash it with just water. rough it up and make it nice and soft. Wring it out and then spritz/soak it with Windex and lay flat to dry.


A friend shared this with me and I am amazed at how nice my glasses are now. I clean them a couple of times a day so this is useful to me. You can redo it as often as you need. She keeps these in her purse and in jacket pockets as well.

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A little trick for keeping your specs clean.


Instead of using any paper products (which are like fine sand paper to glass lenses :sigh) get 5" sq. a piece of cotton and wash it with just water. rough it up and make it nice and soft. Wring it out and then spritz/soak it with Windex and lay flat to dry.


A friend shared this with me and I am amazed at how nice my glasses are now. I clean them a couple of times a day so this is useful to me. You can redo it as often as you need. She keeps these in her purse and in jacket pockets as well.


What a great idea. Thank you.

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A little trick for keeping your specs clean.


Instead of using any paper products (which are like fine sand paper to glass lenses :sigh) get 5" sq. a piece of cotton and wash it with just water. rough it up and make it nice and soft. Wring it out and then spritz/soak it with Windex and lay flat to dry.


A friend shared this with me and I am amazed at how nice my glasses are now. I clean them a couple of times a day so this is useful to me. You can redo it as often as you need. She keeps these in her purse and in jacket pockets as well.



Would a granny square made of coton thread work I wonder? What do you think?

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My bifocals came with a case that had its own cleaning cloth. Only problem is I often leave my case next to my computer and not in my purse! I have my bifocals for distance and computer but the computer setting seems to be fine for the way I crochet. I did have trouble adjusting for reading but since I have had them a year now I'm doing much better. I only used to have to wear glasses for driving, took some getting used to wearing them full time! :)

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I have some granny :grandma squares I made and never finished the blanket, so I will try it and let everyone know! This would actually make wonderful cheap Christmas presents :gift for the office... they can also be used for computer screens!:laptop Oh Darski, this is wonderful idea that keeps getting better!

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I am so happy to hear that your eye doctor listened to you and met your needs. I have the no line bi-focals myself, and I know how hard it is to adjust to them while doing close work. I will keep your experience in mind when I go for my appointment next month. :yes

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Thanks for sharing this with us. This may be the solution to my hubbys problem. After he reads for awhile his vision is blurry and he sometimes gets headaches. He has tried his glasses with the line bifocal and the old way and no help. He says I use to be able to read until I got glasses. Maybe we should have the doctor measure from his reading placement. It's a good shot anyways. Thanks!

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A little trick for keeping your specs clean.


Instead of using any paper products (which are like fine sand paper to glass lenses :sigh) get 5" sq. a piece of cotton and wash it with just water. rough it up and make it nice and soft. Wring it out and then spritz/soak it with Windex and lay flat to dry.


A friend shared this with me and I am amazed at how nice my glasses are now. I clean them a couple of times a day so this is useful to me. You can redo it as often as you need. She keeps these in her purse and in jacket pockets as well.


I used white #3 crochet thread in a granny square and did the above and it works like a charm! I am going to make some up and put them in the little bags used for bridal gifts with the little screwdriver too! http://www.craftsetc.com/store/zoom.aspx?hdnAltImageId=&ItemId=45766


I am so glad yours listened to you too... I had one that didn't and got stuck with a pair of glasses for a whole year that was about useless.


I am scared to get bifocals... I have been rereading what you all have been saying and I might do it. I might actually have to get trifocals this year! One for crocheting, one for computer and one for TV and just walking around! Do you think that would work Kathy?

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A little trick for keeping your specs clean.


Instead of using any paper products (which are like fine sand paper to glass lenses :sigh) get 5" sq. a piece of cotton and wash it with just water. rough it up and make it nice and soft. Wring it out and then spritz/soak it with Windex and lay flat to dry.


A friend shared this with me and I am amazed at how nice my glasses are now. I clean them a couple of times a day so this is useful to me. You can redo it as often as you need. She keeps these in her purse and in jacket pockets as well.


Thank you so much Darski! That is an excellent idea. I always try to cheat with whatever t-shirt I happen to be wearing- doesn't always work! :blush

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I am so glad yours listened to you too... I had one that didn't and got stuck with a pair of glasses for a whole year that was about useless.


I am scared to get bifocals... I have been rereading what you all have been saying and I might do it. I might actually have to get trifocals this year! One for crocheting, one for computer and one for TV and just walking around! Do you think that would work Kathy?

My Dh has the trifocals and loves them. Not sure I am ready to move to those yet. I have had to have bifocals since the 6th grade and that was many many years ago. I can't imagine not having them anymore. I bought an extra pair once without the bifocal and I never used them. Changing glasses all the time just wasn't going to happen.

I am very pleased with this pair of glasses. Changing the focus distance made a big difference. So now I truly have custom glasses.

I have used a cleaning cloth for years with my glasses as darski describes. works wonderful.

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Well, I got new glasses back in Jan. I have since bought readers for crocheting. I can now about see the TV with my regular glasses that were actually for the computer! So... I am guessing I am going to have to go to the trifocals... but I am scared of the no line thing. Heck I look like the old grandma now where my glasses are always sliding down my nose and I look over them since I usually need them for close up work... I just know that the TV is getting pretty fuzzy and I just hate glasses and it seems it is just getting worse... carpel tunnel... loss of hearing.. heck, I thought the blonde blood was bad but now I have to deal with all this too! I just hope all the young ones enjoy their age while they have it! I never knew how much we fall apart. Sorry... I will leave my pity party now! Oh and I gave a cotton cloth to a friend and he was so surprised how much better he could see. Said it was as if his glasses were new again!

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You are so lucky you actually found a doc that listened to what you said. Now with the new adjustment you'll be turning out double the fabulous doily designs.
I don't know about that. But at least what I do turn out will be easier.


I was very surprised at how receptive he was. I was already too. :trymeI had my crochet bag with me and I was going to prove my point. And then I didn't even have to. He understood perfectly what I was trying to tell him.


It was also reassuring that age and the crocheting weren't making dramatic changes in my vision. So when It stayed the same basicly I came way feeling pretty good about the whole thing. Now if they would just get some decent styles of frames back in...... I am not fond of the current trend. Didn't like it in the late 60's don't know why I would like it now.

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Okay... so Google knows what we are talking about so puts those ads in?

Don't know if I like that! Makes you want to start a thread about something to what type of ad you would get!


anyway... I think I will do what you did though and bring my crocheting with me! And I won't bring white yarn either!

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I don't see any ads but then I am using adblockplus which really helps a lot! I have the no line bifocals in the featherweight from LensCrafters I really like them. I get them adjusted every now and again to keep them from sliding down my nose. I also had them put silicone nose pieces on much more comfortable than the hard ones my glasses came with! :)

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Okay... so Google knows what we are talking about so puts those ads in?

Don't know if I like that! Makes you want to start a thread about something to what type of ad you would get!



it's quite interesting when Tampa Doll answers a post - the Tampa tourism ramps up fer shure.

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I started using reading glasses not too long ago and 1) I think they've made my vision worse (but that may just be that now I can see?) and 2) I've been just barely passing the vision test without the eye doc insisting on my wearing bifocals.


But it's getting to that point. I couldn't read the danged menu at a restaurant last night. Yes, it was small print and the light was dim but it was a strain nonetheless.


So if/when I DO go back for a new prescription, I'll be sure to bring my crochet or knitting with me to make sure I get the right prescription!



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