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I'm in love ... with an afghan

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It is pretty, but that's going to be a lot of ends! What color are you going to make it?


Yeah... those ends... hmnnn :wlol


I was thinking that a nice soft pink would be good. I need to think about this because I promised myself I would not make anything larger than a scarf. :eek


It is just so gosh darn pretty.

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.... I need to think about this because I promised myself I would not make anything larger than a scarf. :eek


Darski, look at it this way: each square is significantly smaller than a scarf (;))! And the afghan is beautiful (:c9)! It will look so elegant draped across your sofa - or you (:))!

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Darski, look at it this way: each square is significantly smaller than a scarf (;))! And the afghan is beautiful (:c9)! It will look so elegant draped across your sofa - or you (:))!


Good thinking. You must be a real helper when writing resume's. :rofl

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Good thinking. You must be a real helper when writing resume's. :rofl


It's kinda funny that you say that because I was a technical writer. But I didn't like to do resumes - or proposals - because I would not lie by omission or commission (:rofl) and I'd butt heads with my management all the time!


I just wanted to give you a different way to look at your afghan (:haha)! Although, 111 squares? To quote one of my younger friends: "Girl, I don't know if you want to go there!" But, you do such beautiful work! I'm sure that your afghan will be gorgeous (:2hug)!

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Darski, look at it this way: each square is significantly smaller than a scarf (;))! And the afghan is beautiful (:c9)! It will look so elegant draped across your sofa - or you (:))!





:lol :lol :lol It's really beautiful and I'd love to make one of those but I just can't stand making motifs. Please let us see your progress as you succumb to your addiction. :devil

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:lol :lol :lol It's really beautiful and I'd love to make one of those but I just can't stand making motifs. Please let us see your progress as you succumb to your addiction. :devil


Now this is funny considering that you are the star of the Vintage Cardigan with all those little motifs. :wlol


I think I might just make a lapghan from this. That way I get to make it but not all those squares.

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If you let me know the yarn you are using and color, the gauge you get for a square, I might be convinced to send some finished squares your way, ends tucked and all.


Why :ty what a sweetheart you are :hug


I am planning to use good old Red Heart in their light Pink.


I thought I had worked out the numbers for a lapghan but it would be too small my way... :sigh


My practice squares - not in RH pink (but fleck) came out to 6 inches on the diagonal and 5 inches straight up. I have to try it in my pink before I can say for sure

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I think that you should have written "enabler" in all CAPS (:rofl)! You gotta stop posting these links - :heehee! (Well, OK, maybe one more ... :scrachin)


Me? Stop posting links?


Can't. There would be riots in the streets.



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