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Pencil or knife?

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This is gonna sound kinda wierd, but....

during those years when I wasn't crocheting, I grew skilled at using.....chopsticks.

I've realized that how I hold my hook now resembles most how I hold those, than how I hold a pencil! Go figure.

Works for me. And I think I'm a faster crocheter than I used to be. ('course that could be because I gave up on granny squares!).

What puzzles me: I used to could use afghan and cro-hooks. I tried once a month or so ago, and couldn't do a dozen stitches without my hand cramping up badly.

oh well.

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Knife. I've tried the pencil method(I seem to crochet faster this way), but my wrist starts to hurt real bad and I have to go back to the knife method!! I seem to be able to crochet pencil style when I use a larger hook(I,J,K), I don't know why??:think

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When I first learned to crochet, I was legally blind, for the most part, so my hook is sort of intertwined among my right hand fingers, which turns out to be an advantage when balancing the weight of a longer hook or a knitting needle. But then I don't hold a pencil normally, either, which caused my Calligraphy prof in college, to about have a stroke, but I ended up with an A, which blew his mind, and totally earned his respect.


Necessity is the mother of invention.

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I think I must be a freak as I hold it in my right hand as if it was a knitting needle, I also do the yarn over with the same hand as the hook and hold my work as if it was the left knitting needle and not at alll like any diagrams in the books I have got, the reason for this is that the lady who showed me the basics was a big knitter, I can't knit myself but I have tried....this seemed like the perfect hold to me.......so Im not sure if its knife or pencil, I would say knitting needle! :)

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since we're on the topic of holding...how do you hold ur yarn??


My yarn only moves between my 1st and 2nd fingers.


Knife, I think, would describe my right hand holding the hook.

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Knife here, the yarn between the first and second finger of the left hand.


My mother used to wind the yarn around her fingers somehow, I think around her little finger and then up to her index finger and around her pointer. She used to get so mad at me, because I could not get the hang of that. Has anyone else seen that?

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Pencil grip and the yarn in my left hand over my first finger and then between my ring and pinky (not wrapped around though). I control the tension by opening or closing my fingers. I'll try to get hubby to take a picture and post

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I hold mine the pencil grip. It is funny because the other two women in my knitting/crochet group hold theirs the knife way and they thought I wasn't doing something right. But it's each to their own. I think it's whatever feels comfortable and however you were taught. Grandma O. held hers the way I do.



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Knife. I wrap my yarn around the left hand, through all my fingers then around my first finger again. My aunt showed me how to do that, and that's how I do the yarn.


I knit continental style. I have a friend who I can't even watch knit, (she does it the English way, and then she does some weird thing with the way she holds the yarn....) it totally confuses me. But she can do it like that, so... :shrug



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I was taught pencil but I have done knife-hold almost since then.


I happen to think that "pencil" is the correct way but ... :think



This would be a neat poll. just to see how it stacks up.

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I'm a knife.:hook I can't control the hook with the pencil hold! My yarn I wrap around my left pinky, under the next 2 fingers, and over the first.:yes

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I hold my hook knife-style.


Can you believe I have absolutely no recollection of who taught me to crochet! My mom never crocheted that I'm aware of. I have an aunt who does but I seriously doubt it was her. My mom died unexpectedly when I was 11 and I have blocked so many memories of my childhood since then that I can't recall this detail at all...

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I hold my yarn in my left hand between my first and middle finger...and I also tend to hold up the piece I'm working on between my middle finger and thumb of the left hand.


I've been teaching my best friend how to crochet and she's a leftie...but since I'm right handed, she's been crocheting right handed...isn't that odd? LOL I told her she can hold the hook in her left hand and just reverse my method, but she said it "feels right" to hold the hook in her right hand.

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I'm a lefty so I hold my hook in my left hand like a knife and weave in and out of my fingers on my right hand.


I studied so many books showing how to hold the hook both left and right and it never felt right, I could never understand how to crochet, then the wife of one of hubbies former coworkers showed my how to crochet, she started out showing me by holding like a pencil but I just couldn't get it so she showed my how to hold it like a knife and suddenly I was making a ch, sc, etc. I have experimented off and on trying to hold like a pencil but it would take me the rest of my life just to make a ch LOL.


So I guess knife it will stay

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I actually hold it similar to how I hold a knitting needle...maybe because I retaught myself knitting about 6 months before I taught myself to crochet...I don't hold my hook like anyone else I know, but it works great for me.:hook

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My yarn only moves between my 1st and 2nd fingers.


Knife, I think, would describe my right hand holding the hook.


same here

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