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Scissor question!


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I am flying in a couple of weeks and of course I want to take my crochet with me. At the TSA website they say you can take scissors, IF they are 4" or under and have blunt ends. Where on earth do you find scissors that small with blunt ends? I bought a pair of kindergarten scissors but even they are 4.5" long. Years ago you could take the round cutter, the kind without the exposed blade, now it's no blades, exposed on not. So frustrating for us needle/hook workers. So what do I take? Any ideas?

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Here's what I take. I take a pair of snips from JoAnn's. They're way under 4" (I think they're 4" total) and even though they have sharp points, they've never been taken. I guess they figure the blades are just too small. It sometimes takes a bit to go through WW yarn, but they work well and are sharp. They also have those pendant cutter things for yarn as well. Those won't get taken... or at least I don't think they will.

I hate to say it, but in all of my traveling (and I've don tons in the last few years) it really depends on who's on duty and what airport you're in. I've never had any problems with my hooks or snips. Which is good because I really don't need to replace all my stuff...

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I put my regular scissors in the check luggage for when I get to where I am going and I use fingernail clippers on the plane. Someone suggested that you put you hook and fingernail clippers in the tray with the stuff from your pockets. That stuff goes right through easily.

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Just in case, take a self addressed stamped envelope with you. If they want to take your hooks and scissors, you can at least mail them to yourself and not have to worry about losing them.


Take some spare plastic hooks with you just in case they take your stuff or make you mail it home. I'm pretty sure plastic hooks are ok.

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I flew to Florida in August and I took my hooks, scissors and nail clippers with me. I had no problems (with my carry on, that is.....I, on the other hand, had extra screening because of the metal rod I have in my back). I put my hooks, scissors and nail clippers in my laptop bag, and it went through the scanner without a second look. I put a second set of hooks in my checked bag just in case they took the set in my laptop bag.

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I like the idea of a second set of hooks in the checked luggage. This way, even if one set is taken away, you can still have something to work with once you get there.


And the idea of the self addressed stamped envelope is good too. You can mail them home and they are there when you get back.


Plastic and wooden hooks are good too.


Have a good trip.



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Some good ideas, thanks. I like the baby scissors idea, short and should be sharp enough to cut yarn with.


The pendant cutters have a concealed blade and the way the web site reads you cannot have a concealed blade of any kind. I have two of them and because of the cost I really don't want to risk taking them. The last time I had to mail something home from an airport it took over a month to get it! Think I'll pass on taking one of them.


I found I have a pair of nippers but they are just a little over 4" so I don't know if they would work. Who knows how picky they are! Think I'll be looking for the baby scissors!


Again, thank all of you for the ideas!

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That's really interesting that the website says that the pendant cutters are not allowed because I actually flew less than 3 weeks ago with one in my carry on bag without a problem. I didn't even get pulled over for additional screening at either airport I flew through. :think Hmm... I wonder if the people who screened me hadn't visited the website you mention! :lol

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I think it depends on how well they're searching.


Last week, I had to fly at the last minute. It wasn't until I got back home that I found a pair of scissors in my purse. That should have never been allowed.

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I forgot to mention that when I was going through the second screening (I got wanded, patted down, etc.), I asked the very nice lady that was doing the screening about scissors, crochet hooks and knitting needles. She said as long as the blades of the scissors were no longer than 4 inches, they were ok. All types of crochet hooks are allowed (I didn't ask about the afghan crochet hooks), and I can't remember which length of knitting needles were allowed.


You can always call the airline you will be flying on to make sure what exactly is allowed.

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What about the little scissors people use for embroidery. THe ones that are shaped kind of like a bird?


Wait until they go on sale at Hobby Lobby for Half price. Then they won't be too badly priced.



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I go with nail clippers myself, easy enough. I did get pulled over for my thread needles, I have teeny tiny ones from a kit of needles. She called over the manager about the smallest two and he decided to allow me to go through with them. Next time I will leave my smallest ones in the luggage. They had no problems with my 4, 5, or 7 though, the most common ones.

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When I asked this same question last Spring I rec'd the most suggestions for a dental floss case ... since I was using thread it worked just fine ...


But I would suggest a project that will most probably not require a cut until after you've landed

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