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3000 for Crochet Cabana

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Sandie of Crochet Cabana will be celebrating her 10th anniversary in October.:cake


I think most of us here have been to her website to "find out how to do something".


She would like to have 3000 members at her email list Ygroup by October and she is almost there now. Why not brighten her day and sign up for her notices and information (only) and make a wonderful lady happy


:hug Sandie.

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You know I think I had been to her site but never signed up before this. Well I have rectified that situation and I have now officially signed up and found a tutorial that I needed to make a gift for my difficult step-daughter. Thanks for the infor darski

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I signed up this am when I realized I wasn't already a member there and BEFORE I read this notice/thread! :lol




even better if you know and love her site already :wlol

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What I am really enjoying about this thread is that so many people already know and love Crochet Cabana. This is just the icing on the :cake

Once again... the Y goup list sign up is here:





Her great and helpful site can be found here:



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I posted a message in one of my Yahoo groups to let other people there know about the anniversary - hopefully that will help to get some more members for her Yahoo group as I know there are quite a few people there who have visited her site more than once and love it. :) She definitely has a good web site that is very useful/helpful!

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