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anyone use freecycle

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I just signed up for the Summerville, Sc one and I was hoping to find some crocheting stuff but I haven't found any yet


I use freecycle. I have put in ads that I want yarn and stuff. I did get some. But its not often you see yarn. I also look for beads seeing I bead also.

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Yes, I use Freecycle and it's great. :)


Have you tried posting a Wanted message for what you're looking for in your group(s) at Freecycle? Sometimes it does take awhile before whatever you're looking for/wanting to show up on/in a group. Occasionally, there are offers for yarn and/or craft patterns showing up in some of the groups I belong to. Be sure to post a wanted/looking for message in your group if it's allowed and have patience.



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Sometimes if you post a "wanted" message, it takes people a while to think on it. They have to say to themselves, "Oh yeah, I have some of that," and then they have to decide if they mind parting with it, and then they have to dig it up. Once it's in their hands, they usually have to decide again to part with it again ("Gosh, I didn't remember having so much of this. Maybe I need it . . .") and THEN they'll contact you.


But it never hurts to be persistant. I've gotten some really great unwanted jewelry that I took apart for beading purposes by gently resubmitting my "wanted" message about once a month, which is how often my group allows a message to be reposted. Your local group might have slightly different rules.


Overall, I LOVE freecycling!


~ Joy

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free cycle? what is that? like a free goodwill?





find your state; find your area; join a group easy as that.


people will "offer" items that they are looking to get rid for for FREE. you can request a "wanted" item, for FREE.


i've given and gotten many a great items.

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It's amazing but I joined my local freecycle a long, long time ago but forgot.


When I went to "join" after reading this thread, all my information came up. So now I've bookmarked the site and have requested daily emails. Sheesh. What's wrong with me? Why would a hoarder (me) turn away free stuff!:lol

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I'm a member of my local freecycle group, but I don't use it very often. I use it more for giving away things to make room for yarn. :lol I had a couple of big speakers that this guy at an auto repair shop took (they apparently blew up the previous ones playing music too loud in the shop...) and he was very happy. And I was happy to find a good home for them. It's a great idea.

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I signed up in my area about 2 weeks ago. Mostly, I'm interested in giving, not getting. I have a basement and closets full of stuff that is too good to toss, and too large for Ebay, and I'm too lazy to do a garage sale (although I found out that people do FREE garage sales...just post when it will be and put the stuff out for the taking. Also, garbage dates are posted too...if you feel you have some good stuff being tossed in the garbage, you list it and your garbage date. People are funny...:) What I found mainly was I had to switch to digest cuz my email mail box was overflowing. I haven't posted anything yet, but am thinking about it. Just before the 4th holiday a local charity was having a clothing drive and requested specific items. I gave 5 bags full of good condition shoes, purses, stuffed animals, clothes, bedding and I happened to have packaged curtains that didn't fit my windows and lots of other really nice curtains that no longer fit the color scheme and I have to say, it felt really good to a) give and b) clean out some clutter. I earned a clean linen closet in the process! I haven't seen any crafty stuff in the digest in my area, but you could certainly post for it.

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hahaha, Knit Happens, I just love your handle!!!


So, I wanted to show everyone how productive FreeCycle can be! I made my post the other day and today I recieved a reply. It turns out that not only was she only ten minutes away, but her husband used to work in the offices of the mill I'm at! So I'm going to get her some rejects in return for all of THIS!:



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  • 1 year later...

We've got freecycling in the UK too.


Over Christmas I turned out my crafts wardrobe and freecycled all my cross-stitch, bobbinlace, patchwork and tapestry stuff I'd been hoarding for years. I kept all my yarn though.


The best thing was finding my mum's set of crochet hooks. She taught me to crochet so long ago and she died when I was 19. I still miss her and my dad who died a few years after her.


The moral of this story is to clear out your junk and rediscover your treasures.

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I think Freecycle is such a neat idea, but my one and only experience wasn't too good. I advertised a sofa for free and ended up being really messed around by the "buyer". But I know other people who've used it successfully.


Mostly I just put stuff at the end of my driveway, and whatever it is it's gone within two hours usually! That's what happened with the sofa too!


But this thread has reminded about Freecycle, so thanks for the prod :)

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I belong to the one in my area.I am using a computer monitor that I wanted and recieved.Person was also heading to the local goodwill and we got a nice old fashion canister vacuum to use for outdoors.Some of these poeple give away really nice stuff.Like newer tvs beds etc.. great idea!

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I posted some stuff up on Freecycle a couple of months ago. I can't say the experience was good.


I had one item in particular that people really wanted.. a plain simple blender that had never been used.. I had someone immediately email that they wanted it. I promptly replied back with my address and gave them a date and hours I was available and asked them when they could pickup. Then they simply didn't bother to answer me EVER. I was stuck at home for hours waiting in case someone showed. I ended up giving the item to the next in line 3 days later. (Who forgot to pickup on the date arranged as well.) When I reported to one of the moderators about the 'no show' the moderator was very rude to me that I shouldn't bother them (even though it said to in the rules.)


I hate to say it, but I think I'll stick to donating to goodwill for the most part.

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I have given a lot of stuff away through the local group and have gotten a couple of things, but our group has changed and it's hard to get things posted because there's a lot of greedy people out there, I mean, they have the nerve to ask for washers and dryers, Play Stations, etc. Our group moderators have to be reminding people all the time of the rules, they even sent out a post not long ago warning against those people who seem to respond immediately after one posts. It seems there is a program that some use that catches on key words for certain items in offer messages and then replies automatically.


I'd already learned not to promise the item to the first one necessarily because later someone with a real need wrote; others just want stuff even if they're not sure they can use it. For instance, I once offered a vintage butterfly blouse (which I should try to sell...) and was very specific about it and a few people that could've never fit into it wanted it, I only found out when I asked them what size they really wore. Another time I was giving away a foam chair that unfolds into an overnight's child bed but a woman wanted it telling me she was sleeping on the floor, I told her that it was small and it would only be OK if she was small, she came to get it and was pretty big. Several other times people seem to be interested in something and then while I'm waiting for them to decide when they'll pick up they don't write anymore or come up with the excuse that something awful has happened.


I've also heard there's people who get anything that's good enough to sell to put it up on eBay; being that I have limited means when I give something away I really want it to go to someone who will actually use it and not someone who is going to sell it to do who knows what with that money.


On the other hand I've had some very nice experiences too. One very nice lady I'd given some things too later brought me the things I wrote for, another gave me a coupon for a free pizza (never redeemed because at the time couldn't eat dairy or wheat), and another, to whom I gave our old toaster oven, gave me 18 beautiful eggs (some with a green shell!) from her chickens, which I appreciated a lot because eggs had just gone up in price, and she still wrote to thank me with an update mentioning the grilled cheese sandwiches she made for her children. So I still try to freecycle whatever I can no longer use.

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well, well, well... I just followed the search links and I have now joined a freecycle group located in my own little Ontario city. WTG! :cheer


thanks for the idea to try this. I have a wooden trunk that could find a welcoming home.. perhaps :wlol

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I belong to a local freecycle and have met some very nice people and some very greedy people. I have a "have to have" mentality and buy lots of the newest kitchen appliances that get used once. I found there are alot of people out there that want "everything" so I pick and choose who I give things to. I once listed about 10 used once small kitchen appliances and someone emailed wanting them all and then asked if I had other items also! You get to recongize the names of who wants stuff (need new tv, prefer flatscreen hd!!) Sorry I won't be contacting you. Long story short, one person answered me on craft supplies I was giving away, she didn't have a car so I delivered it. She was a barely 18 yr old with a new baby and husband, they had nothing! Now if I have anything to give I contact her first to see if she has a need. If not I post it. At Christmas I gave away a complete Christmas village and never even got an email back with a thanks. Also have been stood up for pickups. That's plain rude. all in all freecycle is a great thing, just be aware, even trying to do good, you can get taken.

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