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what a "SURPRISE" I got look and see

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Mary Jo, OH MY GOSH thank you so so much for the "surprise" cville bag I have drooled over them from the begining and now i can drool all over mine You are the most generous thought full person :hug:clap You have no idea what this means to me I am so happy i had tears in my eyes when i walked in the door with the mail in hand as the DH says whats the matter i handed him the pacakge and said this (he has no idea) Thank you for the post card as well such a pretty green state wow I just dont know what to say other than thank you thank you thank you.



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Well, Gosh:blush Dawn. I am so happy that you like the bag. Seems that everyone who gets them cries. Are you all alergic to the cotton?:rofl


This is what makes them so much fun to make.


Enjoy the bag and, as Larry the Cable Guy says, FILL ER UP.:hook

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Well, Gosh:blush Dawn. I am so happy that you like the bag. Seems that everyone who gets them cries. Are you all alergic to the cotton?:rofl


This is what makes them so much fun to make.


Enjoy the bag and, as Larry the Cable Guy says, FILL ER UP.:hook


The bags are great! And maybe as Larry the Cable Guy says "Git R Done" to all the WIPS you put int them! You are really lucky to get such a beautiful bag.

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Congratulations on your beautiful bag. I think you ladies get as much pleasure from receiving them as Tampa Doll gets making them.:lol They really are very special.

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