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What if they banned crochet ?

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I want to know who is "they" and what do they have against crocheting?


RoseRed, I think the kooky hats will give us away if we're trying to be covert!


~ Joy


if no one but us knows why we're wearing them.....

either that or at the meetings..


I keep thinking of the red box hats with the tassle on top LOL!

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Have you been snooping in my best friend's closet? I'm pretty sure she owns at least one hat like that. :wink


Seriously, though, what kind of question is that? "What if they banned crochet?" What a very silly woman who originally asked such a question! I mean, what if they banned spaghetti? Or Velcro sneakers? What if they banned jumping rope?


Shaking her head sadly, with the tassels on her hat waving ~ Joy

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  • 3 weeks later...

My father does that to me sometimes.


"Hey! Knitting again, I see? What would you do if they banned that?"

"... Not care and keep crocheting, Dad."

"Ooops. I know it's crocheting, but I always say knitting. I'm a very bad parent. Anyways, what would you do if it was banned and people burned all your yarn?"

"I would sit there. I would realize I had nothing to do with my hands. Then, I would go insane and start twitching and tapping and foaming at the mouth. I think murder would be next on the agenda."

"Fantastic. I'll just protect your yarn, then, shall I?"



Also, can I join the Underground Crocheting Squad? I would attempt to convince the Young Folks that since it was banned, the best way to fight the man is to crochet. And I would be right. And the craft would live on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I'd become a ***itive and smuggle yarn across the borders for those who need a fix!:lol:yarn:yes

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  • 3 months later...

I would go underground

There would be no garment made from yarn that would be sacred. They would all be unraveled and reused.

You would have to put guards around sharp knives and trees, because I would have to make my own hooks.

Do you think a bent coat hanger would work?

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Yeah, if it was banned there would be more time for my:






female bodybuilding


You get the drift. :D

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