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Touchy Weird Yarn people

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I was at the doctors office the other day. I had arrived early because it is a hour long drive for me. The waiting area was fairly empty, which was nice. I hate being crowded. Anyway, I am crocheting away on a baby dress when I notice that a woman has sat down way to close to me. There are 15 chairs empty around me and she had to sit right next to me. So I look up and smile. She asks what I'm making and then she starts fondling my yarn! Not a touch for softness, but massaging it in her hands. I smile again and ask for my yarn back since I was using that skien that she was mangling. She smiles says she is sorry and then immediately calls over her friend who she had came with or had came with her, I don't know. Anyway, the friend starts asking questions and starts looking in my yarn bag. I smiled again and said that I had to excuse myself; I needed to visit the ladies room. I quickly pack up my yarn and hook and sprint to the ladies room. I am in their for like a minute when I hear the two of them come in and start talking, not to each other; but to me! Asking about where I bought my yarn and how much was it and how hard was it to learn to crochet. I sat in the stall trying to make up my mind weather to answer their questions in hopes they would leave me alone. But right ask I had to make my decision another lady walked in and asked if only one stall worked. These ladies said no, then the new lady says " well then you'll excuse me if I ask you to leave. I like doing my "thinking" in peace. So the two other ladies left. A moment later I left. The lady that was still in the restroom, walked out of her stall when I was washing my hands and says " batty old broads aren't they?". I just smiled and said "um, yeah". And too my relief the two weird ladies were gone.


So have any of you had any thing similar happen to you? Or is it just me that seems to have the touchy weird yarn people aura?


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totally!!! try crocheting or knitting on a busy metro/subway. people fondle the stuff i am actually making i was working on a scarf once and some old lady picked up the end of the scarf (t was pretty long by this point) and starts examining my work and asks what yarn it was, where i bought it etc etc and then tells me i should only ever buy my yarn at this one nice LYS (which i do go to and spend more than i should anyhow) but to tell me that acrylic is subpar! i think the scarf was nice and i actually sold one exactly like it that i was commissioned to make! so POO on her

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Wow. I've never had that happen to me. Good thing. I don't like my personal space or my things invaded. And had they'd followed me into the restroom, I'd have told them to leave me alone while I do my business. lol


I'm with EBB on this one. I have taken my crochet to various appointments for myself and others. A friend recently had surgery and the volunteers were inquisitive about what i was working on but no where near as invasive. Where do people get off?



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i guess they wrongly figure that if you do it in public you want their approval :think (personally i have enough personal and hubby approval i dont need starngers approval lol)


Yeah, I guess that MUST be it. Because don't we ALL wear a sign that says "please validate me". Do what you love to do because you love to do it, with what you can. I'm really on a downer about people this week :blush


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I like to crochet in public because I like it when people ask me about what I'm making, and I love it when they compliment my work.


I dont think anyone has molested my yarn while sitting and talking to me. I have had small children come over and ask what I'm making and they'll sit and pet my project or the skein I'm working on.


When I see others crocheting or knitting in public, I'll ask what they're making sometimes, but I wont reach over and touch their work...I actually think it's a little rude to invade someone's personal space just to touch the yarn they're working with.


I also hate it when I'm in an empty waiting room and the next person to come in just HAS to sit next to me. I always want to tell them to go away, but politely dont say anything, get up to use the restroom and then come back and sit somewhere else.

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LOL what a nutty pair you ran into! That sounds like something that would happen to me! I crochet on the subway every day and have had a few people squash in next to me to talk about yarn, etc. They have all been nice women (though one woman did say, sounding surprised, that I seemed to crochet ok for a lefty!!! um, thanks) but I'd rather crochet in peace.


Hmm the next time that happens to you, if the goofy person sits down next to you I would loudly tell them that you're contagious :D That is what I tell people, regarding my dog, when some noodlehead lets their dog run up to mine despite me signalling them not to come close. It's funny how quickly people can move once you say that magic word ...

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LOL what a nutty pair you ran into! That sounds like something that would happen to me! I crochet on the subway every day and have had a few people squash in next to me to talk about yarn, etc. They have all been nice women (though one woman did say, sounding surprised, that I seemed to crochet ok for a lefty!!! um, thanks) but I'd rather crochet in peace.


Hmm the next time that happens to you, if the goofy person sits down next to you I would loudly tell them that you're contagious :D That is what I tell people, regarding my dog, when some noodlehead lets their dog run up to mine despite me signalling them not to come close. It's funny how quickly people can move once you say that magic word ...

ohhhhh good one i love it, i have had people sit and stare at me, like i am suppose to inform them all what i am doing, i remember once this lady who was with a older gal stopped while waiting in the hospital waiting room for when people have surgery, she actually got up came over and grabbed my project skein and all and took it for her older friend to see, i was alike heyyyyyyyy hello can i have my bag back?:angry:angry:angry:angryi guess her friend had trouble walking or something as she had to show her and instead of asking just grabbed. i thought that was a little wierd. but she smiled and nodded when she brought it back asked in broken english you sell these? i said yes so she gave me her name and number but i never called her, she seemed a little tooo wierd for me:devil:devil

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I crochet a lot in airports. I think in the last 2 years I've been asked 3 times what I'm working on. I went with DH to his last Dr. appointment about a month ago. A lady in the waiting room politly asked what I was doing, the nurse who took us back to the exam room asked and then our Dr.! When she asked I just had to start laughing. I mean, three people in 5 minutes in the Dr. office and only 3 people in 2 years at very busy airports! :lol

I've never had anyone try and molest my yarn though.... or anything else wierd...

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That's strange! I laughed out loud when you said you heard them talking, to you!:rofl Sorry you were assaulted by wierdos.

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There are certainly some strange people out there. When I bring my crocheting to sit in the waiting room of the Doctor's office, I do become the center of attention but no one has ever forced themselves on my yarn. It does usually start some conversations and if I like the person I'm chatting with, I'll spread open what I'm working on so they can get a nice look at project. Most of the ladies I chat with ask me if it's going to be a warm enough sweater or blanket then I offer then to feel how thick and soft it is. The worst I've run across was one older lady telling me I should wait until I'm in my 50's before I start on the "Grandmother crafts".


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I admit that I'm really into textures, and love to feel things: including fabrics. But I never go into the touching without first asking if it's okay, just because it is an invasion of personal space. And I don't usually ask if it's a total stranger, since I don't want to put them in an uncomfortable situation.


But having said that, I can see how there might be a desire to fondle the yarn, just wasn't handled appropriately in this situation.

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Hmm the next time that happens to you, if the goofy person sits down next to you I would loudly tell them that you're contagious :D That is what I tell people, regarding my dog, when some noodlehead lets their dog run up to mine despite me signalling them not to come close. It's funny how quickly people can move once you say that magic word ...


Oh, I am going to try that next time... :lol:lol I don't mind people asking me questions or petting my yarn. Usually I am very happy to discuss what I am working on at the moment. It doesn't bother me a bit usually. I must admit that I like to have one chair open on either side of me when I work. It is just a personal space issue. If someone moves closer as we are already talking then I can accept that as being reasonable. You don't want to be having a conversation across a room if you can sit closer. But when people crowd me by placing their arm on my chairs armrest or they lean over my work without asking. So all I can see is the back of their big head. It just makes me feel frustrated. :angry

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Don't get me wrong by my first reply, I get lots of questions and whatnot when I take my crochet out in public. I don't mind at all. I'm a friendly person. In fact at my daughter's ballet classes there are a couple little girls who wait for the class after my daughter's that love to see what I'm making next. They've even asked to help me a couple of times and I let them. Yes I do believe in "you never know what you might spark".

However there's a huge difference in all of that and someone reaching over and either grabbing your work or going as far as getting in your tote/bag. That's invasion in my opinion. Would you let them dig through your purse and pull out pictures or whatever else? I know I wouldn't.



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I've never had anything that extreme happen at all. i have had people look at what I am making or make conversation about it.


I think I might have been a bit more rude than you when they followed me into the loo......thank goodness for the lady that came in! They could have just waited for you to come back out! :eek

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"Grandmother craft?" Well, dang, I have no kids and therefore won't have any grandchildren. Guess I gotta give up my hooks... Wait.... Maybe it's okay for eccentic old spinsters to crochet. Maybe I'd better take up crocheting antimaccasars or something very obscure and old fashioned.


Geez! That's all I can say. Maybe next time "Um, this is a present and I'm trying to keep it clean" as you snatch it out of their hands. Or an "excuse me" while you lean over and take your stuff back. I love the contagious comment, though! :lol Patty

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The worst I've run across was one older lady telling me I should wait until I'm in my 50's before I start on the "Grandmother crafts".


Oh don't you just hate that? I can't stand it when people tell me that crocheting's for older women! Though, there's only been a handful of times that people have commented on that. And I think most of them were just jealous lol.


I guess the creepiest person I've run across was some woman who was watching me crochet while I was at a craft show (what better place to do that, right? finish something and slap a price tag on it :D) In this tone that reminds me of the one usually reserved for children, she gushes, "And what are yoooou making?" I just about died of embarrassment. Thankfully she didn't ask to fondle my yarn, though.

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It seems that alot of people don't have manners, touching someone elses' stuff without permission is just rude!!

One experience I had was a few years ago, I used to bring my daughter to speech class at the public school (she wasn't in school yet). I always brought my crocheting and sat in the lobby and waited for the hour. :hook I was approached a few times by other women that I should volunteer for them and do something productive instead! :eek While I understand that volunteering is important, I love my crocheting and find it productive!!:yes ...................Lise

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I am in their for like a minute when I hear the two of them come in and start talking, not to each other; but to me! Asking about where I bought my yarn and how much was it and how hard was it to learn to crochet. I sat in the stall trying to make up my mind weather to answer their questions in hopes they would leave me alone. But right ask I had to make my decision another lady walked in and asked if only one stall worked. These ladies said no, then the new lady says " well then you'll excuse me if I ask you to leave. I like doing my "thinking" in peace. So the two other ladies left. A moment later I left. The lady that was still in the restroom, walked out of her stall when I was washing my hands and says " batty old broads aren't they?". I just smiled and said "um, yeah". And too my relief the two weird ladies were gone.




I can't believe they followed you, and started talking!!!! Holy cow!!! lol they probably talk on the phone while they're doing their business in the bathroom too.........

I have no idea as to what I would do in this situation! My sister once said she thought crocheting was "too dainty" and something old ladies do. I just nodded and smiled.

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I have never had anyone grab the yarn from me, but I have had people ask to touch it and sometimes their touching is a little much. Like one lady I work with, I bring my crocheting sometimes to work on at lunch, anyways, she always asks to touch it, but she rubs it against her cheek instead of just with her hand. Little weird. Otherwise people are mostly polite.


I do get responses from middle-age and older gentlemen when they see me crocheting and they have some response about how when they were little and their grandma use to crochet. It's kind of sweet to see them remember good things, but then it's usually followed by some comment that they thought no body did things like that anymore.

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Oh my, what a funny story :rofl. I have to admit, I am a yarn molester myself :drool. I crochet often on the commuter rail and a few others knit, and we have been known to comment on other peoples work. Sometimes if they are using something delicious I squeal and ask if I can please pet it! Usually they laugh, but sometimes if it is a person with space issues they will say, "I'd rather you didnt". No biggie! I have NEVER followed someone into the restroom to ask questions hahahahahah.


What a great story!



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