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That's some OLD yarn!


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I was feeling down yesterday, so my husband decided to stop by the flea market where I had spotted a few skeins of yarn before, but didn't look at it because we didn't really have money to be spending that day. He brought all of it back home with him last night, which did wonders to put me in a better mood! :manyheart


But, WOW. That is some OLD yarn! A few of them are a brand called "Sayelle" (which apparently still exists based on a search I did). The rest of them just say they're knitting yarns, but I didn't see any brand names on them. They all came from K-Mart. From the date on the clearance sticker that was on one of them, it apparently was bought back around 1983.


Kinda seems a shame to use yarn that old! :lol Oh, but I already have plans for it! :devil

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A friend of mine at work gave me a box of yarn that her grandma had given her. I got it home, opened it up and was shocked at what I saw. This yarn is from the late 70's. Most is from KMart (Sayelle brand) and the sitckers say 1976-1979. I have 18 skeins of off white (not all the same color) and 6 skeins of red. I remember my mom knitting and crocheting with this same type of yarn. I'm not sure what I am going to make with it yet.

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Trinket: Was just reading your post about the yarn, you might have Phentex yarn, when our city had a K-mart they were really big on selling Phentex yarn, they had all kinds of Phentex, icluding the scratchy stuff they used for slippers.

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I've gotten Sayelle yarn in thrift stores and garage sales. I wonder how much yarn made in the seventies is still around in unused skeins. Every once in a while I'll come across some in harvest gold, burnt orange or that pea green color. Now doesn't that bring back some memories.:eek

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Every once in a while I'll come across some in harvest gold, burnt orange or that pea green color. Now doesn't that bring back some memories.:eek


Yes it does...horrible ones!!! My house was decorated as kid with Spanish flair...crushed velvet couches in burnt orange, avocado green and harvest gold. In the corner was a end table with a matador and bull, with a wrought iron (black) hanging chandalier (sp?). The carpet was also burnt orange as well...


I remember about 2 years after my parents split my Mom one day looked around and said "I got rid of him why am I keeping his taste in furniture" We went out that day and bought new furniture...LOL!! We still laugh about to this day!

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Oh don't mention the furniture. When we pulled up our carpet our wood floor had an orange tint to it. Very 70s. I remember our green (ugly green) leatherlike couch and chair. Our pointed corner end tables (hurt my ear so I can't wear earrings).


You know I think I've saw some 1970s afghans hanging in second hand stores...

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Some years after my mil passed away, fil made us come over and go through stuff in the basement (take what was my hubbies and whatever else we wanted), there were 2 huge shopping bags full of yarn so I took it. I have always been a crafter, but at that time I wasn't a knitter or crocheter, so the bag got stashed away in our basement. Last month my hubby dragged it out and I finally went through it! Along with several partial skeins of some antique yarn (mil has been gone for 10 yrs and hadn't knit for as long as my hubby could remember, at least 20 yrs b4) so this stuff was easlily from the 70's But not only was there yarn, needles and hooks but there was a nearly complete zig zag afghan (knitted) in a cream color!!! I had never used round needles before, but boy did I learn quick! We now have a beautiful afghan made by my hubbies Mom. It is the favorite of everyone, including the cats!

What a find and what a treasure!

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I have half a box full of 1970's Sayells and Wintuk back at my mom's. I'm the only cousin that took up crocheting so I got the goodies from the older relatives. I have a stack of the old Workbasket mags and some baby set pattern books that I have put away.

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I have gotten some pretty old yarn at thrift stores also that I'm not sure what to do with (but hey it was a good price!!!) I also have a turtle that my great grandmother made that is you guessed it burnt orange avocado green and yellow, but he's so cute and I have it out on a shelf in my living room after all I am her namesake.

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Oh my gosh:eek . Some of you are making me feel "old":lol . Some of you mentioned K-Mart, Sayelle yarn, and Wintuk yarn. Back in the late 70's, when I was in my 20's. The place to get yarn was K-Mart(Sayelle) and we had another store called T.G.& Y.(:think I forgot what the initials stood for), and they had "Wintuk" yarn. Would you believe that I still have some of that yarn, mostly Sayelle in both solid and variegated colors. When my oldest was just a baby, I crocheted her a granny square blanket using Sayelle variegated pink. It's a real pretty yarn, the colors in it were brite pink, light pink and white. Last year I was trying to use up the yarn, I made some crochet butterfly magnets. When my daughter came over, she saw the butterfly's on the ****., she said, "Oh how cute!". I asked her if she wanted them, she said yes, then I told her the story about the yarn. I think back then when I was crocheting, I was crocheting "Mile-a-Minute" afghans. As Bob Hope would say, "Thanks for the Memories......:manyheart Some of you maybe asking yourself Bob who:think :lol :lol

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I've gotten Sayelle yarn in thrift stores and garage sales. I wonder how much yarn made in the seventies is still around in unused skeins. Every once in a while I'll come across some in harvest gold, burnt orange or that pea green color. Now doesn't that bring back some memories.


Yes! :manyheart It gives me the warm fuzzies. That's one of the reasons I like to watch 70's and 80's movies and TV shows. Seeing all the brown, orange, gold, and green colors in the curtains, carpets, wallpapers, flooring, and other decor brings back peaceful memories for me. I love it! I mean, you know... I wouldn't decorate MY house in those colors anymore, but I remember when the houses I grew up in were in those colors. ;)


Turns out that the colors of yarn I got were brown and mauve, too! :lol


The place to get yarn was K-Mart(Sayelle) and we had another store called T.G.& Y.(:think I forgot what the initials stood for), and they had "Wintuk" yarn.


Now that you mention it, one of the old price stickers on a couple of the skeins said "TG&Y". I was also wondering what that stood for. Thread... something... and yarn? :think

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hey ya'll


i'm a lurker normally, but i just had to weigh about old stuff. T.G.Y i don't think stood for anything or if it did i never knew what. We had one of those stores in just about every town in Oklahoma. Kind of like an old fashioned Walmart without groceries.

I got some yarn at a estate auction several years back that had a lot of those colors. It also reminds of the houses i grew up in....makes me wistful sigh!



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My mom cleaned out her yarn last year. I found a box full of baby yarn that she was given when I was born. I turned 40 this year.

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I have some of the Old yarn floating around my house to some is so old you cant hardly read the label anymore but you can almost see the price of like .79 and the colors are real funky orange and brown varigateds with gold gold was real big back then im not sure what to do with it so its still sitting back there my moms BF's grandma had it and was put in a home so he gave it to me that was about 3 years ago and its still aging back there maybe its like wine lol getts better with age

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I actually have a Sayelle yarn wrapper. I remember when I was I kid just learning to crochet (from my Great-grandmother Leah) my grandmother Yvette (who didn't know a thing about yarn or crochet) went shopping for me and brought back tons of colors and textures (well, as many textures as they had in the early 80's!) I would save every single wrapper that had a pattern on it. I had no idea how to read a pattern then and neither did Memere Leah. I just knew someday I would. Well, my nicely kept wrapper folder disappeared as I got older and moved several times with my own family. Last summer when Memere Yvette was the last one to pass away I cleaned out their house. (they were mother and 2 daughters that lived in one house for their entire lives.) I found a single wrapper of a pattern that I had saved. I was always so neat and organized I don't know how that one "got away" but glad it did because it reminded me of those wonderful years when I crocheted with my Great-Memere Leah, Memere Yvette and Aunt Marquerite aka "Geet"


Also, sorry to be so long winded....this reminds me of the HORRIBLE scarf I made my Memere Yvette. It was bright red and lime green!!!!:yuck Sayelle yarn and Wintuk! She wore that ugly thing to work all winter and when anyone dared comment on the off colors she would tell them her 8 year old granddaughter had made that!


Sigh....The good ole days of being with the 3 of them! Life was good back then!

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  • 1 year later...

I was reading this thread and noticed a lot of people commenting on sayelle yarn. If anyone has any sayelle silver please let me know. My mom has been working on an afgan for some time and has run out of that color and no one else's yarn seems to match

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Oh goodness, I remember Sayelle from when I was a teenager (I'm 51). There are a lot of mills in Manchester NH where I grew up and I want to say that may even have been manufactured there at one point. I can't be sure, but it sure does ring a bell about place that my Mom and her sister worked.


Nice find! (and kudos to hubby!)

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Several years ago, I was given a huge donation of yarn (no one wanted to store it and I said I would, turned out when I boxed it up, there were over 65 cartons of yarn) and Sayelle and Wintuk, was in there, along with Phentex, LionBrand Jiffy (very similar to what is being sold now), Lee Wards yarn, Love Knot and others that I can't remember offhand.


That brings back memories too.


LI Roe

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I've gotten Sayelle yarn in thrift stores and garage sales. I wonder how much yarn made in the seventies is still around in unused skeins. Every once in a while I'll come across some in harvest gold, burnt orange or that pea green color. Now doesn't that bring back some memories.:eek



one of my mom's friends gave me 2 garbage bags of yarn when i started croocheting. among all the skeins and random balls, i found 2 big things of old yarn in pea green and burnt oirange xD i'm guessing they were from before i was born, cause she told me, some of the yarn was from way back xD

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i'm glad i'm not the only one that has old yarn from T.G.& Y and k'mart i remember my mother used to buy it i'm still trying to finish a granny square she started a few months before she passed away and but i still find it hard to finish it but i will... well the way i came across this yarn was through my niece who went to a garage sale and bought 12 boxes full of yarn all colors and brands for 25 dollars so i guess i better get crocheting...

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QUOTE: "I've gotten Sayelle yarn in thrift stores and garage sales. I wonder how much yarn made in the seventies is still around in unused skeins. Every once in a while I'll come across some in harvest gold, burnt orange or that pea green color. Now doesn't that bring back some memories.:eek "


Yes, my mother use to crochet everyone an afghan in those colors. And amazingly they matched everyones decor :lol

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hey ya'll


i'm a lurker normally, but i just had to weigh about old stuff. T.G.Y i don't think stood for anything or if it did i never knew what. We had one of those stores in just about every town in Oklahoma. Kind of like an old fashioned Walmart without groceries.

I got some yarn at a estate auction several years back that had a lot of those colors. It also reminds of the houses i grew up in....makes me wistful sigh!



Maybe T.G.Y means Thank God Yarn!. At least that's what I say when I find yarn at the thrift stores I go to.:lol
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