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Christmas 2007

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I'm starting presents now:yes . Otherwise I won't get them done.:blush I don't know what I'm making for everyone yet, so I'll be working through the year.:hook

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I wanted to start making Christmas gifts in January, so I would have all year to complete them. Unfortunately, I haven't even started on any of them yet! :blush I keep thinking about it though.....and it's always in my head to get started.

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TODAY!!! :clap I made a towel topper...with the towel attached of course...and I'm going to make a couple of hat pads to match. Its the first towel topper I ever made. I left the tag attached to the towel...so when I was finished DH walked in the room and said..."When did you buy that?" HAH! "I made it!"...He was quite impressed. I almost got in my car and went out to buy more towels...but its so stinking rainy...I came to the 'ville instead.


I'd like to join the "little house" CAL...and make something for my sister Jodi. See...when we were little we had all the little house books, and Jodi being the last too move out got them by default...so I borrow them from her every summer...this Christmas she started buying new ones for me. The set we've been sharing is falling apart and missing chapters...so I was thinking I would find something in one of the books...make it for her, and copy the page of the book I got the idea from. She'd just love it! She seems to be the biggest fan of my crochet...well...I can't say that...my whole family is either VERY nice to me or they really like my work. They appreciate the effort and love that goes into it. I make them ALL something crochet and also buy them something. I make my MIL crochet items too... I am very selective about who I give my crochet to.


I want to make my nephew a tai kwon do graphgan...it will be my first ever graphgan and I have to find the right "logo" to graph into it.


I want to make a double strand afghan for DH of his favorite sports teams colors...but he wants it to be MONSTER big. I should probably buy the yarn for it soon, because I'm going to get bored with it fast so if I start now I may be finished by Christmas. I'd like to surprise him but he's always around so it might be difficult. Maybe I'll keep the yarn and the project in the trunk of my car...then I can work on it when I'm at my moms or my sister's AND I can take it out when he's working late. i'll have to get sneaky!


Anyway..yes...I did start my christmas crochet.:c9

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I never stop, I make things that I like and put them away and come Christmas I match them up with the person I know will like it and use it.


I'm like Hookmaster...I am always working on gifts throughout the year.

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I'd like to join the "little house" CAL...and make something for my sister Jodi.


That is the sweetest idea! I hope you find the time to do it because it would be the nicest gift ever. Hope you can join the Little House CAL too! :manyheart

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I'm going to start probably in June. I'm going to make my brother an afghan, so it's going to take awhile. I'll be making my mom at least one cardigan, if not two.


I'm not sure what I'll be making my dad and his girlfriend. She's thinner than I am, so I might make her a cute skirt and top. Or I could do a combo gift for them and make them an afghan for their living room. They like lighthouses, so I could do a graph-ghan, or something with a sea-shore theme.


I'll probably do some Dora clothes for my daughter, and a stuffed animal.

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I have already started this year, but have to take a break soon for FILaw's birthday gift, probably a racing graph pillow and MILaw's birthday is in May. I try to work on stuff throughout the year so that I don't get too overwhelmed, but it seems that I still end up crocheting right up until the last minute!:whew

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I never stop, I make things that I like and put them away and come Christmas I match them up with the person I know will like it and use it.


That would be me too - but I pick an item, this year it's pot holders. I make them it sets of 4 (2 matching and 2 complimentary) with a hot pad, stash them and match them up to the recipients in December. I also make a bunch of coasters throughout the year and bundle some of those in.

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I actually start mine during camping season, so I have time and sit outside to enjoy the great outdoors and crochet for my loved ones...so in a couple weeks, and I saw Micheal's has Peaches and Cream Cotton for 99 cents!! Woo Hooo!! Because I make ALOT of Kitchen crochet.:hook

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I have started thinking about it and have plans...big plans...but haven't started making anything yet b/c I want to get a few other projects out of the way. I am geting anxious though b/c I'm new to crochet, am a bit slow (b/c of time constraints) and am still figuring out how to make an afghan that is not lopsided:lol

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This is the first year I've started so early. I normally wait until Sept/Oct to get going, then take a break in November, then hook like mad in Dec. to get everything finished in time. Nuh-uh! Not this year!


I originally wanted to design a tablecloth for each family on my side. My mom has 3 sisters, so it would be for them, my parents, and my grandparents, then my dad has 6 siblings, so it would be 6 more. That's 11 tablecloths, not to mention the one I want to make for my db and sil, my other 2 sils, and my fil/mil! THAT'S 15!! Hmm...I also found the Snowflake Dinner set on Celt's Vintage Crochet, so I think I'll try to make those at least for my mom's side of the family. for my dad's I have no idea. My sils aren't married yet, so I may start theirs and gradually work on them and save them for wedding gifts and think of something else for Christmas this year. My mil has asked for consumable items since she's purging her house this year--she says she's tired of the clutter (clutter? what clutter?) laying around, so has asked me not to make anything for her. For fil, I may make him something, since his mother is/was creative (she has Alzheimer's, and hasn't crocheted in years, so she doesn't remember how), and he values handmade items. i can't make anything for dh, since "handmade" is "homemade", therefore cheap and not worth anything. I'm also going to make the snowball scarves from GarnStudios for my aunts and cousins this year, as well as more sock monkey hats (since I made them for cousins, my aunts have clamored for them!).

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I'm slowly working on items for christmas amidst all the other items I'm trying to make. The kids will all be easy to work gifts up for, it's the adults I'm having more trouble deciding who gets what this year.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Tracey--15 tablecloths! Holy cats!! I have a big family, too, so we exchange names and lists at Thanksgiving. That doesn't leave much time for a major project, but last year I did some scarves. I also exchange with a friend and my sister (outside of the family exchange), so I could start a gift as soon as I decide on one. Summer birthdays come first...

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I bought the yarn for my first project, a nice medium brown afghan for a friend!


Christmas will be here faster than we think.



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I try to work on it a little through the year. Right now I'm swimming in a sea of ripples. lol When I get my head out of that I am going to start working on some dishcloth, potholder sets for a lot of the women in my family for Christmas.


Otherwise I haven't made any other plans for Christmas gifts.


I would really like to make DH a sweater. He won't wear hats, scarves or anything like that so other then a afgan (my very first crochet project) I haven't ever made anything for him.

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