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Look at the BEAUTIFUL afghan gifted to me by Villagers!!! (you know who you are!)

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What a surprise! Oh my! I received this gorgeous afghan out of the blue yesterday! I don't know who all was behind this as I was directed to look for a thread that said "need help" and apparently a lot of people need help, so I am stumped. Reveal yourselves, mighty crocheters, and let me thank you personally for the love and caring you give every day to those who are fortunate enough to be part of your lives, and let me thank you, too for gifting me this wonderful, tangible hug of afghan in beautiful spring colors!


Wow, was this thoughtful and completely unexpected... how did you do this without my knowing??? HMMM??? I'm on here every day! How did I miss this? And by the way, this is the first afghan I've ever been given! Can you imagine? Poor me, never knew anyone that loved me enough to make me an afghan (except for the 12 or so that I've made and are around the house - but those don't count)


So here it is, and I'm going to go image heavy and I don't know how to re-size photos either!






Me LOVING (and hiding) with my lovely hug-ghan



Me and Chelsea, the wonder-mutt!



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Like Empress Busy Bee.. I knew nothing of this (lol I sound like Sgt Schultz.. I know nothing! nothing!!) either... and I too am impressed that it was done w/o spilling the beans.

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Paulette - I am so surprised that you didn't see the thread - are you loosing your touch!!!!


Vicki (mythunderbird) started the thread and put it together so thanks to Vicki the afghan came to life.


It did come out beautiful - when you wrap it around yourself, just think of all of us here that love and support you :hug :hug

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Oh, Paulette, that is so pretty! I wasn't part of this (I didn't see the thread, either!) but I have to say that you deserve it! :hug You have brightened our day so many times with your wonderful stories and hilarious commentary that it's your turn to get sent a smile. :yes



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Paulette, you look so cute snuggled up in your gorgeous afghan....and chelsea seems to love it.....just as much as you do :D . Yep, all of us here, in Crochetville, care about you!

Lots of hugs sweetie! :hug :hug :hug

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I would like to be able to say that I was a part of this.... but I can't. :( Like a lot of the others, I totally missed that thread. I bet if even half the people on here who love you had seen the thread, you'd have ended up with 3 or 4 ghans!!!! :lol


It's beautiful! What a lovely gift... and like you said, a hug. I like to call them "hugs of yarn." :D

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What a beautiful afghan, and what wonderful women to get together and collude to create such a gift for you. I bet you're one special friend to each and every one of those ladies. Congratulations!


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Paulette, Thanks go to Vicki getting it all started and putting it together. I am happy to say I sent a couple of squares filled with love for you! I am so happy you like it, keep it close when you feel down, and remember we here at the Ville got your back.

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:hug Beautiful! I'm completely oblivious too! I agree I would have spared a square or three...I'm practicing my square techniques!:D Now you have something tangible to remind you how much others think of you!:manyheart
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