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Woman Makes Sweater From Cat's Fur

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I have a big white angora cat and I have always said that i could have made a couple coats from all the fur he's shed over the years...I never knew you could actually do it though lol. Thats kind of neat, i dont know if I would do it but it's neat all the same.

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I wanted to do that with dog fur from my dog TinyMonsters when he was alive. I could have harvested all sorts of fuzzy hair from him if I had just brushed him every week like I was supposed to be doing. He died last year on March 14th...I wish I had yarn spun from his hair now, I miss the big furball.

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I have a big white angora cat and I have always said that i could have made a couple coats from all the fur he's shed over the years...I never knew you could actually do it though lol. Thats kind of neat, i dont know if I would do it but it's neat all the same.


I think she said that it took her 6yrs to collect enough fur....that is a long time to wait for a sweater:lol

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I think she said that it took her 6yrs to collect enough fur....that is a long time to wait for a sweater:lol


yep, 6 years, and $200 to spin the hair into yarn!


:think I wonder if her friend charged her to crochet the sweater?

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But it looks blue and purple. Is animal fur dye-able? I've had 4 cats, and none were blue or purple.:P Even if George is a Russian blue by breed. :lol I've been saving bags of dog fur for this very reason, but I never thought about saving the cats' fur. Or hair, it really is hair, according to an article in The Whole Dog Journal last month. Patty

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yep, 6 years, and $200 to spin the hair into yarn!



:think I wonder if her friend charged her to crochet the sweater?



I don't know but I think it will be priceless to her in later years to come when she no longer has her fur baby...... something that will remind her of her fur baby.

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I don't think so. I wanted to make my own yarn and my friends own an alpaca farm, so I could get the wool from them. They told me how to spin and what conditions are necessary to spin; the fibers have to be 1 1/2 inches long to not fall apart. The longer the fiber, the less delicate the twist.

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I've been thinking about doing this for a while now. I have eight cats and a collie that sheds monstrously twice a year, and I've been saying that when she sheds her coat in the spring and fall I should save the hair and spin it into yarn. I don't think I could bear to give someone else $200 to spin it for me, though, I think I'd buy the stuff on Ebay and try spinning it myself. I've watched a couple of instructional videos and it doesn't LOOK all that difficult... (famous last words, huh? :lol )



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I can see the headlines,


"Make your neighbors sneeze and not know why"


"Drive the neighborhood dogs crazy!"


"News depths of recycling!"


If you can't tell these are all firmly tounge-in-cheek.



oh thank you! you just made my day (gotta wipe food off the puter but that's ok!)


on a more serious note, I've started collecting Goldie's fur and am seriously considering having it spun. I just hope I can get enough before... well... you know.


hehehe! I'll be snickering all night, and my evil mind is already looking at my 3 cats, who are acting very weary all of a sudden! be afraid! be VERY afraid!

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When I was young, my parents had a Samoyed dog...big white and fluffy. Dad used to save his hair (he'd get 4 bucket fulls a week) and give it to a lady that would turn it to yarn and knit with it. It was incredibly soft!

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very interesting


I wonder if they can also use the dryer lint/hair, :lol


Hey! You have the making of a great crochet-along. I'd be happy to donate my dryer lint (and bird feathers!)

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I may be in the minority, but even as a cat lover that save a piece of her beloved kitty's hair, this is just on >< this side of the icky line for me.


I have no idea why, but I just couldn't wear my cat's hair as a sweater. Too much like a horror movie or something.


Maybe if it was a little blankie it wouldn't seem so icky or something.

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I think it's the whole "wearing part of your departed pet" thing that strikes me as icky.

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I dont think it would be icky... I'd have made a pillow or something out of Tiny's fur...I wouldnt have done a sweater (found out after he died I was actually allergic to him!)


Or maybe I'd have made a purse or something and felted it. I know his fur could be felted because there's a tuft of his fur STILL stuck in a bush on the side of our yard that's been there for over a year and a half...It's felted itself into the bush (and it's also sun faded now too)


I used to brush him in the yard and I'd clean the brush and throw the hair into the street (our street is like a wind tunnel!) One clump of hair ended up blowing into the bushes. He died a few weeks later and I couldnt bring myself to pull the hair out of the bushes and set it free. I'm trying to see how long it lasts there, and it's kind of neat to know there's a little bit of TinyMonsters "watching" the yard. (does that sound creepy, or am I just a bit nostalgic?)


I still have his brush, with a small amount of his hair still in it. I have it saved in a Ziploc bag. Almost half hoping that I could clone him someday. I like to open the bag occasionally and pet his fur and smell it. It still smells like Tiny. (ok, now I'm going to go cry because wednesday will be the 1yr anniversary of him dying...miss my big Wookiee)

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I could do a blanket, or a pillow. I still have a tuft of Peachy's hair, and one of her whiskers. I don't have any of Pheeny's or any of my ferret, Dilly's hair (they don't shed much, the little weasels).


What would be really, really cool, though, would be an ami kitty made out of yarn from Peachy and Pheeny's hair. That would rock on so many levels.

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