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Evening Bag Crocheted with VHS Tape


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Had to show and tell my evening bag that I crocheted using recycled VHS tape. If you are interested I posted the details on my website blog so others could give it a try. It really turned out to be a fun project! :)



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Now my mind is thinking up ideas to use the VHS tape w/all sorts of other yarns/threads, etc.!! I can see it combined w/1-2+ strands of #10 thread, beads, sport yarn, fake fur & all other novelty yarns, etc., etc., etc..

Wish I had the time to give some a try - what a great idea!


Smiles, Louise

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Had to show and tell my evening bag that I crocheted using recycled VHS tape. If you are interested I posted the details on my website blog so others could give it a try. It really turned out to be a fun project! :)



Very innovative, Cindy!

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