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Crochetapalooza anyone?

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Just a thought mind you, but i've been tossing this around in my little twisted mind off and on so i thought i'd just run the idea up and see if there is interest enough to take the idea further.

Some of you know that i have a cabin up in the sticks here in Eastern Washington State. Its on 30 acres with plenty of room for tents, rv's, and such (you can see chunks of the place on my blog if you take time to go back through a few archives).

I've been thinking of putting on a how to carve your own hook, tell spooky stories around the camp fire, and generaly have a good time actually meeting one another. Maybe we could even take a shot at making a Guinness book record size hook.

Anyone have a remote interest. No committment, mind you, on your part or mine.

Whatcha think?

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I think that would be a cool idea.


I used to be part of an online poetry chat room (still a part of them, but not as involved as I used to be), and awhile back, they started hosting "slams" in different states every year. I only ever made it to one, but it was a lot of fun. We all just kinda hung out, had open mic poetry, ate, and did different things in the Dallas area. It gave us a chance to meet each other face to face and share some good times together.


I think a similar thing could be accomplished with crocheters, if enough people got interested in it.

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Fantastic idea! Just be sure to clarify what you expect of those who attend to prevent yourselves from being overwhelmed or taken-advantage-of. But, crocheters are the nicest people around and if this thing happens, you can count me in!

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Awesome idea. :clap

My husband posts on a motorcycle forum, and one of the riders hosted a get together at his 40 acre home in Mississippi. The 1st Beast Feast was held in May of '04 and we have participated since then. Why the name? Because the food that was eaten was game: duck, deer, moose, etc.

Another get together was held at another riders 12 acre home here in Louisiana. This was the 1st Coonassylvania Pork-Off that was held in November of '04. Besides the pig that was roasted on an open fire there was other pork meat that was smoked.

The gathering is usually a three day weekend. Each time we brought our pop up camper and his KLR 650. Other riders camped out in tents or slept in the hosts home. Breakfast consisted of fresh yard eggs, coffee, etc. One year we provided the breakfast for each rally. On Saturday, for those that wanted to, they went for a day ride.

This is a neat idea because it is an opportunity to meet people from different parts of the country and participate in something that everyone has in common and enjoy doing. Weather it's riding, crocheting, cross stitching, etc.:)


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I'd love it! But I'm a bit far away, and probabl woudn't be able to make it within the next few year...still have some finances to figure out. But...maybe in the future!

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Well, provided I know 4 months in advance, so I can find the state:rofl , I am , well, shall we say geographally challenged, yea, yea, I know , spelling challenged too,:laughroll

I wish these message boards had spell check :lol

Jim, I would go in a HEARTBEAT, heck, I would even put my

first born up for sale, but I am certain I wouldn't get far with that, he is 26 :haha . My husband and I spend a week camping every summer, well we camp more than a week, but we take off work and all, we tent it, yes, us old farts tenting it, yeppers, if we can do it, anyone can. Of course there is the SLIM possibility that I win the lottery saterday, and I of course would RACE out to purchase a NICE BIG RV.

But, I am thinking that isn't too likely to happen, even though I E-mail Iowa's powerball weekly and TELL them what numbers to draw :think

Anywooooooo I am babling now, BUT I would move heaven and earth to go and learn how, and get some nice sticks to carve, we havent much here in the concreate jungle, I would certainly give it a go.

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I would love to but I'm about as far away as one can get down here in Florida.


Same here Jimbo . . . it sounds like an amazing idea though. I've always wanted to visit Washington State. It looks beautiful!

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Well i'm tickled that you guys have an interest. I'm intrigued. Just might look into it further. Heck all's we need is some kind of transportation for all the far away folk.... hitchhiking would work but you might get kidnapped, hauled off to some remote place and be forced to do unspeakable afgans.

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Well i'm tickled that you guys have an interest. I'm intrigued. Just might look into it further. Heck all's we need is some kind of transportation for all the far away folk.... hitchhiking would work but you might get kidnapped, hauled off to some remote place and be forced to do unspeakable afgans.



Some things just shouldn't be thought about- like unspeakable afghans! I've made a couple that we will never speak of again!


Your idea is a great one, you know I've tried to get a retreat together too.

So, if we could caravan like gypsies, ya know the Florida people pick up the GA people, pick up the AL, MS,LA, and TX people, etc. it would be an adventure!

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Sounds great! I'm in! Except I dont have a tent or RV.

You might want to research it regarding liability etc if someone has an accident and work out the food situation.


I went to a crochet reatreat on Whidbey Island (near Seattle) last year and we had the head of the CGOA give lessons and had a field trip to yarn stores, it was really great! Like a slumber party with crochet.

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It sounds great in theory... In practice, I'm not sure how well it would go over...


Here is my reasoning: Crocheters seem to be a VERY diverse group of people.


We've got SAHMs, working moms, happily child-free folks, career-oriented people, gay men, straight men, lesbians, bisexuals, theatre junkies, Earth Mamas, junk food addicts, pregnant women, infertile women, surrogate moms, hippies, bikers, bottle blondes, swingers, Jews, Muslims, fudamentalist Christians, Christians, Catholics, Athiests, Agnostics, plenty-o-Pagans, single parents, punk rockers, kids fresh out of high school, Right-wingers, Liberals, Independents, military, tattooed beauties, pierced princesses, presidents of PTAs, bakers, quilters, pro-choicers, anti-choicers, diff-abled folks, fire-eaters, school teachers, lawyers, doctors, cashiers, former prom queens, beauty queens, drag queens, artsy-fartsy types, and nothing-fancy types.


I could go on and on, but I think I've made my point. I'm honestly not sure how well *just* the love of crocheting would mold these diverse groups together. I TRULY wish it were possible, perhaps more than anyone else. But I'd really hate to see a riot on your land. Just my $0.02.

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I understand what LynLee is trying to say. Jimbo may be opening up a big bag of worms here.... All those type of people is what makes the world go round. It was proved that a big diverse group of different people can get along for a few days at WOODSTOCK 1/2 million people....Jimbo can call it CROCHETSTOCK LOL.... But that was then and this is now...There are 10,000 members here now and I know not everyone will be there but this can turn into something big...


There would be so much to think about, Food, Shelter (in case of bad weather) Will children be allowed If so can they wander off and get lost etc...Will alcohol be allowed? Some people get real nasty when drunk or do stupid things etc... Are you covered insurance wise for accidents that may happen on the land. People like to sue other people at the drop of a pin. This is alot for one person to handle....


So Jimbo be careful of what you ask for you just might get it...And then be sorry you did....:hook

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Of course you're all right. Heck i bet i'd hardly have room for 8,000 let alone 10k. And the lines at the bathroom? wooooooo And imagine the truckloads of hershy bars and marshmallows for s-mores? We'd have to have an emergency tent just for the folks who wandered into the nettles, and stomach pumps for the ones who mistakenly ate the white berries , and a vet for the animals who'd get their fur loaded with cockleburs, cheat grass, and coyote bites... and a tall fenced corral to protect the kids from the cougars and wandering bands of renegade knitters, not to mention an attendant serious depletion of the band-aid reserves from all the hook making seminars. Yeah with a wild bunch like this one, it'd get outa hand fast.. and there'd be little help; the national guard unit up there is strapped with most of their 12 members in Iraq.

But think of the dough i could make. I could stock up on paddles and sell them at outrageous prices to all the folks who came up the crick without one.

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