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completely overwhelmed

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I was doing fine until yesterday. Then the sheer number of UFO's that I have just overwhelmed me. Its not even that I have so many UFO's. Its that many of them are long term projects that are just dragging on. Most of them aren't even crochet related. I have a very large quilt that I'm hand quilting that was started over 2 1/2 years ago. I haven't worked on that since forever. I have 3 cross stitch projects going. The oldest one was probably started 2 years ago. I have 2 other quilts partially constructed. I'm crocheting an afghan, a sweater, snowflakes, and a scarf. All at once it seems. Its funny how none of this was getting to me until yesterday and then I started the scarf. It was the straw that broke this crocheting camel's back. I need to finish something. Does this happen to anyone else?? No let me guess. You all finish every project you have ever started and only have one project going on at a time. Am I right?? :devil

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Yep...only one project at a time. It has to be finished before I allow myself to start something new. It's the only way I get something done.


I used to do things your way and ended up hardly ever finishing anything. I tried lots of different needle crafts....jumped from project to project....very few projects got finished...projects piled up.


One day I bit the bullet and threw all UFOs that I hadn't touched in a year into the burning barrel...got rid of them so they couldn't haunt me again....no more guilt feelings and made the resolve to finish everything before starting something new. It has been working great for me.

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Sorry, I have to finish what I start. I think I would be absolutely nutty if I had so many unfinished projects. They only thing that does drive me a little goofy is that I have a million projects in my head. Hurry, hurry finish this so I can start something else. I have so many finished items and don't know what to do with them.

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I have been crocheting only a year. I find its best for me to concentrate on one item at a time. In my mind I have other projects on want to work on next. I have been working on small projects hats, scarfs and ponchos and I think that makes a difference. I am done before I get bored with the item I am crocheting.

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I used to exclusively do one project at a time, but I slowly started doing smaller projects in between larger ones. Then, I found that, like you, I got overwhelmed and nothing gone done. I took a long look at the stuff I had going on. After all that time, did I want what I was making? Did I seriously think I would get back to it soon? If not, I frogged the project to use the yarn for something else. Any projects I did keep, I made myself finish them before starting more. Made me finish pretty quickly.


Just don't do what I did this past time. I was working on a baby blanket, a purse for a gift, and a custom order all at the same time. Well, the baby blanket is still about halfway from being finished. I ran out of time for the gift, but I did get the custom order done. I figured I would go back to the baby blanket, but then I got asked to take some baby things to a store. Once again, the blanket got put aside. It's driving me crazy having that left undone, but this is the 2nd time I've started this blanket so I am determined to finish it someday.

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i think i have 4 or 5 projects going and still want to try something else i see new patterns and just have to try them so off to the yarn room and then something else gets set aside. oh well i have always been that way i guess i may always will be.

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I too USED to be a "one at a time" sort of person. But then the crochet ADD hit me... and now I've got 4 projects going at once, as well as a few UFO's.


What I've done is made a rule for myself. For every project I finish, I'm allowed to start ONE more. BUT... I HAVE to work on a UFO at the same time. For me, that means working on the UFO for a little while, then I can put it away and work on one of the current WiPs. Right now I'm working on a baby granny that only needs to be assembled and bordered, a crochet doll (which is taking up more of my time right now, but it should be done in a day or two), a scarf for me (that one's been put on the back burner, so to speak, for the time being), and a kn*tted fun fur scarf for my oldest dd. But I should have 2 of those finished sometime this week, and I can whip out one of my UFO's and start a new project.


I find I get bored if I'm working on the same thing day after day after day. So I might work on the UFO one day and the new project the next... but as long as I'm WORKING on the UFO, it's all good. :hook

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I just start 'em when I feel like it and finish 'em when I feel like it... I have ten or more different things going at a time - a couple quilts, mosaic, mixed media altered art, and of course my beloved crochet. Works for me!

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I am done before I get bored with the item I am crocheting.

this is my problem. i have so many WIMS that i can't finish a WIP w/out "just dipping" into the next item...then forgetting about the one i was working on in the first place... its a vicious cycle, but theres so much pretty yarn out there......:manyheart

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Karin, Relax and enjoy the addiction. I do understand where you are coming from.. I have lots and lots of projects here too.


I'll share a funny that helps me through my times of feeling overwhelmed. My mother in law once told someone that "Lisa never finishes anything she starts" (I don't know if it was meant as an insult or if she was just speaking thoughtlessly).


About a month later, she gave me a quilt top (just the pieced top.. still needed to be finished).. that she had had since she was married..40 YEARS AGO. hehehehe that tickled me to no end. I may have many unfinished projects, but none that are 40 years old.


This woman also contributed to the "never finishing" act by giving me projects to do...roflol.. she once sent me dozens of flower bulbs for her sons birthday!!


I think it's a sign of a certain type of creative mind to have several projects going at once.. glorious confusion. (not that people who finish things aren't creative.. just a different type)


I personally have a cathedral rose window afghan that is 3/4 finished and has been sitting in a chair in the living room for over a year. A cross stitch project that my son vaccumed up the thread..so I have to go find the kit again or just try to match the threads.. and find the instructions again..lol

A scripture afghan that I have about 2/3 of the squares made..and two thread shawls in progress. We wont EVEN talk about the baby bunting I found under the bed the other day...that I started over 20 years ago. I don't think it will fit the baby any more...


I celebrate my addiction.. and I encourage those who have this same condition to enjoy it too.

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ok i thought i was the only one who allowed myself one project at a time, it seems as though most of you have more than one project going at a time. i must confess though right now i have i think 3 things going which is driving me absolutly insane. (the only other time i will do more that one is if i am trying surprise my daughter with something and don't want her to see) with a couple of days til valentines day, my daughters class gifts are just about done and i will finish all my other wips then off to another but i have a couple that i really want to do and don't know what to do first:eek

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I have so many WIPs I don't even recognize them! I'm just in the process of doing a sort through all my yarn and projects. It doesn't help that I machine knit, handknit, tunisian etc etc. so am really up to my neck. I do make charity blankets so am going to have a blast at them to use up some on the shash. Zaraliz

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i have so many wips is not even funny. but am trying to finish things up or frog them either way they're out of the way:D:D nothing wrong wth that my friend, just try and relax and do what ya can:hug:hug

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Karin -


I have the same problem.


What I did was this - I sorted the projects by importance, size/length of time to complete and how in love with them I am.


So, right now, my "active" list looks like this:


1. Baby blanket for Ellie's (my dd) occupational therapist; this is due by Friday, so I'm working non-stop on this at this point.

2. Bell Sleeve pullover; this is number two b/c it's not going to take too long to finish and I'm currently in love with it. So, it may move down the list, but not too far down. The deadline for it to be done is the end of March.


3. Afghan squares for kid's blankets; this is an ongoing project with no definite deadline at this point, but they should be done by this Christmas. I'd wanted them for this past Christmas, but it was just too much work and too overwhelming for me. So, I work on the squares as I can, but make sure I get at least three or four done each week. It's not a lot, but if I keep a steady pace, I actually get more done than if I try to do a marathon square session.


4. Graphic Granny afghan for myself; deadline is my birthday next January. Again, I work on it as I can. Another "slow and steady" project. I try to finish two to three motifs a week.


5. Socks - an ongoing frustration. I'm both knitting and crocheting socks, and it's a learning experience. I keep frogging stuff, so clearly, nothings getting finished. But LEARNING something new counts as worthwhile, too. Just finishing something for the sake of finishing, and doing it rushed and improperly isn't worthwhile to me, so I don't care if it takes me a year to finish up my first pair of socks. I will wear them with pride when I'm done, though!


I have other projects I stop and start that I work on for "fun" - an afghan for my daughter that I'm designing, headbands for whatever holiday is in that month, Darski's doll clothes - either stuff that's really quick to finish or stuff that is just fun and I have no intention of finishing anytime soon.


Most of all, remember, this is a hobby, not a job. It's okay to not be a production line.


What I'd do if I were you is sort through your UFOs, picking out the ones you most want to work on. Pick out three or four small to medium size projects or two big ones or a reasonable number of each size project that you think you can finish up in two months.


Set everything else aside and don't worry about it. That will be your "inactive" group.


In your active group, set a goal for a certain amount of progress you want to make on each project each week or day, and then just do it. But keep it realistic. If you only have an hour a day to crochet, do a row on two projects each day. It always takes longer than we think, lol, once we factor in distractions, frogging, messed up stitches, dropped hooks, etc.


Then, just work until you get those few UFOs into FOs, and then dive into the inactive pile again!

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I just posted about this in another thread, but I'll repeat it here. This is a WIP busting tip that I learned from a cross stitch forum. It really worked for me.


Go, ahead and have several projects going, but only work on 1 for a set amout of time. I used 10 hours as my time limit. I kept track on a piece of paper and I only worked on a project for 10 hours, then moved to the next project.


Do a variety of sizes, some small and some large. I was really surprised how well this worked. I never got bored or frustrated with a lack of progress, because I usually got to work on a couple of things a week. And I knew I had made progress, because I knew I'd worked on it for 10 hours.


As I really get back into crocheting, I'm sure I'll pick this habit up again. Right now I only have 2 projects going on. But with inspiration I'm getting here, I'm sure that number will increase.



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I knit, crochet and cross-stitch as well. I only have 1 project of each going on. Usually when I have a cross stitch project, I don't have any crochet or knitting WIPs. But I will have crochet and knitting WIPs (when cross stitch gets done). I think you start new projects because you are excited about something new - new yarn, new technique, etc.


Here is my advice. Try to focus on one craft only. For example, start with a crochet project that is the closest to being complete - finish it before you do anything else. Then do the next one that is nearest to being complete. I think if you do that, then you won't feel so overwhelmed.


And do not, whatever you do, start a new project until all of your WIPs are done (even though it is very tempting).


As someone said - remember it is a hobby - for fun. Just keep that in mind.

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I have general project ADD. At any given time, there are several crochet projects, mounds of scrapbooking to do, knitting, sewing, whatever strikes my fancy. After 2 years, if I have not gotten back to it, I re-cycle it. Sounds bad, but somethings just don't turn out like I thought or I find a better version of it.

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I want to thank everyone for their postings. I am doing somewhat better now. I finished getting our stuff together to get our taxes done. I know that has nothing to do with crocheting but I think that it was really weighing on me. I finished the scarf I was crocheting. I threw away the quilt I was working on. Yes, you read it right, I threw it away.


Its kind of funny that crafting is supposed to be a stress buster, a great way to relax. But somewhere along the way I forgot that. It actually increases my stress many times. I think I feel that I got to get whatever my current project is done and then move on to the next one because there are so many things I want to make. I don't think I know how to relax. I'm always on a schedule for everything: cleaning the house, crafting, homeschooling, volunteering, etc. etc.


I was watching Mr. Roger's Neighborhood with my children today and he said something interesting. He said he had many wonderful memories of his grandfather. That his grandfather spent alot of time playing with him and that he knew his grandfather loved him by the time he spent with him. I wonder what my children would say. I don't want them to grow up and thinking that I loved crafting and the computer more than I loved them. Because sometimes I think that is the way it is. I spend alot of time on the computer (I know that is partially because I am a sahm and the computer helps me connect with other people) and as much time as possible crafting. I think I need to do a major rearrangement of my priorities. I also know that I need to do things I enjoy and that make me feel good. But right now things still feel very out of balance.

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Well I haven't read through all the posts, just your last one. I have to say I am the same way. I don't think I know how to relax. I did homeschool my kids for a long time, and that was one of the things I knew I could not do. As much as I struggled with putting them back in public school, I did it. I was too overwhelmed. (I don't know if that is one of the things that is stressing you out, but that was just me...) I still have a hard time trying to relax. I need to remove myself from my kids/housework, etc.... which usually means going somewhere. But then I can't crochet, unless I bring it with me.


Anyway. I kind of know how you feel. And yes, we do need to find more time for ourselves. :hug



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Sorry, but I am a one project person. Sometimes I will have a doll sitting unfinished, because it got on my nerves, but usually it is only one project.

The best thing is to decide what is improtant and put the wips in that order.:hook

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hi everyone, i have had a good laugh with this 1. u mean we are supposed to FINISH things before starting the next project. LOL


today, the 15th, is my parents 60th wedding annyversary and i STILL have not finished the queen sized quilt i started well before their 50th.


i have been back to quilting since september last year and have 4 afghans on the go, plus many other projects to numerous to count.


1 day i might catch up, BUT i am haveing a lot of fun trying.


helen in australia

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I usually have a couple of projects going at once, usually in 2 different types of crafts, like crocheting & plastic canvas. Sometimes I'll have an afghan project going, like putting squares together. try to finish the one I'm working on each type of craft before I start another in that craft:eek

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