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Finally finished - tapestry tote!


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I have finally finished a project that I started quite a while ago. I was sidelined with an injury that put a halt to my crocheting for a bit. I have been walking on my lunch hour every day at work due to health issues. On one walk, I must not have been paying attention as I tripped and fell. I broke my fall with my left hand and I really did a number on my pinkie finger. Tho I am right handed, when I crochet, my left pinkie is my tension gauge. I finally figured out another method until I get my little finger working again.


The edging of the motifs is a white, gray and black mix. I hope you like it!



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I made that bag too! I must say I had a bit of a problem making those final cross stitches come out right but yours looks perfect. Nice job.

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Thank you all for the wonderful compliments on the tote. I value all of your comments! :hug


My finger is permanently crooked; I'm not sure if I broke it or not. The middle knuckle is twice the size that it should be. But I am working it by making a fist as often as possible. Hopefully, soon the fingers will touch the palm. I honestly should be more careful ;)


Roli - I had problems with the crosses as well. A few are a tad crooked, but I did my best :yes


Angiefl73 - I found the pattern here - http://www.freepatterns.com/list.html?cat_id=337 Go to the bottom of the page for the Tapestry Tote to download the pattern. Enjoy!

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