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My daughter is a Trekkie!!


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Her: "Mom! I hate my hair, make me a hat!"

Me: "You have cute hair, but yeah I'll make you a hat. What do you want it to look like?"

Her: "I dunno. Cool I guess."

Me: "Sure, great, that explains everything and now I know exactly what you want."

Her: "Ughghgh!"

Me: "Do you know any other adjectives? What color? What's cool? You know, stuff like that?"

Her: "Star Trek's cool!"


So we went to Michael's, found the perfect yarn and had Dad draw a chart of the Starfleet symbol for me. I presented it to her and she expressed her deepest gratitude and appreciation by exclaiming...


"Oh yeah. My hat's done."


How many more years will she be like this and will either one of us live through it?


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I'm another "uncool old person" thinking the hat's cute.


Hang in there, Mom... you'll live through the tween/teen years. (I HOPE! :lol)



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I love the hat! I gotta get me one of those! :lol


Of course you'll live through it! Star Trek is a wonderful thing! Trekkers (as we more serious Trekkies like to call ourselves) are wonderful people! Stephen Hawking, an English theoretical physicist, is a BIG fan...was even in one of The Next Generation's episodes. Lots of astronauts, scientists, famous people, etc., are big fans. I'd say you got a winner there!

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Her: "Mom! I hate my hair, make me a hat!"

Me: "You have cute hair, but yeah I'll make you a hat. What do you want it to look like?"

Her: "I dunno. Cool I guess."

Me: "Sure, great, that explains everything and now I know exactly what you want."

Her: "Ughghgh!"

Me: "Do you know any other adjectives? What color? What's cool? You know, stuff like that?"

Her: "Star Trek's cool!"


So we went to Michael's, found the perfect yarn and had Dad draw a chart of the Starfleet symbol for me. I presented it to her and she expressed her deepest gratitude and appreciation by exclaiming...


"Oh yeah. My hat's done."



How many more years will she be like this and will either one of us live through it?



Mindy I had to laugh as I read your post:lol In answer to your question how long will they be like that? Well I have 2 Step-kids (28,25) and our own dd who will be 17 on Valentines Day. (Trust me I'm well versed in this area lol) I was the village idiot until umm I think they turned 25, then suddenly I became smart again.Only 8 more yrs to go with dd:( Hang in there they are only young once. My dd looks just like me, and it drives her nuts when people think I'm her sister lol I just smile hey I'm pushing 41 I'll take it. I love, the hat I'm and old school trekkie(Love Kirk:yes )

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I'm another "uncool old person" thinking the hat's cute.


LOL at nucki's comment!


The hat is cute, no doubt about it. Right now she doesn't know how to verbalize her gratitude to you yet but there'll be one day. So hang in there mom! :hug

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Very cool hat!


Oh wait...does it make it uncool if "older" people like it?



Us older people just don't understand how they communicate. If it's not in a text message, then we are just "out of it"


The hat is really nice!



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I just noticed your username is MindyJedi and you worry cause your dd is a Trekkie!??!! :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl


BTW, tell her I said "Live Long and Prosper"! Some day Star Fleet Academy will be a reality! Really!


A fan of all of Star Trek--all the series and all the movies and all the rest of it!

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Yes, I'm a Jedi and she's a Trekkie. I thought we raised her better that that, but I guess all children rebel against their parents.


And, Tina. I love the badge. But she already has one that asks her "How many to beam aboard?" But, great job!

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Lol, I remember I used to be like that!!

She will grow out of it; I must admit though that I kinda like the teenage attitude - No, I don't have any kids yet, so that may change if I am ever blessed!

She is wearing the hat - that is a huge compliment, well done.

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