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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hello everyone. Another very busy day at work today. I will have to go in for a few hours tomorrow for a class. I haven't worked three days in the same week in a couple of months, and I'm having a hard time keeping up with my house work and laundry. I need to work on getting organized again. On the other hand, I've found plenty of timne to read lately. Maybe I just need to use my time a little more wisely!!


Welcome Sonsuray. Judy is an expert at graphghans. I tried once, but I don't quite get how its done.


Marlene, about the guy that had the tree fall on him, later we heard that he hit a downed tree. Dh went through there today, and said it looked like either the car or the tree took the guardrail out. I only heard it on the news in the morning, and I didn't see it in the Grand Rapids Press either.


LeAnna, I got your summer card today. Thanks.


Cheeria, the square package is no longer on the counter by the back door, so I think dh took it to the post office for me today.


Tam, how did Michaels test come out?:tup

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CJ, it sounds like you had happen what happens to me alot...a yarn barf, as someone here once called it:lol:lol:lol:lol

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CU all tomorrow. I have some hooking to do before heading out to my neighborhood book club later this evening.

Have a good one, everybody:hug

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Hi CJ !

Long time, no see . I was just wondering about you the other day,but thought maybe you were busy since it's summertime out now and you might be doing some summer things like playing a sport or swimming, something like that .


I have my yarn get tangled up like that sometimes too, so I know how much time it takes to get them untangled. You probably have a lot more patience with it than I do !


Drop in anytime !







Don't wear yourself out. Sounds like you are spreading yourself thin this week . Hope you get some relaxing time sometime on the weekend .

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How was the book for this month ? Boy, that seemed to be a really fast month ! I can't believe it's time for another book already !


Let us know what next month's selection will be .


I used to lead a book group online back about 15 years ago .. something like that .

It was back when AOL had the online clubs - I really enjoyed it a lot . We read all books written by southern authors, which are some of my favorites .

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Hi everyone!


Welcome Sonsuray! As everyone has mentioned, Judy does great graphghans! I've never even tried one. I like mindless crochet!:lol


Tab- Glad that you got the summer card! Glad all is ok- but how is doa? Still in a lot of pain?


Julie- You don't seem like yourself today! Or that could just be my imagination- but anywayhere's a few:hug:hug:hug! I've missed you early in the morning!:manyheart


Cindy- Its tough to work more than you are used to- trust me, I know!! Especially when I have to work my usual 40 hrs, plus the weekend- it seems to throw whatever organizational skills I have right out the window!! Glad that you are getting some reading in, though-


Tammy- How were Michael's levels? Praying that all is well. Have fun at the ball games tonight!


Cheeria- Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your grandson- and no wonder you slept more- little ones will sure tire you out!!! Hope you had a great day today! And I'm trying to get more patient too with my :crocheting


Marisa- Hope you got to ride your bike to work today! No rain here either- it was actually quite a pleasant day- and evening! Hoping for a Yankee win tonight to take the series!!! And for a Celtics win!!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer


marlene- Sorry I'm no help on that keychain pattern, but sounds like Julie had some good advise. Glad you had fun with Maya at the library


Linda- Have you started anything with that scrumptious fabric?


LeAnna- Sorry about the extra dental work- dental work always seems to take forever!!!


Sheila- Hope you had a nice day- did you ever hear back from KMart?


Diane- Love your Night crew posts! Hope you had a great day today!


Dinner is almost ready!


Have a great night all! Will probably check in later on!

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Joanne~Doa is still in pain, he slept on his side which made the cyst compress on his spinal cord so he had a lot of leg and bum pain today. He caalled the surgeon and tried to slip in a cancellation spot, but there were none. Thanks for asking and i'll update you more Wed. when he see's the surgeon. :manyheart



Hi All....I just got home from seeing the baby. :yay She is so precious...I hogged her the whole time. :devil She is so sweet and quiet, she slept the whole time. We had never seen her eyes so my brother played a video that he took last night at 10 p.m. when she is alert. So cute and tiny. :manyheart:c9 I will post more photos soon (tomorrow sometime).


Off to do homework that I forgot about. Good night.

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Yesterday when Maya and I were at the store her eye caught key chains and picked out a flip flop key chain. She wanted me to buy it and I said no I could make her one. I have a pattern for one from www.crochetsal.com/FlipFlopKeyChain.html

Has anyone made this before?

I'm kind of confused after doing the the first 4 rounds and finishing off. It says to repeat directions twice more for bottom and center piece. Wondering if I repeat the 4 rounds or the last round. If anyone can help Maya and I will both be happy! I'm going to see if crochetsal is her user name and if she is around here. bbl

I just took a look at the pattern and it sounds like you fit all three together like an oreo cookie and go around the edge. If you want a stiffer cookie you add one of the listed stiffeners to the cookie sandwich.

:hi! Good Afternoon All! :manyheart

Wow, I haven't been here for awhile! I'm still working on my sweater, and no where near being done! :) I'm laso working on detangling my box of yarn that's one big mess!:lol

I'll try to get a pic of my sweater up soon! :)



Oh, CJ, yarn snarls are awful. I have had a few where I just ended up cutting the yarn and removing some of the worst tangles. Good luck with yours.


I haven't started anything with the fabrics yet, but only because I'm trying to get some things finished up before plunging into another big quilt project. Rosie's bugging me to get started, too, so it won't be very long. I really want to get a number of cards sent, and preemie afghans finished and delivered, and the like before starting it. It won't be long. I promise!:tup And I was going to try to get in on the ripple thing, too. Yikes! :eek I need more hours in the day!


We had another half hour deluge this afternoon. The ground is really wet. The sky has pretty much cleared up since the rain. My joints are NOT liking all these silly pressure fronts chasing each other across us multiple times a day. Oh, well, not a lot I can do about it. We haven't mastered weather control yet the last I heard. :lol :lol :lol


I'm going to try for an early bed tonight. Catch you all tomorrow. :hug

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Oh Tab- Lily Gail is so precious- and that hat looks so adorable on her! :manyheart


Linda- I can understand wanting to get some things done before starting on another quilt. But I'm sure Rosie won't let you wait too long!:lol


Yankees were losing when I left them to watch the NBA finals. Good game so far- we'll see who the winner is in a couple of hours!


My DD called to tell me that her BF's brother and his wife had their baby boy yesterday! His initials turn out to be MLB (major league baseball) which is kind of fitting since BF's brother is a big baseball fan- I think it would have been ever more fitting if his initials were NYY (for New York Yankees) :lol:lol


Hope everyone is having a good night and I'll see you in the AM!

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Hello House, :clap


Finally got caught up reading. I had a dr. appt. yesterday so I was MIA. Doc. asked if I was still haveing vertigo.....I had totally forgot about it. That's a good thing. Everything was o.k. but BP was a little high, put me on meds for that and will check back in 3 mos. Have another appt. with eye doctor on Friday so will be MIA again.


After we went to the docs. we went to lunch. I have 4 gift cards that need to be used. This one was a local restaurant. Had corn chowder and half sammi...chicken salad. It was very good. DH had a burger and fries. Then we went shopping at Costco. Bought a new TV. :cheer 42", led/lcd (whatever that means) DH is thrilled with it (me too).


Lissa-ouch! All those bites. :eek I've had fire ant bites and they hurt like heck, but that was only one at a time. Hope you are getting some relief.


Vertigo is scary! I had it for the first time ever in December and thought I was having a stroke. UGH scary scary scary!


I'm still suffering these bites. A few of them have swollen up really bad and I'm soooooo itchy :(


:hi Hi, Sonsuray. Welcome to Crochetville and to Our House CAL. :welcome


Lissa, your summer card will be going out tomorrow.


Hope everyone has a great day everyone.


Thanks Linda! I'm working on yours now. I wanted to write a nice letter for you and put it in the card. :)


R got a YELLOW Stripe today!! :yay She's doing awesome! 10 more stripes until she can test for yellow belt lol.


I'm trying to finish up my WIP projects LOL. hopefully I get them done soon


Today we were SUPPOSED to get our internet back! And no one came to install it! So no net!! ARG! I miss my interwebs :angry

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Evening House, it has been a very busy day for me, but I got everything done and tomorrow I get to stay home and have some totally me time which you know I love. When I get off the computer tonight. I plan on doing some hooking on my ripple. I love the colors I'm using which you will get to see tomorrow for picture Friday. I'm also working on a market bag and it is coming out very nice. I doubt very much that I will use it for a market bag with all the work I have to put into it. The next few days is suppose to be very hot so I'm happy I got most of my household errands done today.


Sonsuray - :welcome


Tabitha - Oh she's so precious a real cutie pie


Judy - I received your card today, the ocean is my favorite place to be. I love smelling the ocean air. Thank you once again for such a nice card. Your card is on the way. :hug


Sheri - I received your pretty squares today, and thank you for the cute card. I am putting some thoughts together on what I would like to do with the squares and how I will join them. I will probably work on this project during the fall for it is starting to get to hot to work on this now.


Marlene - wish I could help you with the cute flip flop key chain, I'm sure some one will jump in to help you out.


C4J - Hi there :clap I hate tangles, but some balls of yarn has them. I had to untangle a ball of yarn yesterday.


Joanne - Hope you had a great day at work


Julie - Hi to you also and to anyone who I have miss.


Tonight was sandwich night for dinner, I like these kind of dinners for there is nothing to do but make a sandwich. :lol:lol


Nite house mates :hug:hug

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Early morning check in! TGIF!!!:clap


Both my teams lost last night- :( But at least I know one person who is happy this morning and that would be Marisa-:yes Her Phillies beat the Yankees! And congrats to all you Lakers fans on the nba finals win!


Judy- I just read that Joba was a disaster last night! Ugh! Pettite looked like he was pitching pretty well while I was watching! How was your book club meeting last night? And it was me who loves the term yarn barf- and I had one last night!:lol I may work on the untangling tonight!


Tammy- Hope Michael's levels were good!:hug


Julie- Good morning- miss you here in the early AM- it's just me and the birds here. :hug:hug


Cheeria- Have a great "ME" day today!!!!! Hope you get another package in the mail today- I mailed the squares on Wed and it's not like they have far to travel!:lol


Oh, just remembered it's photo Friday. I took a pic of my granny ghan- there are 6 squares that are sewn together- and last night I took off the one that I had put on backwards. There are 6 more that I have to whipstitch on and then I'll decide if I'm going to do more or just leave it as a lapghan. Picture will be in next post since I have to download the pic


Have a good day one and all!

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Here it is! Just realized that I took this pic last night when the sun was still out and there is one less square-- that's because I made another one while watching the games!


Next pic of the ghan will be when it's done, but didn't want you all to think I was slacking this week! :lol:lol


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Morning all -

I hope you are all up and at'em today .


Joanne,sorry, I've been sliding on the waking up early . Been really tired and sleep later than I have for a long time .

Your granny-squares ghan is very pretty ! I like the colors .


Tab- the new babe is just absolutely perfect. Beautiful .


Cheeria- I hope you have a nice relaxing day today -- you deserve it .


Linda- wow, you have lots of projects waiting on you,and which one to do next ? You are much better at juggling lots of things than I am, so you will probably be able to toss in another 5 or 6 and do them all .


Lissa- good job for your little girl getting her next stripe. she must be really good at that ! We might see her someday in a Kung-Fu movie ! :)


Our grandkids were into that big time in Hawaii . I forget what color belt they were each on .Lots of them to keep track of ,so I dont remember who had what color .


Not much else new here . I DO plan on posting photos but mine won't be til tonite. I am trying to get the RR finished today so it'll be at least ONE competed project,then I will show a couple others that are partly done .


Hope you all have a good Friday . :yes

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Good morning House!


Tab, Lily Gail is just beautiful, and she looks so sweet in that bright pink hat.


I don't really have anything to show for photo Friday. Unlike everyone else, I really have been slacking off. All I did all week were a few rows on a cardigan and a round on a baby blanket. I did manage to read a few books though.


I'm going to go to work for a few hours this morning and then I am going to grocery shop. I haven't really gotten groceries in a few weeks and it's pretty slim pickings around here.

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Good morning house :coffee


I only have a min for a fly by to let you know I'm still here. Just was busy yesterday and won't be back until later tonight. I think I need a vaca!!! Yesterday I left more food out that I now should throw away!! :eek I'm being way too forgetful lately :(


Ooo, and Joanne, yep :D happy was a good word ;)


Catch y'all later

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Morning Cindy and Marisa-


You guys have a good day today !


Gotta get myself up and at'em ..Been sitting here fiddling around too long.Not even bathed and dressed yet,so time to get moving for the day .

Will stop in again later on -

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Here it is! Just realized that I took this pic last night when the sun was still out and there is one less square-- that's because I made another one while watching the games!


Next pic of the ghan will be when it's done, but didn't want you all to think I was slacking this week! :lol:lol


Beautiful ghan, love the colors. :clap

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Good Morning Everyone!


Julie and Linda thanks for your help. Sometimes two or three heads are better than one. I pm crochetsal and she confirmed what you guys said. It just wasn't making sense to me yesterday.


CJ, Nice to see you! Wish I was closer I would untangle your yarn for you. I love challenges like them. Maybe I need to do a jigsaw puzzle.


Tab, Glad you got to visit Lily Gail. She is beautiful! And so cute her hat!


Joanne, My gs Payton's initials are PMS. His dad named him after Walter Payton a raiders football player when he was a kid. M is for Michael his dads name. I gave my son Michael after his grandpa and uncle. But my son also has the same initials as me and my daughter has the same initials as her dad and Maya has my initials also.


Lissa, Congrats to R on another stripe. What did the pharmacist say to do to treat the bites. For bees stings or mesquitos bites I use desitin (that you use for babies bottoms) and it really helps but I don't know what chitters are so I don't if that would help or not. Good luck with them.


Cheeria, Enjoy your me day! It's nice having a simple dinner nights.

Can you show us your market bag? Your squares are really pretty! The yellow just pops right out. What yarn are you using?


I crocheted a couple of towels for mil, but didn't take a pic. I forgot to. I had a lady who was a customer of mine that every year for my birthday and Christmas gave me a knitted dishcloth and a dishtowel. I kept one of the towels to use as a pattern. My mil was also a recipient of these gifts and told me she like the way Vi made her towels so I use her pattern. She always doubled her towels to and I didn't use to do that. In case any one else makes these I seen online someone said they use a paper punch to poke the holes, but I think that would be to big of a hole. I normally use a steel hook, but didn't have it with me when I was making them so I got in my makeup bag and got the tweezers and used them and they worked perfect and will probably be what I use from now on.

I plan working on Maya's key ring today. It's suppose to be almost 90 today so we might even get in the lake today. Suspose to rain late this afternoon, but it is gray out now so who knows.

I have some laundry done and going and need to do another load.

Hope everyone has a nice day!

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Here it is! Just realized that I took this pic last night when the sun was still out and there is one less square-- that's because I made another one while watching the games!


Next pic of the ghan will be when it's done, but didn't want you all to think I was slacking this week! :lol:lol


Nice grannies!

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Marlene, knitted cloths are so nice, aren't they??:)


How was the book for this month ? Boy, that seemed to be a really fast month ! I can't believe it's time for another book already !


Let us know what next month's selection will be .

We had a great turnout at the meeting and the book generated a ton of conversation! In case anyone is interested, it was Brave New World by Huxley.

It's my choice for the next one, so I picked something I've been wanting to read for years: The Scarlet Pimpernel. Don't care how many ladies read it:D...though I know at least 3 or 4 will be getting the book.

Okay tonight because I could not wait. :lol BTW~That is the hat I made her. :) Oh and that is me holding her, but all you can see is my shirt. ;):P Here is Lily Gail. :manyheart

ADORABLE!! The hat is perfect for her!!!

Judy - I received your card today, the ocean is my favorite place to be. I love smelling the ocean air. Thank you once again for such a nice card. Your card is on the way. :hug

You're welcome....not having the ocean nearby in St. Louis was the only thing we didn't like about living there many years back...it's so rejuvenatiing.

Judy- I just read that Joba was a disaster last night! Ugh! Pettite looked like he was pitching pretty well while I was watching! How was your book club meeting last night? And it was me who loves the term yarn barf- and I had one last night!:lol I may work on the untangling tonight!


I'm glad I was out and missed it! See above, re comment on book club;)


Have a good day one and all!

You, too!


Here it is! Just realized that I took this pic last night when the sun was still out and there is one less square-- that's because I made another one while watching the games!


Next pic of the ghan will be when it's done, but didn't want you all to think I was slacking this week! :lol:lol

The colors are great! Did you make it for anyone in particular? I can't remember if you said...I'm lucky I remember my own name these days....:lol


Good morning House!


I don't really have anything to show for photo Friday. Unlike everyone else, I really have been slacking off. All I did all week were a few rows on a cardigan and a round on a baby blanket. I did manage to read a few books though.


I'm going to go to work for a few hours this morning and then I am going to grocery shop. I haven't really gotten groceries in a few weeks and it's pretty slim pickings around here.

Reading is a good thing! I'm starting to read more, too... I can't imagine not grocery shopping for that long!:eek I don't plan well, I guess:lol

Good morning house :coffee


I only have a min for a fly by to let you know I'm still here. Just was busy yesterday and won't be back until later tonight. I think I need a vaca!!! Yesterday I left more food out that I now should throw away!! :eek I'm being way too forgetful lately :(

It DOES sound like you need a vacation:yes

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