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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Joanne, have a good...COOL...day!:hug


Hi Ladies. I hope everyone is okay. :manyheart I've been gone so much the last few days and need to catch up again. :) It's been way too long since I've posted pictures and Ducky #3 is finished except for the border. :hook Little Luke enjoyed having his picture taken outside each store on his first shopping excursion last week. ;)

LOVE, LOVE your pics! Luke looks like an angel :c9

And how big did your gorgeous Just Ducky end up? The fishies...are they a new addition? I don't remember them in the other one you did....though my memory does leave a lot to be desired these days:blush


Today I go in for my Stress Test ,so am allowed a "light breakfast" 4 hours before ,and no BP pill or Caffeine ,so I got some no-caffeine pop to drink this morning . Can't go without my morning fizz . I had this test 2 years ago, so I already know what all they are going to do,etc,so it's not scarey . Interesting to see all the gadgets they have now .

I just do the regular stress test...I won't go into what happened to me when they tried the nuclear stress test on me years ago. I scared the doctor...not to mention everyone around me.

You're a strong lady, Jules!


I hope they find out what is causing the breathing issues soon. Don't want it to be my heart, but I want them to find the cause ,so if it is, at least I'll have an answer to what the problem is. Absolutely - not knowing is awful!!:hug


I'm still plodding along on the ripple -- very slow going, but I'm trying to get as much done as possible every day on it ,so it's out of the way .I'm not good at doing things I HAVE to do, I do things I LIKE to do .You and I are so alike in not wanting to do what we have to. At least I've learned to push myself (like you) to get it done with.

Most of the time, anyway:lol


Anyhow, I hope you are all well this morning . I hope Tam is ok, we havent seen her again in a few days . Hope she went to the Doc so he can fix her up.


You guys all have a good day today !

Tam - Oh, Tam - where art thou??:think


Havea good day after the test, Jules - take it easy!:hug:manyheart

Good morning everyone. I'm on call for work again today. I didn;t do much yesterday, but today I'm going to be more ambitious.

I always need my list - or I procrastinate....esp when I have an unscheduled "free" day ahead of me.

Have a productive one!

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I'll be back later....


my day:

Grocery store:)

Return to a store and get the security tag removed from an item:P

Buy flowers for the yard:)

Plant flowers:P


...and hook time:hook

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Morning Cindy & Jude


Cindy- I'm glad you get another day off work. Not good for the paycheck, but nice to have some time off now and then isn't it ?


Hope you enjoy your day and find something fun to do !




Jude- thanks for not saying what happened during your test. I am totally ok with this at this point. Not afraid, not worried, just wanna go do it and get it over with to see if it shows anything .

The last time I had it done, the Dr kept saying WALK FASTER !!!! ( He's an excellent Dr, but one of those "King of the Universe" type guys . Anyhow ,he kept on telling me to move faster. I am short and square-built, and just plain don't MOVE fast .


Of course, Sam had to make his Wisenhimer comment this morning -- he said they need to put a piece of cake in front of the treadmill, just out of reach, THEN I'd move fast !


Anyhow, he just said it to make me laugh, and it did, and it really would WORK, I think, so maybe I should stop at the bakeshop on the way and get a slab of cake to dangle just out of reach .


Big problem, though .


I'd EAT it before getting to the hospital .


It's a 5 minute trip. Long enough to eat cake .


So, anyhow, it'll be ok . I'm so used to this stuff now, it's just another test . Bring it on, THEN I can get a hunk of cake .

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Good Morning! Thank you all for the compliments. :manyheart Yep, I added the fish on the bath towel this time...trying to make it a bit more whimsical/colorful. This is quilt ghan #16! Of course, most of them are the cuddle size. :lol


Julie ~ I hope they figure out what's going on. :hug I had a stress test last year...turned out to be an anxiety issue. Enjoy your cake when it's over. :D


I need to leave here by 8 - DD has an appt. and of course I offered to stay with Luke. :lol She's started pumping milk, so it's easier for her to leave him for a little longer. :yes


Have a good day, everyone. :manyheart

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Thanks Mary !

My gosh, you have made lots of quilt-ghans !!! Good for you . Are you making another now or gonna make something different ?



As for the test, I wouldnt be surprised if mine turned out to be stress-anxiety type issue ,too . We'll see . My Dr has already told me the 4 things they are searching for as possible causes of these extreme asthma attacks,and stress was one of the 4 .


Have fun babysitting !!! I know you will. SING to him now,while he's little and can't get away !


Cam will tell me now, DON'T SING -- ( I sing REALLY bad ... kinda like a donkey with his foot caught in a bear trap)

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Mary - I'm glad mymemory wasn't failing me with Just Ducky Enjoy spoiling Luke:c9


Of course, Sam had to make his Wisenhimer comment this morning -- he said they need to put a piece of cake in front of the treadmill, just out of reach, THEN I'd move fast !


Anyhow, he just said it to make me laugh, and it did, and it really would WORK, I think, so maybe I should stop at the bakeshop on the way and get a slab of cake to dangle just out of reach .


Big problem, though .


I'd EAT it before getting to the hospital .


It's a 5 minute trip. Long enough to eat cake .


So, anyhow, it'll be ok . I'm so used to this stuff now, it's just another test . Bring it on, THEN I can get a hunk of cake .

Sam is a hoot!

Tell him to hide a piece of cake for you for later;)


Off to get dressed....BBL!

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Hi Ladies. I hope everyone is okay. :manyheart I've been gone so much the last few days and need to catch up again. :) It's been way too long since I've posted pictures and Ducky #3 is finished except for the border. :hook Little Luke enjoyed having his picture taken outside each store on his first shopping excursion last week. ;)

Another beautiful "Just Ducky" and I like the addition of the fish on the bath towel. Luke is adorable, of course.


Julie - A donkey with its foot caught in a bear trap? Oh, dear!


Good morning, everyone. I'm awake. Really, I am. I got all the laundry caught up with yesterday. Yikes! There was a lot! I don't know where John found it all. What with that and all the normal Monday things I didn't do any crocheting or sewing. I know I have to work on Mom's quilt but it's hard to stay motivated when the best response I can hope for is a polite (bored) thank you, if that. Oh, well. I'd better get at it.


Good luck with the stress test, Julie.


Hope everyone has a great day. Catch you all later. :sew

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Morning Linda

Thanks for the well wishes .


Had to respond to your comment about how your mom reacts when given a handmade item that you took so many hours and days and weeks to work on,then you get that response.

It's the same with my mom. I made her afghans twice . She had a yard sale the next year and sold each of them for 2 bucks. Never once even saw them out anyplace during the time she had them before selling them,so I know what it's like .

That's why I like making things for other people --ones who really appreciate them .


I gave a knit dishcloth to a lady who is really kind to me -- I only know her first name, but she works at a local restaurant, and is always so nice. She actually cried when I gave it to her,and now every time I see her she is still gushing over my lone dishcloth I made her ,so I guess maybe it's best to choose who you want to receive the items ,so it's someone who appreciates them .


I also know where you're coming from, though ... if it's your MOM ,you feel like you SHOULD make her things.


Hard one to deal with,isn't it ?

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Good Morning Ladies,


Sorry I missed you all yesterday. After work I ran to Boscov's ;) By the time I got home it was about 8, had something light to eat and crocheted a bit. I just never even turned the computer on yesterday :eek Today is my late day, 11-7 and I need to make a pitstop at the post office on my way and am trying to be a little early. We're remodeling a little bit to make our exercise/rehab room a bit bigger and they were starting last night after work, so I'm really afraid of what will be waiting for me when I get there :eek


Linda - I have not yet seen Avatar, but I have heard great reviews about it so have it on my list :) I'm glad Kim was feeling better yesterday than over the weekend and hopefully today is even better :hug Good job on the laundry....I have a lot of housework that needs to be done, I have to get caught up after being away for the weekend!


Judy - I'm definitely included in the bad patient list!!! :yes I don't even have a PCP!!! But am thinking I need to find one around here in case I do NEED one, I'll really be in trouble :think The only doc I have is my ob/gyn. However, if I ever have any questions or need any advice I usually hit up the physiatrist that comes into my office every other week to see my patients. :devil It's the easy way out!! It sounds like today should be a fairly relaxing one for you, have fun with your planting :clap I have to search the internet to see how to grow the herb plants I got on my wine tour :think


LeAnna - It sounds like everything is coming along nicely!! :yay You can only do one thing at a time and if hubby keeps doing a box here and there upstairs, most of it should be done by the time you make out of the downstairs :devil Just remember, it doesn't need to all be done in a day...take your time and it will get there!!! :hug


Ally -I don't know ASL, but would like to learn actually. I have a cousin in Florida that works as a teacher for deaf children so I always finding interesting to see her in action :yes I can't help when your classes fall within my area of expertise, definitely can't help with pharmacology :( Although, I would be able to pass the question along to my sister who is a pharmacist. :yes All in all....ask your questions and out of everyone in this room, I'm sure someone can help :D


Cheeria - Glad to hear that your RA is starting to feel a little better!! :hug One day at a time!!! Hope today is another good one for you!!!


Mary - Little Luke is absolutely adorable :manyheart and the Ducky blanket/towel? is great!!! I love it :cheer:clap


Julie - I'm not good at doing things that I have to do either, much prefer to do things just because I want to do them! :yes And, as far as singing....I'm with you and the donkey :eek Good luck with your stress test today, I hope it goes well :hug We'll be waiting to hear all about it (and how the cake after was :yes )


Hope everyone has a great day, but now I have to get moving! :yes Esp, if I want to get out early!

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Morning Marisa--

Good to hear from you !


I hope you don't find too big a mess at your office this morning when you go in .


We're glad you had fun this past weekend, but missed you when you're not here ,as we do all our other Housemates .


Have a good day at work, and hope you find something online to help you grow your plants properly. I'm not real good at that kinda stuff .

Our yard here was so pretty when we moved in, but it had been done either by a professional landscaper or someone who knew a LOT about plants ... we neither one know much about them, so our poor yard now, it just mainly gets mowed. Some stuff continues to grow and spread ,but that is about the only yardwork we get done .


Anyhow, have a great day and maybe we'll see you tonite if you have time. Sounds like you have a busy day ahead !

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Good morning everyone...it's sunny today, Serenghetti let us sleep in until 5:30...BB the King (our outdoor cat) is snoozing on his sofa, there has been a hummingbird siting and other birdies out off the deck...I have a class in an hour and a half and then come home and tackle more things...crocheting still hasn't happened yet...


I hope you all have a good day...


I am reading the posts, but forgive me for not doing personals for a while...

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Good Morning.....almost afternoon ladies!


Sorry, but I could not pop in until now. My Hubby has been having lower abdominal pain for over 2 weeks now that comes and goes. He thought it was an ulcer so did nothing. Last night he was doubled over, vomiting and refused the ER so in to the doctors at 7:30 a.m. The doc rushed in for blood work and a catscan.....we just got home and waiting stinks....we now have to wait for her call. UGHH! I have been working on my RR so my mind doesn't un-ripple.



Julie~I sure hope all goes well with the stress test and you get some answers. I would rather know too if I were you. :yes:hug:manyheart


Mary~Luke is beautiful. Just ducky is cute, great job! :clap

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Good Afternoon Ladies,


Well, no mess at work, but that's because they didn't start as scheduled :( So, now I'll be nervous all week coming to work! LOL


Tab - sorry to hear hubby's not doing to well :( Hopefully you won't have to wait long for your phone call. I'll keep you 2 in my prayers :hug

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Here is the start of my baby blanket. I wrote out the pattern and it is here on my blog.

The blanket isn't finished yet, but I think you can see the general idea. the rest will just be repeats of what I've already done.


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Cindy, I like that pattern! Thanks for the pic and for writing it down for us.


Marissa, I ended up getting tired and hot after running around all morning so am back with no flowers from the one nursery I visited. I know what I want, and they didn't have it - plus it was huge! I don't do well with having too many things in my face....The rest of the week will be nice, so I'll get to the ones closer to home and see if they have my stuff.


Linda...I don't know how you can work so hard on something KNOWING you'll get that response from your mom.

I'm afraid I;m not as nice as Jules...but I won't say what I'm thinking. Just that you are too good....:hug:manyheart


LeAnna, you'll get hooking soon, I know you can't stay away!

Want a new project?:devil

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Off to hook a bit - I started my friend's graph ghan and am halfway finished with her dog';s name (it's only 4 letters:lol)



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Keeping you and your hubby in my thoughts and prayers, Tabby.


Just keep plugging, LeAnna, and don't forget to enjoy being home with hubby.


I'm making progress on the quilt. I've got 3 long multi-strips put together and 8 partial blocks (B) assembled. Now to iron the long multi-strips and cut them into small multi-strips for joining into the blocks A and B.

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Morning ( or afternoon ) to the ones I missed --


Tab- let us know when you hear what is up with Shenandoah --I know the waiting is torture .


Cindy- love the afghan it is very pretty !


Off to go lay down for a little bit .... I haven't worked that hard for a piece of cake EVER .

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I want to cancel this day...things just not going well today...back later...


But pics look nice on the pink afghan there...and thanks for the encouragement and no, I don't need a new project yet...

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4 blocks assembled and put together in pairs. Progress I am making. :woo


I want to cancel this day...things just not going well today...back later...


But pics look nice on the pink afghan there...and thanks for the encouragement and no, I don't need a new project yet...

Ya sure?:devil:devil:devil
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Tabby, reach out for us when you get a second to let us know how Doah is. You two with not going to doctors till.... I dunno....:thinkAt least you're both on the same page. If you thought opposite of each other on this there would be a humongous problem!!:hug:manyheart

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Hi House mates, it has been a very nice day here in New Jersey a little cloudy and windy but nice. I am definitely feeling better this morning. I guess the IV med kicked in and resting made all the difference. I started a granny lapghan today, so my hands feel better and it is not swollen anymore. I hate when I have a RA flare-up, but I knew something was coming on for it was time for my IV med which I get once a month at the hospital. Now my grandbaby is a little ill today. He's a little cranky but I'm giving him a lot of hugs and kissess. The Doctor think he has a head cold plus allergies. He had a hard time napping keeps turning and tossing. I hope everyone is doing okay. :hug:hug:hug


Mary - Love your ducky ghan.


Cindy - WOW you designed your own pattern, NICE :hook


Julie - Glad that the stress test is over and I pray everything is okay


LeAnn - Hope the rest of the day turn out better for you.


and to the rest of the house sending :manyheart

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