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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good morning, House Mates!


And Happy Nurses Day to all the Florence Nightingales here!!!

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Judy- Can't wait to see the pics of your flowers!! Still haven't gotten mine- probably won't until next weekend since I'm off to Boston Friday for a weekend with my girls!!!!


The plumber came tonight- and leak is fixed- but it seems the icemaker is still not working:think- I don't care at this point- just don't want any more leakage!! Now we have to seal the ceiling in the family room and re-paint- but I guess it could have been worse- and no use crying over spilt water:)


Tomorrow is my last day of work b/4 my fun weekend! Can't wait- hear the weather isn't going to be great- but it's all about spending time with my girls- it isn't often at all that all of us get to spend a weekend together- it will be a special Mother's Day:manyheart

I'll post the pics later....also need to get some stuff printed so I can clear my card in the camera...:)


Yay for the plumber! You can kive without the ice maker as long as the leaks are done with!:yes


It sounds like you have a great Mother's Day lined up, too! That's great:manyheart

Hey all, I've been keeping up with all the posts, just haven't had much to post about. I decided to work on my stash a little with a baby blanket since I haven't made my almost due little one anything yet. I ran out before the blanket was finished, so I'll have to go get more yarn soon. I saw in the free pattern area that someone had made a blanket from a doily pattern, and I loved it so I thought I would try it :-) Here is the pattern: http://library.ndsu.edu/grhc/history_culture/textile/karolinekirschenmann.html


I just finished my last exams of the semester on Tuesdays, straight A's! :clap


I hope everyone has a very good night!

That's a wonderful ghan! I have the pattern set aside - I was planning on making the doily, but the ghan version looks great!:clap

Congrats on the grades...:yay:yay

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I'm finding that I love making smaller items because they are fast and you can move on to something else.

That's what I like, too - I always have something small I can work on.


I hope you all have a good day!

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Good morning everyone...I beat Serenghetti to the punch this morning. I was up before she was...hahahahahahaha.....

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Good Morning Ladies :coffee


Happy Nurse's Day!!!!! :flowers


Joanne - Tell you DD that even though you are all rooting against her, that I'm rooting with her!!!! :h5 LOL


Julie - I'm about to look at this puzzle now, we'll see how it goes :lol

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Good morning everyone...I beat Serenghetti to the punch this morning. I was up before she was...hahahahahahaha.....

I'll bet you confused her!:lol:lol

Morning Judy & LeAnna


Good to see you guys today ~~~


Hope you both have a good day and get some crochet-time in .

Hi, Jules:hug

Yup, planning on doing more hooking. I also need to lay out a strip of squares against my Jackson ghan to see where to put the different colors.

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Hey all, I've been keeping up with all the posts, just haven't had much to post about. I decided to work on my stash a little with a baby blanket since I haven't made my almost due little one anything yet. I ran out before the blanket was finished, so I'll have to go get more yarn soon. I saw in the free pattern area that someone had made a blanket from a doily pattern, and I loved it so I thought I would try it :-) Here is the pattern: http://library.ndsu.edu/grhc/history_culture/textile/karolinekirschenmann.html


I just finished my last exams of the semester on Tuesdays, straight A's! :clap


I hope everyone has a very good night!


Beautiful ghan!! :cheer great job with the grades too. :clap

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Good Morning.


Julie~Doa is doing well, the pain is gone & so far has stayed gone. His bloodwork was perfect and think it is stress related. He has PTSD from his childhood and has been having alot of flashbacks, so I guess stress really will kill ya on some level. UGHH!!


Have you heard anything about your stress tests? I hope they figure out what the issue is. Thinking of you.....:manyheart:hug:manyheart


Staying in my jammies today if I have a choice. Raining here, so a good day for movies and hookin. :yes:hook

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Good morning, Housemates! Another beautiful day here. Rosie and John are due back home later today. Yeah! Today is a quiet day for Kim and I, so work on Mom's quilt is in order for sure. I added 3 rows to the filet piece yesterday. I'm planning on posting pictures of it about every 10 rows, so just two more to go before picture day on it.


Joanne - I'm glad he fixed the leak. It should have been a free follow up visit since he's the one responsible for the leak. And he should have to come back free if it's still not working since that's what he was there to do in the first place.


Jennifer - That's a beautiful doily baby blanket. I may have to try that for one of my preemie blankets. And congratulations on the straight A's. Good for you!


Joanne - I haven't had Mexican food in a long time. Now you've made me hungry for it.


Tabby - :hug :hug :hug to your hubby. PTSD is no fun at all. And flashbacks to abuse in your childhood are especially hard to handle. No wonder he's having stress. :hug :hug :hug


Happy Nurse's Day!


Now to tackle Julie's puzzle. More later.

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Morning Tab

Good news on Doa -- well, not good that he has ANYTHING wrong ,but good that it wasn't possibly something that lots of tests,surgery ,etc were involved .

I hope he can come to terms with his issues. Sometimes those things that happen to us mentally can cause problems throughout our lives. It's pretty hard to shake them . I think it helps if you have someone to talk to ,so you can get it out .


As for my test ,the only thing I know yet is the Dr that was in the room reading the EKG part ,monitoring the pulse and bp,said everything looked fine from his end .


they also did an ultrasound of my heart,so that would likely be read by the x-ray Dr ,so no word on it yet .


If my Dr's office doesn't call me before long, I'll call them today to see if they have results back yet .


Frankly, I'm just tired of the whole thing. Makes me tired to breathe, and tired to worry, so I just sit here being TIRED .


I'll let you know when I hear something from the Doc ..


Thanks for asking :hug

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Well, folks, it is the time of year for flowers and gardens and bright pretty things after the long grey sludge called WINTER .


So, I'm gonna see if I can lasso anyone into joining me on planting a flower garden .


It's from the Lucy website that all of you rave about her ripple from -- she now has a beautiful flower garden afghan :





Yea, I know... lots of squares ...


Yea I know..... lots of weaving ....


And yea,I know ... lots of sewing together ...


But look how pretty !


I was just fiddling with it this morning and they really do work up quickly ,and turn out larger than the saltines .


Plus, you could use up those gazillion scraps you have . It really takes very little to make one .


I think I'll have a try at it, mainly to break up the drudgery of the all-brown ripple.


How much of that can you look at per day ?


I need some color in my life, so this should do the trick !


How about YOU ?????:D

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Morning Linda

glad your weather is good down there - it's pretty here this morning, but we had storms during the night . I think it's supposed to be a little colder on the weekend too, but whatcha gonna do about the weather ?

Nothing .


Anyhow, it sounds like you have a good game plan worked out for the day. Hope you get lots more accomplished on your projects if you get the time .


Will drop in a little later -- gotta do my daily errands .

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Julie - I'm going to have to pass on the flower afghan although it is really cute. I've got my hands full with this rainbow granny ghan and other WIPs, but I already can't wait to see your pics as you go along!!!!


Oooo, and yep....I got your puzzle :clap Great show!!!!


Now, I'm off to work :D

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Morning Tab

Good news on Doa -- well, not good that he has ANYTHING wrong ,but good that it wasn't possibly something that lots of tests,surgery ,etc were involved .

I hope he can come to terms with his issues. Sometimes those things that happen to us mentally can cause problems throughout our lives. It's pretty hard to shake them . I think it helps if you have someone to talk to ,so you can get it out .


As for my test ,the only thing I know yet is the Dr that was in the room reading the EKG part ,monitoring the pulse and bp,said everything looked fine from his end .


they also did an ultrasound of my heart,so that would likely be read by the x-ray Dr ,so no word on it yet .


If my Dr's office doesn't call me before long, I'll call them today to see if they have results back yet .


Frankly, I'm just tired of the whole thing. Makes me tired to breathe, and tired to worry, so I just sit here being TIRED .


I'll let you know when I hear something from the Doc ..


Thanks for asking :hug


Well, after all of that it is just stress talk they called us back a couple minutes ago & changed their minds. Now they want him in for an US on Monday because they found a cyst on his kidney. :( I hope it just a simple cyst and nothing else.


I am glad that the doc said all on his end was good.....hope the US gives some answers (simple, treatable answers). Love ya & keep me posted if you find anything out! :manyheart:hug:manyheart


Well, folks, it is the time of year for flowers and gardens and bright pretty things after the long grey sludge called WINTER .


So, I'm gonna see if I can lasso anyone into joining me on planting a flower garden .


It's from the Lucy website that all of you rave about her ripple from -- she now has a beautiful flower garden afghan :





Yea, I know... lots of squares ...


Yea I know..... lots of weaving ....


And yea,I know ... lots of sewing together ...


But look how pretty !


I was just fiddling with it this morning and they really do work up quickly ,and turn out larger than the saltines .


Plus, you could use up those gazillion scraps you have . It really takes very little to make one .


I think I'll have a try at it, mainly to break up the drudgery of the all-brown ripple.


How much of that can you look at per day ?


I need some color in my life, so this should do the trick !


How about YOU ?????:D


I am game....it may become another project stuffd somewhere, but it will be fun for now and keep me busy. :cheer

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Jude - your Jackson ghan should be almost wrapped up now, isn't it ?

This morning I laid out squares for one side...almost have enough squares made for another...then 2 more sides. That might come to about 30 more squares to make.

Then I'll see how it looks.:D


Well, folks, it is the time of year for flowers and gardens and bright pretty things after the long grey sludge called WINTER .


So, I'm gonna see if I can lasso anyone into joining me on planting a flower garden .


It's from the Lucy website that all of you rave about her ripple from -- she now has a beautiful flower garden afghan :





Yea, I know... lots of squares ...


Yea I know..... lots of weaving ....


And yea,I know ... lots of sewing together ...


But look how pretty !


I was just fiddling with it this morning and they really do work up quickly ,and turn out larger than the saltines .


Plus, you could use up those gazillion scraps you have . It really takes very little to make one .


I think I'll have a try at it, mainly to break up the drudgery of the all-brown ripple.


How much of that can you look at per day ?


I need some color in my life, so this should do the trick !


How about YOU ?????:D

I don't mind weaving in ends at all...


That's pretty - but not yet. A definite WIM, though:hook


Tab....you and Jules need lots of :hug:hug:hug:hugs



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Hey Tab

Just got home and read your note-


Sorry to hear Doa may have a kidney cyst ... I've had the kidney ultrasounds a couple time,s no big deal -they don't hurt or anything. You dont have to drink anything gross or anything like that .


Hope it shows a simple cyst that will turn out to be an easy fix . I have a great kidney Doc -- if you lived close, I'd recommend him.

He's from India and very interesting to talk to ,besides being funny and making me laugh no matter how crappy I feel .


Keep us updated .


May as well join in with me to make the flower garden . Maybe it'll keep our minds off all this other worrisome stuff .

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Marisa- great job on solving the puzzle! I think you are the first to do it, unless someone else hasn't yet posted that they did .

Have a good day at work !!:)




Jude- who woulda thought that Jackson-ghan -throw would turn into such a stashbuster ?

( Makes it sound like some new sandwich from BK -- the StashBuster .)

Anyhow, you are doing great,and those final photos are gonna be really cool !



Then when you get done with that,maybe YOU will wanna make a flower garden INSIDE too,to match your outside one .:D

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Good luck on the US Tabby. Hope it's nothing serious. :hug :hug :hug


Julie - This one has me stumped so far. But I'll keep working on it.

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Goodmorning to all! :smile. last night 4 yr had to go to ER because he split his lip horse playing with his brother. he was trooper!:think wonder if they sale hair dye by the gallons! think gonna need it this year.:lol

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Jude- who woulda thought that Jackson-ghan -throw would turn into such a stashbuster ? That it is! I just made the strip I laid out this morning. Want to make more of different colors before attaching this and laying out another strip

( Makes it sound like some new sandwich from BK -- the StashBuster .)

Anyhow, you are doing great,and those final photos are gonna be really cool !



Then when you get done with that,maybe YOU will wanna make a flower garden INSIDE too,to match your outside one .:D

I certainly have the colors for something like that:lol


Off to select pics to post....

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Goodmorning to all! :smile. last night 4 yr had to go to ER because he split his lip horse playing with his brother. he was trooper!:think wonder if they sale hair dye by the gallons! think gonna need it this year.:lol

Boys will do things like that! facial cuts bleed like the dickens.....had to be quite scary for him!


Glad everything seems peaceful at your end now.:hug

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