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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Kim and I are back from seeing my kidney doctor. He told me I could increase the amount of protein I was eating last time I saw him, so I expected the numbers to go up and me to get chewed out. Wonder of wonders, the numbers continued to improve and he reiterated that I could have the increased amount of protein, just not three large servings a day, which I don't do anyway. And we were in and out in record time, too.


We picked up a few groceries and came home. It is a scorcher out there today. We're both happy to be back in the air conditioning. It's already at least 90 today. Yuck! :hot

That's great news!

And we have 90+ and HIGH humidity today. It's disgusting weather. We're all hibernating:)

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Very interesting study :yes


John's gone again this week, so it's another girls week for Kim and I. And then on Saturday Kim and I are driving down to visit her family in Twin Lakes, Georgia. Her son and his family will be there for part of the time, too. Should be fun. John will join us the following weekend for Kim's birthday.


Another fun girls week :yay


Hi Judy ~ Fox News just had a segment on the doggie IQ! No surprise about German Shepherds being near the top of the list...they are so smart!:yes Gee, I hope Gracie doesn't get an inferiority complex for not being on the list. :lol


Aww poor Gracie :lol It's like I tell Tuon "you don't have to be smart, you're cute" :lol


Mary, if a doggie isn't at the top of the list to me it means they're more easily pleased and laid back (once puppyhood is over, that is:lol)

The problem with a smart dog is what I've heard trainers say: if you don't give them something to do...they will find something...and you won't be pleased.

Susie ate our carpets till she was almost 2 years old! She still has attitude.:D


And our late Spike - at 8 weeks - knew how to open the crate we put the older one in to giver HER a break from his attention!


Oh no! :rofl :rofl




Kim and I are back from seeing my kidney doctor. He told me I could increase the amount of protein I was eating last time I saw him, so I expected the numbers to go up and me to get chewed out. Wonder of wonders, the numbers continued to improve and he reiterated that I could have the increased amount of protein, just not three large servings a day, which I don't do anyway. And we were in and out in record time, too.


We picked up a few groceries and came home. It is a scorcher out there today. We're both happy to be back in the air conditioning. It's already at least 90 today. Yuck! :hot


That's great news from the doctor :yay Sounds like steak night to me :D

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I do hope that you are feeling better today. This has hung on for far too long. When does school start for your girls? Our schools are starting this week. Yikes! When I was a kid we didn't start until after Labor Day. Of course, all the farm kids were out in the fields helping get crops in in August. Does make a difference.


John's gone again this week, so it's another girls week for Kim and I. And then on Saturday Kim and I are driving down to visit her family in Twin Lakes, Georgia. Her son and his family will be there for part of the time, too. Should be fun. John will join us the following weekend for Kim's birthday.

:hug I sure appreciate the kind thoughts. In reality, I awoke feeling worse, so DH insisted I call the Dr. I ended up with prescriptions to clear up throat and sinus infections and to relieve the horrible cough I develop every night when I crawl into bed and try to fall asleep. I sat upright on the couch through last night, and, needless to say, I did not feel quite myself when the alarm went off at 5. I started the antibiotics with tonight's dinner, and I can take the cough suppressant before bedtime, so I ought to sleep well tonight :yay Tomorrow is going to be a great/new day.

The girls start school on Monday the 31st. All of the public schools in MN start the first Tuesday after Labor Day, you remembered right, that the farm kids are still needed in the fields through August. However, we have the girls enrolled in a private school, and I guess they have a little more flexibility as to the beginning of the school-year calendar. We are going to have a Spring Break in April next year, which the school has never had since DD7 has been a student. It will be a nice break before the end-of-year craziness descends. I have all of their required school supplies purchased, portioned-out, labeled with first- and last-name stickers (was wishing our last name was shorter as I wrote it a bazillion times for each crayon, marker & pencil...), and tucked into new backpacks. Did I show all of you the totes I made them? :think I will bet I forgot. I will try to find the pics and attach them at the end of this note. I have not found *the perfect* 1st Day of School dresses for them, yet, but I still have a couple of weeks.


Thanks for the compliments, ladies. :manyheart I still love making Cara's patterns - even if my progress is very slow. :lol


Dusti ~ I hope you woke up this a.m. feeling good. :hug Are the girls still at Grandma's?

Yes, the girls are still amusing my parents :lol They finally had a nice weekend in which to do tourist-y things out-of-doors. The highlight was a boat cruise on Lake Superior offering a pizza buffet. Tonight, they convinced my SIL to let them rollerskate along the road as she pushed my nephew in the stroller on their nightly walk. When I called to "check in," they were still out rolling -- SIL ought to have good stories when she gets all three munchkins home again.




Kim and I are back from seeing my kidney doctor. He told me I could increase the amount of protein I was eating last time I saw him, so I expected the numbers to go up and me to get chewed out. Wonder of wonders, the numbers continued to improve and he reiterated that I could have the increased amount of protein, just not three large servings a day, which I don't do anyway. And we were in and out in record time, too.


We picked up a few groceries and came home. It is a scorcher out there today. We're both happy to be back in the air conditioning. It's already at least 90 today. Yuck! :hot

Great report, Linda. So glad you are feeling well and can continue with the increase in protein :yes Do you have a list of yummy new recipes to try, since the Dr. was not growly with you? Do share :D

The antibiotics I am taking typically make me feel a little woozy, so I am going to sign-off and curl up on the couch with a skirt I am making for Annika. With any luck, I make great progress and I can finish it off this week. I will catch up with all of you, tomorrow. Have a good night :waving


P.S. Here are the most recent totes I made for the girls. DD7's is for her to carry library books to-and-from the public library. There is a small pocket into which she can tuck her card, and the handles are long enough, that she ought to be able to carry it, even once she has to start wearing a winter jacket. DD4 chose the yarn for her shoe tote, because it reminded her of a beautiful sunset. Isn't it...err...something else :lol A tad brighter than I would have selected, but I hear it is good if we teach our children to voice their own opinions. DD's class walks three blocks for physical education classes a couple of times each week, and I know it is tough to hold onto shoes for little children, especially once they start trying to carry shoes while wearing mittens. Voila! Tuck them in a bag, and they do not get dropped into a sloppy puddle. You would think other parents would do this, too... So, that is my show 'n' tell for the evening. I am off, now.



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Dusti, that is good that you are finally on some meds for this horrible bug you've got. Hopefully they'll kick in right away and have you feeling right as rain in no time.


The totes are great! It's so nice you let the girls pick the colors. Even when they are loud, it makes them feel so special that they could choose what they wanted.

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Hi everyone. :)


Mary, if a doggie isn't at the top of the list to me it means they're more easily pleased and laid back (once puppyhood is over, that is:lol)

The problem with a smart dog is what I've heard trainers say: if you don't give them something to do...they will find something...and you won't be pleased.

Susie ate our carpets till she was almost 2 years old! She still has attitude.:D


And our late Spike - at 8 weeks - knew how to open the crate we put the older one in to giver HER a break from his attention!

That is such a cute story. :yes Gracie is still in her "gated community" part of the house unless under close supervision. :lol It's about 300 square feet...we've decided the gates may stay up until she's at least two! :D




Kim and I are back from seeing my kidney doctor. He told me I could increase the amount of protein I was eating last time I saw him, so I expected the numbers to go up and me to get chewed out. Wonder of wonders, the numbers continued to improve and he reiterated that I could have the increased amount of protein, just not three large servings a day, which I don't do anyway. And we were in and out in record time, too.


We picked up a few groceries and came home. It is a scorcher out there today. We're both happy to be back in the air conditioning. It's already at least 90 today. Yuck! :hot

Great news from the doctor, Linda! Yep, it was 101 here today and I'm definitely ready for summer to be over.




Aww poor Gracie :lol It's like I tell Tuon "you don't have to be smart, you're cute" :lol

I love that line! She's a true Cairn...just when you think she isn't listening at all, she does exactly what you've been saying to her for days. :lol


Dusti ~ I hope the meds start working quickly. You've had a rough week. :hug The tote bags are darling - DD loved bright colors when no one else was wearing/using them. :)


I made more squares this afternoon when I should have been doing other things...I'm sooo far behind on so many things, but crocheting is much more fun. :hook Have a good night, all. :manyheart

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Judy, I did another section on your LC last night. :D I like working on it before I go to sleep, it is zen like. :D

You're a good knitter - I'm glad it's been a peaceful experience! you'll always have to have one going now:lol


CU later....

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P.S. Here are the most recent totes I made for the girls. DD7's is for her to carry library books to-and-from the public library. There is a small pocket into which she can tuck her card, and the handles are long enough, that she ought to be able to carry it, even once she has to start wearing a winter jacket. DD4 chose the yarn for her shoe tote, because it reminded her of a beautiful sunset. Isn't it...err...something else :lol A tad brighter than I would have selected, but I hear it is good if we teach our children to voice their own opinions. DD's class walks three blocks for physical education classes a couple of times each week, and I know it is tough to hold onto shoes for little children, especially once they start trying to carry shoes while wearing mittens. Voila! Tuck them in a bag, and they do not get dropped into a sloppy puddle. You would think other parents would do this, too... So, that is my show 'n' tell for the evening. I am off, now.
Pretty totes!
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Hi all :hi


Sorry I've been missing lately. I seem to have 14,000 things going on at any given time. It's starting to calm down though. I miss you all! :manyheart

Life happens!:hug

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This is what's been keeping me busy lately - crocheted Bruges lace for a shawl for my mom for Christmas.

Oh,my! An heirloom in the making:clap

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This is what's been keeping me busy lately - crocheted Bruges lace for a shawl for my mom for Christmas.


Very pretty Linda! :clap Looks kind of like little butterflies :yes And the second thing I thought was "a white sofa and rug with pets? Is she insane?" :rofl :rofl I need your secret for keeping it white :lol


Howdy ladies :flower


How's everyone today? :D I'm gonna try to work on my LC a little more today. I got a whole six saltines made and joined yesterday :rofl Better than none :D


I might also try to work on a picture tutorial for how I join my squares together so the ends don't poke out. I've had a couple of folks email about that lately. I've found a good method in the last couple of years. Pictures would definitely help the explanation :lol Depends on how motivated I can get myself :devil


Have a great day y'all :ghug

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Hi Ladies. :)


Dusti - :hug Feel better and I love the totes!!


Hi all :hi


Sorry I've been missing lately. I seem to have 14,000 things going on at any given time. It's starting to calm down though. I miss you all! :manyheart

Come visit when you can 'cause we miss you, too! :hug

This is what's been keeping me busy lately - crocheted Bruges lace for a shawl for my mom for Christmas.

It's beautiful, Linda! :clap


Hi Tracy, Jessica and Judy. :)


It's been a super busy morning so far. Mammogram and dental appointments are made and I'm putting off making one for a colonoscopy as long as possible. :lol I have to go this fall...every 3 years due to family history.


Miss Gracie is sound asleep. We went for a fairly long walk this a.m. - yesterday was our first since her surgery. Time for some crocheting. :hook

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Very pretty Linda! :clap Looks kind of like little butterflies :yes And the second thing I thought was "a white sofa and rug with pets? Is she insane?" :rofl :rofl I need your secret for keeping it white :lol


Howdy ladies :flower


How's everyone today? :D I'm gonna try to work on my LC a little more today. I got a whole six saltines made and joined yesterday :rofl Better than none :D


I might also try to work on a picture tutorial for how I join my squares together so the ends don't poke out. I've had a couple of folks email about that lately. I've found a good method in the last couple of years. Pictures would definitely help the explanation :lol Depends on how motivated I can get myself :devil


Have a great day y'all :ghug

Yeah a tut for that would be good. :yes
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Very pretty Linda! :clap Looks kind of like little butterflies :yes And the second thing I thought was "a white sofa and rug with pets? Is she insane?" :rofl :rofl I need your secret for keeping it white.

I didn't pick the color. John or the previous owners did. The couch is actually mor of a cream color. Lots of Woolite Oxydeep for stains.

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It's late, flowers and hanging baskets are watered and Gracie is snoozing. :)


I'm reporting 29 solid squares. I'll count in the morning, but I think I have enough squares for two more blocks.


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Just checking in...been busy with Christmas gifts so haven't got eny squares done...but will get back to them...Can you believe there's only about 17 weeks left??So I thought I better get one that...lol.



Love the lace...its beautiful!!

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