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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Howdy to all who came in since I was here.


Linda -sure hope you can get your computer running soon. It must be frustrating to have a brand new computer sitting there and you can't use it yet. I'd be the same if I had to figure it out myself. I couldnt do it either .



Tam- as for my saltines , I havent kept track. I know I'm over the 16 mark, because I have started a push on this to complete it and have made a bunch of them,but havent counted . I'd REALLY like to get it done this week .

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Tuesday to you everyone..

I havent done much its been the front lines of war in house the pass couple of days.but sometimes a woman has to do what a woman has to do to make her point:kick:goodorbad:box:tryme:bang

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Tam, thanks for the reminder on the saltines challenge ...was it "making" 16 or "making and joining" 16?

Making and joining by Friday :hook

I think this is the only way I'm going to get mine done!


Howdy to all who came in since I was here.

Tam- as for my saltines , I havent kept track. I know I'm over the 16 mark, because I have started a push on this to complete it and have made a bunch of them,but havent counted . I'd REALLY like to get it done this week .

:cheer Go Julie!!!! :cheer


Tuesday to you everyone..

I havent done much its been the front lines of war in house the pass couple of days.but sometimes a woman has to do what a woman has to do to make her point:kick:goodorbad:box:tryme:bang

Omgoodness............. heheheeeeheeee :hug bless your heart!








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Afternoon, my grandbaby is taking his nap so I can have some me time. It was so nice outside that we went out so he can dig in the dirt which he love to do. While I was lying in bed with him to try to get him to sleep he said grandma you have five buttons on you. LOL He was talking about the few freckels that I have. :lol:lol:lol He call them buttons. So cute.


I did get to crochet a few more half granny squarexs today and also I got to work on my knitted baby blanket. It feel great to work on my crafts. :crocheting


BBL :manyheart

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Tuesday to you everyone..

I havent done much its been the front lines of war in house the pass couple of days.but sometimes a woman has to do what a woman has to do to make her point:kick:goodorbad:box:tryme:bang

Oh, WOW!


Thanks, Marisa. I'll see what I can do with that a bit later. I think John's decided to call in the Geek squad guys. The laptop is totally beyond me. I can get it to boot up but that's it. Nothing else seems to be working.


I've been crocheting and watching movies with Kim this afternoon. We're taking it easy today.

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Making and joining by Friday :hook

I think this is the only way I'm going to get mine done!

I think I can... think I can....said the Little Engine That Could:lol

Tuesday to you everyone..

I havent done much its been the front lines of war in house the pass couple of days.but sometimes a woman has to do what a woman has to do to make her point:kick:goodorbad:box:tryme:bang

You go, girl!:h5

Afternoon, my grandbaby is taking his nap so I can have some me time. It was so nice outside that we went out so he can dig in the dirt which he love to do. While I was lying in bed with him to try to get him to sleep he said grandma you have five buttons on you. LOL He was talking about the few freckels that I have. :lol:lol:lol He call them buttons. So cute.


I did get to crochet a few more half granny squarexs today and also I got to work on my knitted baby blanket. It feel great to work on my crafts. :crocheting


BBL :manyheart


You are so blessed:c9

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Hi Ladies. :) I've been gone most of the day and am ready for some quiet time...except the next door neighbors are having a new roof installed. :lol


Julie ~ What a few days you've had! :hug I hope you can get some relief from the headaches soon. :manyheart


Diane ~ Your mom sounds like a wonderful, happy lady. :yes


Cindy ~ How is the hand? Much better, I hope. :)


Marisa ~ Your little elephant is adorable. He just makes me smile!:D


Cheeria ~ I'm so glad you've had a little craft time lately. :hook Do you keep your grandson every day?


Little Luke is doing great. :c9 He's starting to be more alert and seems to focus on a few things. DD and her DH are exhausted, but very happy. :)


I've been working on Just Ducky whenever I have a few minutes. Need to join what I have before I make anymore squares. :crocheting

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The back/center section of the new shawl is now done. I have hopes of finishing at least one side yet today.




Hi, Mary! :hi It's amazing how much time and energy it takes to take care of one little baby. Enjoy every minute, because they don't stay little very long. :hug

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:hi House Mates,


Home from work,, put the dishes away (thank goodness for dishwashers), heated leftovers, ate dinner and cleaned that up. Now it's time to sit back and check out what everyone has been up to and then watch the Devils game!


Linda- that shawl is going to be beautiful!!! :yes Good luck getting the computer and printer up and running. That was nice of John to call the Geek Squad!


Julie- Sorry to hear that you still have the headache-:hug hopefully by now it is getting better! I was :rofl:reading about your thoughts on joining the circus. I just love your sense of humor:manyheart


Tammy- Cracked about your remark about drinking pots of coffee- all in all, I probably do too!! Having another cup right now! Caffeine- gotta love it- it keeps me going that's for sure! And yes, Life is Good!! It sure beats the alternative!:lol


Marisa- Game on! :devil:devil:devil:devil I'm amazed at your computer prowess! I'll know who to call if I run into trouble- a techy I'm not- but I'm learning!


Mary- Glad to hear that Luke is doing well!


Sheila- Hoping that the "war" at home settles down for you!


Cheeria- How old is your grandson? That is so cute about your "buttons"!:lol


Judy- Yes you can, yes you can, yes you can- get the 16 squares made and joined:cheer:cheer:cheer


Hope that everyone in the house has a great evening! And please, may the blond be booted off DWTS- I'll read about it later- I'll be flipping between Devils and at intermissions, Biggest Loser (Julie- you got me watching that show!)

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Hello, everyone. I had a quiet day at work today, and since I got home I have nearly finished the basket weave baby afghan. I had about 2 feet of green yarn left. I did two rounds of border, A row of SC and a row of reverse HDC, and it turned out about 34 inches square. It took a lot of yarn, probably close to 30 ounces. I still need to weave in the ends, but I'm too lazy to go find a yarn needle. Maybe later.....


Marisa, the elephant is adorable. I bet the recipient will think its a great gift.


Julie, hope your headache is gone by now. Sounds like you keep your doctors on their toes. Hope they figure out what is causing your asthma.


And in answer to yoru question, I fell down the stairs on Sunday. (I am clumsy and always in a hurry, so I tend to ahve little mishaps.) I banged my right hand on the rail and bruised it pretty badly. I'm on the mend now, and it really doesn't hurt much anymore. It looks worse than it is.

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Hello House,


I hope everyone is well and had a good day! :yes


I had a rough night last night so kept myself locked in my office doing paperwork today, the alternative would have been to call out :( Just got home and had some crackers, so far so good LOL keeping my fingers crossed


Getting ready for the hockey game :D


Linda - gorgeous shawl, I love it :yay:clap


Joanne - good luck tonight, y'all might need it :eek I surely don't know everything with computers, but do well mostly from trial and error. I learned about all the stuff Linda is having trouble with when I was getting my Wii hooked up to my wireless. It was the biggest pain in the butt, but eventually got it after doing a live chat with the router people. After all the hassle, I remember it :) which is good, because then I had to get my dad's working when he got the wireless.....and he's my go to guy when I have questions! :lol


Going to hang on the couch and crochet while watching the game. I'm hoping I can eat something too, we'll see how the crackers stay after about an hour:think

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Cindy, the blanket sounds gorgeous! Will you take a pic for us?:)


Joanne and Tam: I already made 12 squares. After I make about 5 more I can join them into a pattern.:D


Well, Hi and Bye...going to see if I can get a couple more saltines made.....:hook


CU in the morning:hug:manyheart

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Hello again,


I just finished my set of golf club covers :D They're not perfect but still pretty nice I think. I'm waiting for my mom to let me know what colors my aunt's golf bag is, but this set is for my uncle and match his bag. I know I'm way early for photo friday;)


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Marisa- Nice golf club covers!! Hope you are feeling better this evening- And your Flyers are winning! Trying to keep the faith that the Devils can pull it out and win this one, but again, seems like the Flyers are playing better hockey. Gotta say though that that one save by Brodeur was awesome!


Cindy- I hope you can get a pic taken tomorow!!


And Yay- I can watch Dancing with the Stars again next week Julie!! The blond with 8 kids was finally voted off!!!

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Oh, well, I don't think the Devils will pull it off- it's the 3rd period and the Flyers scored another goal- it is now 3-1:(


Looks like you are going to win this one Marisa!!:yes


:yay Flyers :cheer Flyers :clap


Better luck next game, Devils need to pull out a win to keep their hope alive :eek


I am feeling a bit better tonight thank you......and just had half a turkey sandwich :D it was enough to sustain me and I feel alright with it so far.


Good night and sweet dreams to you all :c9

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Quick good morning to everyone! Running a little late here this morning!


Congrats Marisa- Honestly, as much as I hate to say it, I think the Devils are done- to have to win 3 games in a row is very tough! Glad to hear you are feeling better! Congrats to your Flyers!!!


Hope everyone has a great "Hump Day" and I'll BBL after work!!

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Morning ladies

Hope all is well with you this fine morning . I was glad to hear the blonde was voted off the Dancing show-- I dont think I've ever seen anyone less talented than her in the dancing area-- wow, it'd be like ME trying to dance .


Joanne-I'm glad you are enjoying the Biggest Loser show-- I love it and watch it every new one they have .


Well, I am at a standstill on the castle. I definitely need to keep on it, but it's at the point now where I do believe I might scream if I have to make more saltines.


Maybe I can just force myself to do them once in awhile .I HAVE to finish it ,so I'll get it done but not sure when .


Not much else new here today-same old stuff,different day.


It's grey and cold -looking out this morning,but not sure how cold it is .


Will check in with you all later on today .

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Good morning, House mates!


Judy. I'm going to try to post pics tomorrow.I may have to work Thursday and we are going away for the weekend, so Friday won't work for me this week.


Hello again,


I just finished my set of golf club covers :D They're not perfect but still pretty nice I think. I'm waiting for my mom to let me know what colors my aunt's golf bag is, but this set is for my uncle and match his bag. I know I'm way early for photo friday;)

Great job!:cheer

Morning ladies

Hope all is well with you this fine morning . I was glad to hear the blonde was voted off the Dancing show-- I dont think I've ever seen anyone less talented than her in the dancing area-- wow, it'd be like ME trying to dance .


Well, I am at a standstill on the castle. I definitely need to keep on it, but it's at the point now where I do believe I might scream if I have to make more saltines.


Maybe I can just force myself to do them once in awhile .I HAVE to finish it ,so I'll get it done but not sure when .


Not much else new here today-same old stuff,different day.


It's grey and cold -looking out this morning,but not sure how cold it is .


Will check in with you all later on today .

No....you haven't seen ME dance yet:rofl:rofl:rofl



I know about the saltine limit - last night was fun...and I'll try and do some each week.

I mentally ran through my WIPs and WIM that I want to get done - or NEED to get done - this year:2eek

But I'll force myself to prioritize...



and same thing, new day for me, too - hubby is home today (works part time) so I was noble and suggested we sort through stuff in the garage today. He loves it when I talk like that...really! He's so organized I often have to bite my tongue.

If we don't do the work in the garage before the hot days start it'll be waiting till next year again.


BBL! Have a good morning everyone:hug:manyheart

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Good morning everyone.


Marisa, I'm glad you seem to be feeling a little better. Your golf club covers look really good.


I have nearly finished a premie-ghan. I have a lot of sigle skeins of yarn that are just taking up space, so I thought I'd make some premie-ghans for this cause. I'm using the diagonal box stitch and some yarn I received in an RAOK. Itsd going petty fast, although it is getting a little boring....


Julie, I'm certain that it would take me many years to finish a saltine project! Keep plugging away at it.


Judy, hope you get lots done on the garage.


Joanne, have a great day at work.

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And in answer to yoru question, I fell down the stairs on Sunday. (I am clumsy and always in a hurry, so I tend to ahve little mishaps.) I banged my right hand on the rail and bruised it pretty badly. I'm on the mend now, and it really doesn't hurt much anymore. It looks worse than it is.

Oh, no! Sounds like something I'd do, actually. I swear I've got two left feet sometimes. Take care of yourself. Glad it wasn't too serious.

Hello again,


I just finished my set of golf club covers :D They're not perfect but still pretty nice I think. I'm waiting for my mom to let me know what colors my aunt's golf bag is, but this set is for my uncle and match his bag. I know I'm way early for photo Friday;)

The golf club covers look great, Marisa! :clap :clap :clap And thanks for all the help with the computer stuff. The wireless stumped me. Couldn't find the password even with your help. The Geek Squad is coming tomorrow. I'll let them fight with it.


Good morning. The sun is playing peek-a-boo with the clouds this morning. I think our continual mist of yesterday is done. The a/c guy is coming later today for an annual check and maybe a new filter. I got the first side done on the shawl last night. Should be able to finish it today. Then to speed it on its way. Not a lot going on this week.


More later. Hope everyone has a good day.

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